Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Elmwood Stories Book 5: Hotshot by Lane Hayes


Elmwood Stories Book 5

The rookie superstar, the cowboy, and the proposition…


I’m the rookie hot shot, the new guy who scores at will, and conjures plays out of thin air. But I’m a PR nightmare. Seriously. Ask my agent.

The my anxiety is off the charts. I can’t talk to the press without breaking into a cold sweat and I’m the one they want a piece of. I just need to get through the season and regroup at home. Life is simpler in Elmwood. Nothing changes much and everyone knows your name.

Except…there’s a sexy new cowboy in town. Literally…a cowboy.

He rides a horse and wears a hat, and he’s hot.

And get this…he has a proposition for me.


Proposition is a strong word. I prefer to call this a mutually beneficial arrangement. I could use Denny’s help with a family business venture in the Four Forest area, and in return, I can help him with his anxiety through equine-assisted therapy.

Yeah, I’m a horse whisperer and maybe a Denny whisperer too. But I’ve never met anyone like him—skittish and nervous in street clothes and a feral beast with cunning instincts on the ice. He’s fascinating, sweet, sexy, and—

Whoa! I’m not falling for a hot shot rookie. No way. Especially not one with a big secret.

Hot Shot is an MM bisexual, age-gap, small town romance featuring a hot shot rookie, a sexy cowboy, and a proposition that changes everything.



My Review: 5/5 Stars

Denny is killing it in his first year of the NHL. So much so that his nickname is Hotshot. A name he hates. He may love hockey and be good at it. But the one thing he hates? The spotlight. He hates the attention. And his anxiety makes it really hard to be in front of a camera or speak to anyone. He does his best to avoid it. But that’s not all he deals with. He is secretly bisexual and hasn’t had the courage to tell anyone. Even his ex, MK, who pretends to be his girlfriend despite having broken up months before. Though really all they are doing is not telling anyone they split. Denny loves MK as his best friend but the truth is he can’t love her as he should. And lately he has been really wanting to explore this other side of himself. An in walks a cowboy. Denny can’t resist. Even after making a fool of himself while drunk, he would love a shot with Hank. Hank is in Elmwood thanks to this father. He is working for his dad’s mill though no one in town likes the outsider. His plan is to befriend Denny and maybe even get him to do an ad for them. What he doesn’t expect is that their first encounter is a very drunk Denny who makes it clear how attracted he feels to Hank. And though nothing happens between them at first, well it’s a matter of time before that changes. Hooking up wasn’t supposed to be so much more, but the more they spend time together, the harder they fall. And it’s only a matter of time until their feelings are revealed. I adored these two. They had great chemistry and I loved how you could see how Denny could be himself around Hank. They just fit so well. There may be some complications but these two just can’t seem to stay away from one another. Elmwood series has been so fun! And this was just another great addition to the series.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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