Sunday, February 26, 2023

Stick Side Book 6: Star of the Game by Amy Aislin

Stick Side Book 6

Felix only wants two things:
1. To make music.
2. His best friend, Emery.

But he’s not willing to risk two decades of friendship for something more. Besides, a bout of writer’s block is preventing him from creating new material, and he’s got deadlines to meet. He doesn’t need any distractions—and Emery is the biggest distraction of all.

Emery only wants two things:
1. To play hockey.
2. His best friend, Felix.

He’s ready to risk it all for a shot at being together. While he should be concentrating on playing his best hockey so his team will grant him a contract extension, there’s no reason he can’t multitask.

With their careers at a crossroads, the timing for romance couldn’t be worse—but when Felix is forced to move in with Emery, will Emery finally convince him to take a chance at becoming the stars of their own game?


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Emery and Felix have been in love with one another for a very long time. Yet, neither want to actually tell the other how they feel in fear of ruining a longtime friendship. But it's obvious to anyone around them how the two of them feel about one another. They way the are together, it is more than clear. Emery is about to crack with his feelings. He had been waiting for Felix to say something. And there was a time when he thought he could see it in Felix's eyes before the moment passed. So Emery is gonna do it. But timing is not on either of their sides with both of their busy schedules. But things change when Felix wakes up in the middle of the night to someone in his bedroom. The trespasser flees but Felix is shaken. And when Emery learns what happened after he steps off the ice, he is there in a heartbeat to hold on to Felix. Now Emery will be there for Felix as he comes to gripes with what happened. Timing may not be on their side again to admit feelings since Felix is dealing with some ptsd and Emery is dealing with hockey and the start of his nonprofit, but it will only be a matter of time before the two of them finally admit that what they have is beyond friendship. Lot of great topics in this one in addition to the sweet romance between Emery and Felix. True friends to lovers story, these two couldn't be more perfect for one another. The foundation of their friendship only makes their romance that much sweeter. Bittersweet end to this series, but it was such a fun one overall!


Saturday, February 25, 2023

Stick Side Book 5: Two-Man Team by Amy Aislin

Stick Side Book 5

One wrongful arrest ruined Kris Xappa’s image—and made his NHL team look bad. Now, with orders to keep his head down, the last thing he needs is to develop feelings for his younger teammate—and best friend’s brother. The fact that he can’t stop thinking about their one illicit kiss doesn’t mean anything.

Rory Stanton is perfectly capable of taking care of himself and doesn’t need his brother’s best friend keeping an eye on him. Sure, he likes having Kris’s attention, but he’d rather have it for entirely different reasons. Too bad that one kiss they shared wasn’t enough to convince Kris to take a chance on him.

When an injury lands Rory in Kris’s care, will these teammates be able to see past the obstacles to become a two-man team?


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Rory has had a thing for Kris for a long time. But how do you make your older brother's best friend notice you? Or even take your flirting seriously? Even after a night where Rory had a bit too much to drink and kissed Kris, it wasn't enough to make Kris realize Rory's feelings. Though Rory could probably blame that on himself being drunk. Perhaps he'll just have to pluck up the courage to tell Kris his feelings.  And for Rory, he'll finally get his chance. Though not in the way he expected. After helping a neighbor, he accidentally falls off a ladder and breaks his leg. This results in Kris telling Rory to stay with him while he recovers. Living with Kris? Well, Rory may finally have a chance to show Kris who he is. Not the best friend's little brother, but a guy who has grown up and can stand on his own two feet. For Kris, things have been slowly shifting when he looks at Rory. He's not seeing a little kid anymore, but a grown man. One he is definitely attracted to. But does Rory see him that way too? For Kris, it's not as obvious. Plus, he's got a few other things on his plate. Like the media for turning every little questionable thing into something very bad and false. All his plans to do good after he retires is on the line if the media doesn't get off his back. But through all the bad, Kris sees the good thanks to Rory. These two are so sweet and fit together perfectly. They bring out the best in one another and encourage the other to be who they are. They'll have one another's backs. This series has been really great so far and I'm nearing the end! One more after this. Definitely going to miss all these characters. 

