Monday, August 21, 2023

Hot Off the Ice Book 6: Bad Boys by AE Wasp


Hot Off the Ice Book 6

Behave or be benched. Noah Braterman's hotheaded attitude may cost him his NHL career before it truly begins. After alienating his current teammates, coaches, fans, and the press, Noah gets a second chance to prove his worth when he’s traded to the Seattle Thunder with one ultimatum—lose the attitude or lose his spot on the team. Enter Adam Labatt, former NHL player, and Noah’s last, best Vegas fling. After his own rocky past in the show, Adam turned himself around and is now being asked by his old mentor to help Noah learn to play well with others. Living in isolation on his private island and still guilt-ridden over the way his marriage ended, how can Adam possibly mentor anyone? But the man he shared an unexpectedly intimate passionate night with is worth fighting for, even if he has to fight Noah himself. Forced into close quarters, the walls they’ve erected to protect themselves crumble as they share their hopes, dreams, and fears. Fate brought them together. Now it’s up to them to find the courage to face the world unafraid. If they do, they just might create a future better than they could have imagined that night in Vegas under the desert stars.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

It was so fun being back in this world! Turns out it was one I really missed and this book became a favorite for me from this series. For one night, Noah and Adam find themselves rescuing the other while in Vegas. Some flirting later and drive out in the desert under the stars, and a night neither will forget, they don’t expect to meet again. Though both can’t deny they wish they would. But after they part ways, turns out they will be seeing one another again. Just not in the way they expect. Noah is a professional hockey player with a bit of an attitude problem. He is quick to be defensive and finds the best defense is a great offense. Doesn’t help when his father is in his head and telling him how terrible he is. Or the fact that he trusts no one and that has led to zero friends and family he can’t go to. And now he has been traded to Seattle where he will be given one chance to get it right. He’ll have to spend a few weeks with a mentor who will teach him to play with others and hopefully make him realize what his issues are and be willing to fix them to better himself. He just never expects that mentor to be Adam. The guy he can’t stop thinking about. Adam has retired from hockey and has been isolating himself for the last few years. Literally. He lives on an island and barely talks to anyone. But when his old coach calls for help, he can’t say no. And when he is shocked to see it is Noah, he is tempted to say no. But then he remembers the man he met in Vegas and he can’t help but want to see him again and help Noah be the man he knows he can be. It’ll be one complicated few weeks but both are determined to get through them. And maybe once all is said and done, they’ll even find a way to be together. If they can heal their old hurts at least. I really adored this story! Adam and Noah were great together. They both have been through a lot but together they really gave themselves a chance to heal in an environment where they could support one another. Their chemistry was great and witty and sweet. And they just balanced one another so well. This was really a favorite of mine from the series and we had so many cameos from others in the series! And with the promise of at least another two more books in this series, I seriously cannot wait!

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