Saturday, May 27, 2023

Rules We Break Book 1: Don’t Date a DILF by DJ Jamison


Rules We Break Book 1

I have one rule to live by: Don't Date a DILF.

I've seen the consequences of blurring the boundaries between teaching life and dating life, and I'm not about to take that kind of risk.

But I didn't count on Hunter Rhodes walking into my school. Never expected that the broad-shouldered, stubble-jawed, absolute glory of a man would be such a sweet and caring father. Or that as a seemingly straight man, he might decide he wants me.

If my Nana has her way...I'll be in love with someone by the end of the school year, but there's only one man who tempts me.
With her matchmaking in overdrive and half the single women in Granville setting their sights on Hunter, faking a relationship could give us both a reprieve.

It might be fun and games for Hunter, but separating pretend feelings from real won't be so simple for me. And then there's that rule...

Can I date a DILF without disaster--or will all my fears come true?

Don't Date a DILF is Book 1 of Rules We Break, a spin-off series from Games We Play, set in the small, quirky town of Granville, where nosy residents meddle in one another's lives, great friendships are made, and silly innuendos are a way of life.

My Review: 4/5 Stars

This has been a fun world from DJ Jamison. A spin off from her Never Have I Ever series, this follows Kevin’s brother, Hunter. Hunter has returned home, divorced, and a single parent to his son, Toby. Though his marriage has been over a while now, he is still finding a way to navigate his new life as a single dad. And trying to convince his young son that he is not getting back together with his ex-wife. It also doesn’t help that everyone is town is either flirting, asking bout his single life, or trying to set him up. He needs a plan and quick. Turns out he isn’t the only one being harassed by loved ones. Clark has been trying to avoid his nana’s set ups for a while, but finds himself cornered. Sure, he wants to find the love of his life, but it doesn’t help that his set ups aren’t exactly the best. Oh, and his itty bitty crush on Hunter. Too bad for Clark that Hunter is straight… or is he? When their paths finally cross through Hunter’s son Toby, Clark is a teacher and Toby has been enrolled in Clark’s after school program, they’ll find themselves getting to know one another. That’s when an idea sparks! They’ll pretend to date to get everyone off their backs and gain a little breathing room. So what could go wrong? Well, I’m sure you can guess, feelings to start to happen. Surprising both of them in different ways. This was a really fun story! Clark and Hunter were so cute. Hunter is slowly discovering more about himself and Clark is helping him realize a lot about himself too. And it doesn’t scare him. He just knows that being with Clark is the happiest he has ever been. And what can be so bad about that? Clark fears dating a parent of one of his students could end badly, but he can’t help but take a chance on Hunter. This book was a lot of fun! Had been laughing and the chemistry between these two were great! And I have to say we got quite an ending and I cannot wait for the book! Sounds like we got an interesting story coming along!

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