Friday, December 2, 2022

I Love You Both So Much by J.E. Birk, Rachel Ember & Leslie McAdam

ILYBSM: I Love You Both So Much

A Holiday M/M/M Romance

Everyone has secrets. I’ve kept some big ones from my two best friends, and I know they’ve got a few of their own. After all, Embry and Adam never told me why they stopped talking to each other the night we graduated college. For my part, I’ve never told them that I’m bi—or that I’ve been in love with both of them for years. I’m also definitely not telling them I’ve mismanaged my family’s tree farm so badly that it’s about to go out of business right before Christmas.

But when I crash off a ladder hanging up holiday lights and break my wrist, they come running like Santa’s elves. They’re both very grumpy about seeing each other again, but I can’t be sorry to finally have an excuse to get them in the same place. Wait until they find out we’re all sleeping in one bed…

At least their feud is put on hold when they discover what a mess I’ve made of my business. Soon the three of us are scrambling to pull off a Christmas miracle and save the farm. And maybe it’s the magic of the holidays, but a whole lot of feelings and long-buried truths are coming to the surface—and our friendship is starting to become something much bigger.

Will we survive the season? Or are all my dreams about to be crushed this Christmas?

ILYBSM is a sweet and steamy contemporary holiday m/m/m polyamorous romance about three former best friends. It stars Jeb, a sweetly oblivious farmer who’s the hottest mess to ever grow trees in Vermont; Embry, a mechanic who can fix any engine but not a relationship; and Adam, a graphic designer and organizational whiz who irons his sheets. It features truths that slip out thanks to homemade eggnog, a demon goat who looks fabulous in a Santa hat, and an unconventional happy ever after.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

What a fun story! You will immediately fall in love with Jeb, Adam, and Embry the second you open the book. Jeb is in love with his two best friends, not that he ever told either of them that. Or the fact that he is bisexual. But considering how Adam and Embry refuse to talk to one another since the day before graduation three years ago, the time to mention it hasn't really come up. That is until now. When Jeb accidentally falls off a ladder and breaks his arm, he may or may not have texted both his friends (thank you pain medication) about what happened. But he definitely doesn't expect for either to jump to his aid. Especially Adam who lives across the country in California. Now both have made it to Vermont and Jeb is determined to get them talking again and fix their friendship. And also learn the truth about the night of their big fight. Little does he know that Embry is also bisexual and Adam is gay and both are just as much in love with him as they are with one another. As they help Jeb manage his farm and even possibly save his business, truths will finally be revealed! And the start of what could be a beautiful relationship. This story was just so fun! The three of them are so different yet perfect for one another. And when you get flashbacks of their text group chat from their college years, you can't help but wonder how none of them knew they were into not only men but one another! They were clearly meant to be. But nothing is so simple and life together isn't exactly easy.You don't want to miss this fun holiday story and also by the end beg for more! There are definitely some other characters that need their own books too! These authors know how to write great stories and together? They are fantastic!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

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