Saturday, May 6, 2023

Divorced Men's Club Book 4: Employing Patience by Saxon James

Divorced Men's Club Book 4


When it comes to regrets, I have none. My life is perfect. I own a bar, work hard, party harder, and smother my niblings in all the love they deserve. I don’t need to settle down, as much as my sister might want me to.

But then Joey Manning walks into my office and leaves me all but begging to give him a job … and wanting to give him so much more.

The self-professed straight man is in my head and while I know that I need to move on from him, my body isn’t getting that message. It doesn’t help that Joey is a grade A flirt who can banter with the best of them.

I’ve never had regrets. Not until Joey Manning.


The bills keep piling up and the pressure to get my sisters through college before we’re evicted is always on the back of my mind. Whoever said life was for living, clearly forgot that living’s expensive.

My default mode is stressed AF and working myself to the bone, and there’s only one person who gives me a break from all that.

Art de Almeida.

My boss.

The one man I shouldn’t flirt with, but I can’t seem to stop. I want to get under his skin. To leave him panting for me. Which wouldn’t be such a bad thing except that he thinks I’m straight, and I’ve never bothered to correct him.

I need this job.

But some days I worry that I need Art more.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Been waiting for this story very patiently for this story! We've seen glimpses of Art and Joey and have been waiting for the day where Art finally gives in and admits he is very interested (and will actually doing something about it) in Art. We get their first meeting together where Joey is looking for a job. And we see lots of their flirting. For Art, he has no problem admitting he is attracted to Joey. But with Joey saying that he is straight, Art doesn't believe anything will happen. He knows Joey is simply a flirt and they may tease one another but Art won't make a move unless he knows it is more than a game for Joey. Instead, he'll sit on the sidelines and stew, while also trying very hard to move on. He's the guy for one night stands, he doesn't do relationships... right? For Joey, he's been working really hard to keep things at home afloat. He supports both his younger sisters, one who is in college and the other who is finishing up high school. He works hard (and even gets another job in addition to working at Art's bar( and barely has time for himself. And he is trying to finish a high school diploma that he never got to finish. It's tough when the bills keep piling up. Then add in the complication of Art. Joey is just as attracted to Art and loves the flirting game they play. He's never really identified himself as anything other than straight more because he's never been with a man and also, any time he has been attracted to a man, it never lasted long. The label of bisexual never felt right. But when it comes to Art? Things are very much different. And he wants to prove to Art that he is serious when it comes to wanting to be with him. And that maybe just maybe, Art wants to be with him too. Loved these two! I was looking forward to this story and it's been well worth the wait! Joey and Art have the best banter and are such a great pairing. You'll be cheering for these two to finally get together. Really looking forward to the next one in this series!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


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