Friday, February 24, 2023

Tahoe Dragon Mates Book 6: The Dragon's Find by Jessie Donovan

Tahoe Dragon Mates Book 6

A grumpy/sunshine, snowed in, “only one bed” story about a dragonman and his fated human female…

On Jenny Hartmann’s drive up the mountain to a friend’s cabin for a much-needed escape, her old car breaks down. Stranded on the snowy mountain, with no town or other cars in sight, she has no choice but to walk to find help. And of course, she soon falls on her butt and hurts her leg. While cursing the world for her crappy luck, a tall, sexy dragonman finds her and offers to help.

Even though it means possibly being alone with a stranger for who knows how long—let alone what he’ll do—the dropping temperatures give her little choice. As soon as she accepts his help, he carries her to his little cabin and proceeds to take care of her.

The dragon-shifter named Daniel Torres says little. But he doesn’t try to curb her ramblings or make her feel embarrassed about having little to no filter. In fact, she tells him things she’s kept from even her sister. And after they huddle together in the only bed to keep warm, things start to shift, and she wants things she can’t have.

But a surprise from the dragon-shifters’ main enemy changes everything. And soon Jenny must decide if she wants a future with the dragonman, or will she have to flee to stay safe from his inner dragon?

NOTE: This is a quick, steamy standalone story about fated mates and sexy dragon-shifters near Lake Tahoe in the USA. You don’t have to read all my other dragon books to enjoy this one!


My Review: 5/5 Stars

It's been a while since I was back in the dragonshifters world and this was definitely a fun one to return with. We are with the American dragons where we meet Jenny and Daniel. Jenny is having a terrible day. Or more like a terrible year. A bad break up with a jerk of an ex. No job. And now a broken down car on a snowy mountain. She can't catch a break. And of course, she hurts herself as she tries to walk her way to town. But maybe her luck is changing because who saves her? Daniel. A dragonshifter. And maybe that scares her at first, because humans don't tend to know much about dragonshifters, but it isn't long until the two of them are warming up to one another. The chemistry and connection to one another is strong. So strong, that Daniel starts to realize that Jenny may just be his true mate. But there was a reason he was on that mountain. There are still humans out there determined to hurt his clan and other dragonshifters. Falling into a mate claim frenzy at the moment wouldn't be a good idea. But losing Jenny? That's not acceptable either. But things get complicated when their enemies reach the mountain. And Jenny will have some decisions to make about her future. This was a fun one! Jenny and Daniel were a great pair. Jenny's no filter was hilarious and she brought out a softer side to Daniel. Another great book in this series and world. I hope to see more!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 


Stick Side Book 4: Risking the Shot by Amy Aislin

Stick Side Book 4

Time for distractions? Hardly.

A chance at making the playoffs? It’s a dream for NHL forward Taylor Cunningham that just might come true. If he can keep his eyes on the ball—ahem, puck. And study for midterms. Dakota Cotton, eleven years his senior, isn’t just a distraction, though—he’s everything Tay’s ever wanted.

Dakota has no interest in introducing someone who might not stick around to his four-year-old son. Been there, done that, with the divorce to prove it. But there’s something about Tay that hits all of the right buttons and has him wanting to take a chance.

As things heat up between them, and the pressure to succeed hits an all-time high, will they risk a shot at happiness or choke?


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Taylor has a lot on his plate. Not only is he a NHL player but he is also going to college to earn his degree. And when the chance arrives to go out with his longtime crush Dakota? Well, he is well worth the addition to his busy schedule. Taylor never imagined falling for a guy eleven years older than him and who has a four year old son, but the way they click with one another? Taylor won't give up either of them. Not if he can help it. Dakota has juggle the life of a single parent for a long while now. He never really gives himself a chance to date, but there is something about Taylor that he can't let go of. For once, he wants to take a chance. He wants to be a little selfish and be with someone who wants just as badly to be with him too. They both may have a lot going on in their lives, but could this be a risk worth taking? Dakota and Taylor were a sweet couple. They fit so well together. Especially when there is a young child in the mix. They are a little family that you can't help but root for. Another great story in this series, and I'm looking forward to the next one!  

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Stick Side Book 3: Shots on Goal by Amy Aislin

Stick Side Book 3

Recently traded to the newly formed Vermont Trailblazers, professional hockey player Roman Kinsey needs to focus on helping the team win games and filling the stands, not on the blond, bespectacled part-timer who works at the library he volunteers at. He knows all too well that outing himself equals heartache and ridicule…or worse.

