Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Mike Bravo Ops Book 2: Rogue by Eden Finley

Mike Bravo Ops Book 2


I remember the first time I met Dylan Rodriguez. It was one sweaty encounter I’ll never forget.

The second time we met, he arrested me. I can still see the hot scowl on his beautiful face as he slapped handcuffs on me and realized I was … me.

Dylan’s main goal in life is to forget he ever met me. My goal is to make him mine.

Turns out, I'm better at this game than he is.


When my law enforcement career falls to pieces in front of my own eyes, I don’t know who I can trust.

I have nowhere to go. No one to turn to.

Asking Trav for help is a last resort, but I’m desperate.

If he can’t get me out of this mess, I may as well turn myself over to the guys hunting me down.

I’m not sure which will be more difficult: protecting my life or my heart.

Because when it comes to love, my heart wants what my brain doesn’t. It wants Travis West.



My Review: 5/5 Stars

Trav and Dylan are hysterical together. So when these two first met they had a unforgettable hook up, but then the next time they meet, Dylan is arresting Trav. And while Trav was undercover and sent there for a reason, Dylan doesn't know that. And let's just say he isn't too happy when he gets outplayed. This is the beginning of a very long seven year relationship. They may not be hooking up anymore, Dylan swears he won't do it, but the favors that go back and forth between them for work happens throughout the years. For Trav, it's his way of seeing Dylan. Because the moment he met him, he knew Dylan was different. And it will only be a matter of time before he can make Dylan his. He just has to convince Dylan of that first. And when Dylan lands himself in some trouble, he finds himself going to Trav for help. Dylan is being hunted by his boss after learning that his boss is a dirty cop. After being shot out, he flees not knowing how deep the corruption goes, but his life and career is in danger. He'll need help to sort it out. Trav is willing to risk a lot to help Dylan and he'll do it no questions asked. Because after all this time, he is ready to let go of his own fears of holding back and make sure Dylan knows he wants to be with him. But he'll have to be serious for once and show Dylan exactly who he is. And that is a risk within itself. As they work together, they'll finally get a chance to stop hiding their true feelings and see the other for who they really are. I loved these two. They are hilarious together. The banter is on point. You can't help but root for these two. Dylan at first is so adamant that he won't let himself fall for Trav, but Trav has no fear of calling Dylan his future husband and soul mate. Plenty of action and romance in this one as they both try to stay alive and figure out how to clear Dylan's name. Definitely looking forward to the next book when it comes out!


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