Thursday, January 19, 2023

Hot Off the Ice Book 5: Boys of Summer by A.E. Wasp

Boys of Summer (Hot Off the Ice #5)
Hot Off the Ice Book 5

Teammates, roommates, friends with benefits. What could go wrong?

Boys of Summer is a book about finding the perfect person to ride shotgun with on the crazy road trip called life. It contains a Dolly Parton lookalike, an unfortunate deer versus car incident, and poorly-timed epiphanies.

Everybody leaves. That was the first lesson Thunder goalie James McVicker ever learned. The second lesson was that if you don’t want to hurt, don’t let yourself get attached. Patrick O’Reilly is the best friend Vicky’s ever had. So obviously when Vicky finds himself possibly, maybe stupidly, falling in love with the guy, it only makes sense for him to leave first, right? So why does it feel like he’s just made the biggest mistake of his life?

Patrick O’Reilly loves being in love. He loves the romance and hearts and flowers of it all, but he hates the way it always seems to end. Friends are simpler. Friends don’t break your heart. Luckily, he has the greatest best-friend-slash-teammate-slash-roommate in the world. Hanging out with Vicky is as easy as breathing, and despite Paddy’s initial fears, adding some epic benefits of the sexual kind to their friendship only makes it better. He’s certainly not going to ruin things by doing something as stupid as falling in love. Obviously, Vicky isn’t in love with him. He’s just confused by all these stupid weddings. If Paddy can get him to talk, they can work all this out and get back to being friends again. 

The course of true love never did run smoothly, but maybe with the help of their friends and family and some last-minute divine intervention, what started as a road trip could turn into the adventure of a lifetime.


My Review : 4/5 Stars 

Patrick and Vicky are best friends. The two immediately hit it off once Patrick was moved up to the Thunders. They have been inseparable ever since. To the point where everyone assumes they are a couple or are beginning to wonder if the two of them are something. And everything changes when Vicky finally calls Patrick out on his flirting and if he wants something between them, he just has to ask. Patrick doesn't even realize what he has been doing but now that the thought is out there, he realizes that maybe he does want something more with Vicky. But is terrified that they will lose their friendship. So naturally with the promise the nothing happening to their friendship, they decide to try friends with benefits. Thus beginning the story of how these two fall in love and don't even realize it. I loved their story. They are such a great pair with so much chemistry. Both have such different views on love and relationships and neither really realize that they are in love with the other and that they have between them is exactly that. A loving and very real romantic relationship. Such a fun story watching as they try and figure it out and have these crazy summer adventures along the way. This was a great last story to the series and I'm sad it's over! But definitely a great one to end on.


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