Cody Evans, psych major and grad school hopeful, notices everything and thinks too much. But he doesn’t know what to think when he sees Roman reading to kids. The rugged hockey player just doesn’t look like the type. But it stirs something in him, something he’s never felt before.

When the library is threatened with closure, Cody enlists Roman’s help. As they get to know each other better...much, much better...they realize that they have more in common than books. But Roman’s keeping a big part of himself from his team, and giving in to his feelings for Cody might be more than he’s willing to risk.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Roman hasn't trusted anyone in a very long time. And how could he after everything he has been through? When he was outed to his hockey team, he lost a lot of things that day. Friends, family, and a place to stay. He had to work to hard to make it to where he is today but letting people in? That has always proven to be more of a challenge. But now that he has been traded to Vermont's NHL hockey team, he has to learn to open himself up again. And that all begins when he meets Cody. When Cody crosses paths with Roman at the library, he finds himself drawn to Roman. Rare for him considering his is demisexual. Right now, he wants to get to know Roman because he sees behind Roman's mask. As the two of them find themselves working together to save the library and to get to know one another, they'll grow closer. But things aren't always easy. Roman has issues from his past he needs to get past and Cody is afraid of a future that could have them doing long distance. They'll have to brave their fears if they want a chance to be together. I loved these two! They were such a great couple. Both understood the other so well and you just can't help rooting for them to take a chance on the other. This story was a nice and sweet slow romance as they figured out their feelings and to be in a relationship. Really enjoying this series and all the characters we have met so far and I'm looking forward to the next book!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Stick Side Book 2: The Nature of the Game by Amy Aislin

Stick Side Book 2

Six years ago, an ultimatum forced Dan Greyson to make a choice that cost him everything he loved most. One of those things? His boyfriend, hockey player Ashton Yager. Now that they’ve crossed paths again, Dan isn’t about to let the opportunity slip away. Ash’s reappearance in his life is just the catalyst Dan needs to escape the rut he’s fallen into…and win back Ash’s trust and love.

Ashton Yager, once burned and now a little bit shy, didn’t mean to publicly come out as bisexual. But now that he has, he’s got to deal with the consequences, including the fact that it might’ve cost him his NHL contract. With his job on the line, he needs to keep his head down, work hard, and play the best hockey of his life. Rekindling things with Dan? That’s not exactly keeping a low profile. It’s also never going to happen, not after Dan walked away once without an explanation.

When a hurricane forces Ash to seek shelter out-of-state, he and Dan find themselves in the same B&B, where old feelings resurface. But with everything Ash has on the line, does he dare play with fire again?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Dan gave up everything six years ago. His dream. His brother. And the love of his life. He was backed into a corner and to protect those he loved, he had to let them go and push them away. Then when he learned a few months earlier that all of his sacrifices were for nothing, Dan is ready to make amends. He started with his brother but then he crosses paths with Ash. The love of his life. The one he left without an explanation. All he wants is a second chance but if he can't get that then he wants to at least apologize and explain. But Ash won't listen. And Dan can't exactly blame him. It will take everything he can to make Ash realize that Dan is here to stay. But could it be too late? For Ash, seeing Dan again reminds him of all the heartache he endured. He doesn't want to know the truth. Not anymore. At least, he thinks so. But the more he sees Dan and the bits and pieces of clues that come from Dan and others, Ash begins to wonder if maybe he does need to know what happened. It will take a bit for his heart and head to truly forgive Dan. If he can. These two kept tugging at my heart strings. Learning everything Dan had to sacrifice everything and then it mean absolutely nothing? So rough. And when Ash doesn't want to hear him out, you just wanna shake him to listen! They have a long hard journey ahead of them but you'll want to cheer them on the whole time because these two deserve their happy ending, especially with one another. Loved this story! Can't wait for the next one.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Stick Side Book 1: On the Ice by Amy Aislin

Stick Side Book 1

For college sophomore Mitch Greyson, determination and persistence are the name of the game if he wants to make it as a professional hockey player. A busy schedule of practices, games, classes, homework, two part-time jobs—and now, working with a tutor to help him pass the class he’s failing so that he can keep his scholarship—shouldn’t leave him with enough time to flirt with the NHL player in town. But that doesn’t stop him.

Placed on the injured reserve list until his broken arm heals, NHL defenseman Alex Dean is using the time off to be with his ailing grandfather and get a head start on the book he’s been commissioned to write. He doesn’t expect to get roped into a tutoring gig, especially not for cocky, smart-ass Mitch.

But Alex soon discovers that there’s more to Mitch than meets the eye...and he really likes what he sees. Only Alex doesn’t dare risk his NHL career by coming out, and a relationship between them would jeopardize Mitch’s chances with the organization too.

It looks impossible. Then again, the best things usually do...

On the Ice is an m/m contemporary romance featuring a flirty college hockey player who meets his match in a demisexual NHL player.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Mitch has been working his butt off for a long time. He is attending college on a partial scholarship for hockey, attends classes, has two jobs, and just so many other things to make his dreams come true. He wants to play professional hockey and wants a degree for the day he has to retire. And when his mom pulled away any financial support (and just support in general) when he told her what he wants to do rather than work for her, he knew he would have to work even harder to support himself. So things get a little complicated when his science brain doesn't seem to compute well when it comes to a creative writing class he has to take. He'll need all the help he can get including an unexpected tutor. After Alex broke his arm during his professional hockey game, he heads to Vermont to be closer to his sick grandfather as he waits to heal. He'll also get to use this time to work on the book he is set to write and meet with some old friends. And when his path crosses Mitch's one too many times, he'll come to realize that maybe they were always meant to meet. When Mitch first meets Alex he is flirty and very wishful to hook up with Alex. But Alex can see past the mask Mitch wears. The mask that protects Mitch from letting anyone in after being hurt by those who are supposed to love him. Mitch has met his match in Alex. Partly because Alex is also demisexual. He needs an emotional connection to feel attracted to someone. So if Mitch truly wants to have a chance to be with Alex, he has to take a chance and be himself for once. And every moment that Mitch spends with Alex, he finds himself wanting to put his heart on the line and take that chance. I loved Mitch and Alex's relationship. It was slow and sweet. Creating a friendship that slowly built up to a romantic relationship. Both have so much going on with them and it's hard to let people in. To give this spark between them any chance, they had to be with real with one another. It was truly a beautiful thing. I couldn't put their story down! So many bits and pieces at work as these two fell in love. I'm definitely looking forward to the rest of this series!

Monday, February 20, 2023

Divorced Men's Club Book 3: Budding Attraction by Saxon James

Divorced Men's Club Book 3


I’ve never thought much about Orson Naples.

He’s a cute guy who I’d seen around town a few times, but then one day he up and left and didn’t reappear until a few years later. No one knows where he went or what he was doing, all this gossipy town knows is that he’s a widower, owns the florist, and is friends with that divorced group that hang out at the Killer Brew all the time.

But then one day I step into his flower shop and go from rarely thinking about him, to him constantly being on my mind.

There’s a restlessness to him that I’m dying to unlock answers to.

And his eyes linger on me a little too long for a straight man …


Ford Thomas is a pest. A delightful one. A tempting one. But I’m too old for games.

The ones I’ve played in the past have always led me to trouble which is why I vowed to settle down and live a quiet life.

So when Ford walks into my shop all uncontained energy and flirty quips in a pair of heavy work boots, I know I should show him the door.

I don’t need fun. I don’t need experiences.

Especially when those experiences have me questioning things I thought I knew about myself.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Orson has been through a lot. After losing his wife, he made some bad choices until one day he got the reality check and help needed. Now he lives in Kil Pen and owns a flower shop and has a great support system in the Divorced Men's Club, despite being a widower. He thinks he is pretty happy with his quiet life. That is until Ford enters his shop. They may live in the same town and have some friends that overlap, but neither have really truly met or crossed paths. And once they do, there is no going back. They have a strong connection and build a friendship. Sure, Ford be attracted to Orson, flirted with him, and even asked him out, but when Orson says he is straight, Ford can't help but wonder if that is completely true. But Ford will never push. Especially when he loves spending time and getting to know Orson. As for Orson, bit by bit he is beginning to wonder what it is about Ford that he can't get enough of. And could it be possible that he is attracted to him? It would be a first when it comes to the idea of being with a man. But the idea isn't so scary when it comes to Ford. These two will have a slow burn that is just so sweet. Love can start off with a friendship that slowly builds and realizing that the attraction is there waiting for them. Orson is figuring out how to love again while Ford is learning what it is like to be in love for the first time. Loved their story! Can't wait for the next book to come out.


Sunday, February 19, 2023

Divorced Men's Club Book 2: Platonic Rulebook by Saxon James

Divorced Men's Club Book 2

Walking away from my marriage was my idea of a fresh start.
My kid is in college, my ex-wife and I are on good terms … but being single in my forties is a world different to being single in my teens.
I’m thankful for my best friend, Heath. He’s got my back like he always does and is ready to take me out and show me how the bachelor life is done.
He was never supposed to show me literally.
After we wake up in bed together, I can’t stop looking at him differently, and one thing becomes abundantly clear.
I talk a big talk about wanting to be single, but my platonic rule book has gone out the window.

When my best friend comes to me for help post-divorce, I’m only too happy to impart my wisdom to him.
After all, Griffin isn’t my type, but even I can tell he’s a complete lumbersnack. Good with his hands, kind eyes, and a killer smile. All the guys and gals are gonna eat him alive.
But the more time we spend together, the less “not my type” he becomes. I’m the one who can’t get enough of him.
Neither of us is interested in a relationship, so what’s a little fun between friends?
We both know the score.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Griff and his very soon to be official ex-wife, Poppy, have been waiting patiently for their son to go to college before moving on with their lives. It's been over a year since their marriage has been over, now they just have to tell their son. Which they plan to do the first moment he comes back from college on fall break. For now, Griff and Poppy will sort out their ownership on the the resort they built and own, and restart their lives separately. Including their dating lives. Griff is ready to get back out there and explore his bisexuality for the first time. And there is no better wingman than his best friend, Heath. Heath knows how to push Griff and get him out of his comfort zone so he doesn't hold himself back. But as changes begin to happen, their feelings for one another begin to change as well. For the first time they are truly taking a look at one another beyond best friends and realizing that there may be something else there than neither ever had a chance to explore. It's complicated and messy and probably a bad idea, but when they realize that ignoring the attraction and the change means losing one another? Neither would ever take that chance. Not when they both know that becoming something more than friends could be the thing they were always meant to be. It was fun reading their story after having read Griff's son, Felix's story first. I got to go back and see how his dad and "uncle" got together in the first place. Their story is a sweet best friends to lover. Looking forward to the next one in this series! 


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Divorced Men's Club Book 1: Roommate Arrangement by Saxon James

Divorced Men's Club Book 1


In search of: room to rent.

Must ignore the patheticness of a forty-year-old roommate.

Preferably dirt cheap as funds are tight (nonexistent).

There’s nothing sadder than moving back to my hometown newly divorced, homeless, and lost for what my next move is.

When my little brother’s best friend offers me a place to stay in exchange for menial duties, I swallow my pride and jump at the offer.

I need this.

I also need Beau to wear a shirt. And ditch the gray sweatpants. And not leave his door ajar when he’s in compromising positions ...


In search of: roommate.

Must be non smoker and non douchebag.

Room payment to be made in meal planning, repairs, and dumb jokes.

Since my career took off, I barely have time to breathe, let alone keep my life in order. I’m naturally chaotic, make terrible decisions, and scare off potential dates with my “weirdness”.

So when Payne gets back into town and needs somewhere to stay, I offer him my spare room with one condition: while he’s staying with me, I need him to help me become date-able.

And while he does that, I can focus on my other plan: ignoring that Payne is the only man I’ve ever wanted to date.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

When Payne learns that his husband, a man he has been with for twelve years, has been cheating on him for at least two, he's officially done. He even as the video footage to prove it over and over again. So with a little revenge, like destroying his laptop and a toothbrush in the toilet, he grabs his stuff and heads to his brother's family's house in their hometown. Now he is starting over at 40 and has no idea what to do. Lucky for him he has the DMC, the Divorced Men's Club, for support and his family. Though he starts off staying at his brother's, he ends up moving in the spare room of his brother's best friend, Beau. Beau who he slowly starts to see in a new light. And maybe even makes Payne realize that he is more angry than heartbroken about his failed marriage. A marriage he can admit may have been dead long before discovering the truth. Beau has had feelings for Payne since forever. He just was never in a place to do anything about it. But now Payne is here and living with him and single. Could he possibly have a chance? He won't rush it or put his hope into it though. He'll be there for Payne because he cares and wants him to be happy. And the timing couldn't be worse. So Beau thinks of a new plan. Maybe Payne can help him with his eccentricities that tend to scare the men he has dated. Maybe Payne can help Beau get over his nerves. However, that plan doesn't tend to work out right when Payne seems to like all of Beau's quirks. So maybe a future for them isn't totally hopeless. These two were adorable. Beau is a quirky writer who writes at all hours of the day and can be found in ridiculous positions as he works out scenes. And Payne is a hundred percent supportive. He loves Beau just the way he is and doesn't see why he has to change a thing about himself. He also makes Payne realize so much about himself. They are a great pair who respect one another and aren't afraid to be themselves with one another. This story was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to the rest of the DMC members getting their books!

Friday, February 17, 2023

Frat Wars Book 3: Presidential Chaos by Saxon James

Frat Wars Book 3

Two houses. Two Presidents. One hell of a happy ending.


Being President of a frat house means everything is on my shoulders.
Idiot brothers, epic pranks, a list of organizational duties long enough to make my eyes bleed.
None of it fazes me.
But senior year is almost over, and I’m ready to take a step back.
Until the hazing rumors start.
I might not know where they’re coming from, but I know they’re total BS.
Now, instead of dialing back the stress, we’ve broken the number one rule on the row: Don’t get the dean’s attention.
I need to find out who’s driving the lies.
And all evidence points to one person.


I never wanted to become Kappa President.
The appointment was made easier, though, when none other than Zeke Ariston took over Sigma house. I’ve always been … drawn to him.
And maybe a little attracted too.
Pity I’ve never been more than an afterthought to him.
But when rumors start to circulate about hazing, and the sources lead back to my house, it puts me square on Zeke’s radar.
I want to help him get to the bottom of it all.
And with his attention finally on me, I want to tell him how I feel.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

As the presidents of the rivaling frat houses, Charles and Zeke are known to exchange heated words whenever a prank by the other house occurs. Or more like Zeke loves when Charles turns into a red faced spitfire while Zeke plays it cool and enjoys the view of a riled up Charles. It's no secret that these two will protect their houses and face against one another. But what no one knows is that these two have been secretly hooking up at times when the they can actually manage to get away for a quiet and in the dark hook up. They act like they are strangers, but things cross the lines and names are said, the game changes. But that isn't all. No, someone is targeting Zeke's frat house. And though it may point to Charles's at first, Zeke is quick to strike him off the list. Instead, he asks for help. Together, they'll have to piece together is out causing chaos and giving the Greek houses a bad name before they get shut down for good. All the while, the feelings that these two have for one another are about to become harder and harder to resist. For Charles, he has always had a crush on Zeke. And when Zeke agreed to hook ups, he knew it would be both an amazing and terrible thing. But he can't resist Zeke, who gets him tongue tied and actually seems to like him and want to be with him. A future may not be possible but he won't turn away from Zeke. For Zeke, falling for Charles is a slow and steady start that morphs into something passionate and suddenly hard to resist. It's like he finally gives himself a chance to open his eyes to what is in front of him instead of the future of being in the Olympics for swimming. He never wandered from his goal, but for the first time, he sees something beside the gold and wants it. Badly. I adored these two. They were so sweet and their chemistry was great. You can't help but cheer for them to find a way to be together. Probably my favorite of the trilogy. This was definitely a fun series!


Frat Wars Book 2: Master of Mayhem by Saxon James

Frat Wars Book 2

Bro big or bro home.


As social chair of Sigma Beta Psi, I’m the life of the party. It’s what I’m known for, and if it’s not fun, I’m not interested, simple as that.

I’m not someone who overthinks.

So when one of my brothers hooks up with a dude from another frat house, it catches me off guard when I can’t stop thinking about them … together.

There’s only one way for me to get this obsession out of my head and that’s by jumping in with both feet and putting it into practice.

The problem is, the one guy who’s up for the ride, is the last one I’d expect.


Being risk manager of a frat house is nobody’s idea of a good time. My brothers get annoyed when I put a damper on their plans, and wrangling drunken frat brothers isn’t how I pictured my Saturday nights of senior year.

I’m bored.

In a rut.

Study, frat duties, planning for the future.

When is it my turn to let loose for a moment?

So when my dumb-as-bricks frat bro is scoping out the house for a little experimenting fun, I throw out the offer like it isn’t the most nerve-wracking thing I’ve ever considered.

I never imagined I’d actually enjoy it.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Robbie has had plenty of hook ups while he has been at college but after his friend reveals a relationship with another guy, Robbie begins to wonder if he has been missing out. And what better time to experiment than in college? This leads to a kiss with his friend, Brandon. Brandon who he is always fighting with but is definitely one of his best friends. And turns out, he doesn't hating kissing Brandon. And he kinda wouldn't mind doing it some more. Brandon didn't think much of idea of Robbie deciding to try and hook up with guys. But after he finds himself being kissed by Robbie, he realizes that maybe he wants to do that too. Except only with Robbie. And the idea of Robbie hooking up with anyone else doesn't sit right with him. The two of them eventually find themselves in a bit of relationship (not that they would call it that, Robbie has plenty of other names to attempt to figure out what they are doing) and in doing so they'll discover that maybe this thing between them is so much more than an experiment. Gotta love Robbie and Brandon. They are such a fun pair who know each other so well. Their chemistry is great! Robbie is all about fun while Brandon has the job of reigning everyone in. But Robbie knows that Brandon needs to have fun too, so he finds the best time to drag him into the frat's shenanigans. Fun book and I'm looking forward to the next one!

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Frat Wars Book 1: King of Thieves by Saxon James

Frat Wars Book 1

We’re basically Romeo and Juliet. But dudes. And without all the dying.


Being VP of Sigma Beta Psi is wild. I get all the benefits of being in charge with hardly any of the responsibility.

Parties, pranks, and frat politics—college life has never been sweeter.

Until I meet Bailey Prince.

He has the face of a goddamn angel. I don’t know where he came from or why I’m so obsessed.

But I do know he’s a Kappa.

And our houses have a rivalry that’s written into legend.


At Rho Kappa Tau, I’m a legacy.

It’s a lot of pressure, but I’ve always been responsible, never had that rebellious need to rock the boat, and I like it that way.

But after a party at Sigma—the jock frat—I meet Chad Doomsen, and for the first time in my life I want to step outside my square.

Our houses have always had a rivalry, but some of the guys seem to hate Chad specifically, and I don’t know why.

He’s surprisingly sweet and kind. At least to me.

I need to stay away. A relationship with Chad would be betraying the very legacy that brought me here.

But I can’t help myself. And it seems, neither can he.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

The rivalry between Sigma and Kappa is legendary on campus. There's a respectful competition between the two but a rivalry nonetheless. So what happens when two guys from opposing frats want to date? Well things get complicated. Chad and Bailey didn't realize when they were beginning their hook up that they were from the rival frats. But when they are interrupted before things could really start, they immediately pull away. But for Chad, he isn't quite ready to let Bailey go. He'll have to work hard to get Bailey's attention and convince him to give them a chance. Bailey may be new to the school and frat, but he knows that hooking up with someone from Sigma is a bad idea. But it becomes harder and harder to resist Chad. And it doesn't take long for either to cave to their feelings. Now they are in a secret relationship as they try and navigate the prank wars between the frats and hope that there will be a good time to tell everyone about their relationship. Chad and Bailey were such a great pair! They were a lot of fun and really sweet together. And there were a lot of other characters who I am looking forward to reading their stories. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Mike Bravo Ops Book 2: Rogue by Eden Finley

Mike Bravo Ops Book 2


I remember the first time I met Dylan Rodriguez. It was one sweaty encounter I’ll never forget.

The second time we met, he arrested me. I can still see the hot scowl on his beautiful face as he slapped handcuffs on me and realized I was … me.

Dylan’s main goal in life is to forget he ever met me. My goal is to make him mine.

Turns out, I'm better at this game than he is.


When my law enforcement career falls to pieces in front of my own eyes, I don’t know who I can trust.

I have nowhere to go. No one to turn to.

Asking Trav for help is a last resort, but I’m desperate.

If he can’t get me out of this mess, I may as well turn myself over to the guys hunting me down.

I’m not sure which will be more difficult: protecting my life or my heart.

Because when it comes to love, my heart wants what my brain doesn’t. It wants Travis West.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Trav and Dylan are hysterical together. So when these two first met they had a unforgettable hook up, but then the next time they meet, Dylan is arresting Trav. And while Trav was undercover and sent there for a reason, Dylan doesn't know that. And let's just say he isn't too happy when he gets outplayed. This is the beginning of a very long seven year relationship. They may not be hooking up anymore, Dylan swears he won't do it, but the favors that go back and forth between them for work happens throughout the years. For Trav, it's his way of seeing Dylan. Because the moment he met him, he knew Dylan was different. And it will only be a matter of time before he can make Dylan his. He just has to convince Dylan of that first. And when Dylan lands himself in some trouble, he finds himself going to Trav for help. Dylan is being hunted by his boss after learning that his boss is a dirty cop. After being shot out, he flees not knowing how deep the corruption goes, but his life and career is in danger. He'll need help to sort it out. Trav is willing to risk a lot to help Dylan and he'll do it no questions asked. Because after all this time, he is ready to let go of his own fears of holding back and make sure Dylan knows he wants to be with him. But he'll have to be serious for once and show Dylan exactly who he is. And that is a risk within itself. As they work together, they'll finally get a chance to stop hiding their true feelings and see the other for who they really are. I loved these two. They are hilarious together. The banter is on point. You can't help but root for these two. Dylan at first is so adamant that he won't let himself fall for Trav, but Trav has no fear of calling Dylan his future husband and soul mate. Plenty of action and romance in this one as they both try to stay alive and figure out how to clear Dylan's name. Definitely looking forward to the next book when it comes out!


Monday, February 13, 2023

Mike Bravo Ops Book 1: Iris by Eden Finley

Mike Bravo Ops Book 1

Mike Bravo. Knights in shining … camo.


I live for adrenaline. The thrill of the chase. And because I work for Mike Bravo, a private black-ops firm, it’s my job to go into dangerous situations.

But when we’re called in to extract a military team from a hostile situation, the thrill is so much better. Because one of those men happen to be the golden boy from my basic training days.

Brock “Saint” Harlow was a walking Captain America in the flesh. The perfect soldier.

Now my boss wants to recruit him, and I can’t wait to rub it in his face that he was rescued by me. The class clown.

I’m not called Iris “I require intense supervision” for nothing.


Military life is all I’ve known since I was born. I was raised to be a soldier.

But when a top-secret mission fails, I find myself suddenly discharged with nowhere to go.

Mike Bravo saved my life, and they want me to join them, but there’s one small problem.

Isaac “Iris” Griffin.

He’s as irresistibly snarky as he always was, only there’s a big difference this time. I’m no longer closeted or scared to live my truth. And the truth is, I’ve always wanted him.

It’s against Mike Bravo’s rules to fraternize with other team members, and I always follow orders.

But something tells me Iris might be worth the insubordination.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Iris lives for his job for Mike Bravos. He loves the adrenaline rush and he is just good at it. But he's not good at relationships. Nothing ever seems to work out. No one seems to understand that he won't be home a lot and he can't talk about his missions. Deep down, he wants to come home to someone. What he never expects is for Saint to come back into his life. And especially not the way it does. When Iris is sent on a rescue mission he is expecting to only find remains of the team of the top team that failed their secret mission. But there is one solider barely alive and Iris does what he can to keep him that way. But it isn't until later that he learns that this soldier is Saint. The one he did basic with and secretly crushed on. He is relieved that Saint is alive and that he will be joining Mike Bravos when he is recovered. Saint can't remember what happened on the mission that nearly ended his life. What he does remember is Iris's voice grounding him and keeping him alive. Now he's on the Mike Bravos team and he is learning that this group is completely different from what he is used to. And he is Iris's orbit again and has no plans to leave it now that he out of the closet. There's just one rule about teammates not hooking up, but when it comes to one another they may be willing to break the rules. These two were so fun! Their banter is fantastic and both can handle the other just fine. They get basically a second chance to be together that they never got in the past. And they know it may be complicated but neither can deny the pull they feel toward one another. This book was a lot of fun and had such great characters. I hope they all get a book down the line!