Monday, June 3, 2024

Franklin U 2 Book 3: Batting Style by Louisa Masters


Franklin U 2 Book 3

There are a few things I know for sure: I’m gay, I want to do costume design for film and television, and a supportive family is what other people have. Oh… and fate’s not my biggest fan. That’s fine, though—who needs fate? I’ve got friends I love, a welcoming community, and a plan. Graduate college? Check. Build up my portfolio? Whenever I can. Impress industry pros? Done. Save the money for my dream internship? Working on it. All I’ve gotta do is stick with the plan, and that internship is mine next year.
And then Jordan Marks walks into my life, and my plan turns into a loose guideline. Suddenly I’m learning about baseball and giving away shifts at work so I can watch him play. My goals are the same, but maybe there’s room in them for the world’s sweetest athlete.

I’m pretty sure the gods of baseball don’t care if I wear a suit on game day, but Franklin U and Coach do, so when mine rips, replacing it is an urgent mission. That’s how I meet Blaise Warner and my “I guess I could be bi” musings become full-blown “I wanna learn to handle a bat” demands. Blaise is smart, talented, and has goals… and he’s more than happy to teach me a new batting style.
But as we go from casual to more, the things I never mentioned—like my dads’ connections in the entertainment industry—become heavy secrets. Plus, while our friends know we’re dating, nobody else does. That’s not fair to Blaise, but do I really want to be the latest queer college ball player?
I don’t get a chance to figure it all out before things fall apart, and now we both have to decide what our real priorities are.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Blaise has a plan. He knows he wants to do costume design and he is really good at. He’ll continue working at a mens store to get the money he needs to save up so he can apple for an internship that will be a big part of fulfilling his dreams and take commissions to build up his portfolio more and continue saving money too. Everything is going according to plan. That is, until Jordan shows up into his life. Blaise may not be giving up his dreams but he can’t help but wonder if Jordan could be part of his future too. Everything changes for Jordan when he enters Blaise’s store. In much need of a new suit, he doesn’t expect the attraction he feels for Blaise to come that alive. He has always wondered if he was bi or pan, but meeting Blaise confirms it. Especially when they hook up and kinda just don’t stop. What I loved about these two is how dense they were at first about their relationship. Neither quite realized they went from hook ups to full out dating. And even more surprising to them is how much they wanted to date and just be together. Absolutely adorable. But things get a little complicated. Blaise faces a few challenges that may threaten his already off the plan plan. And Jordan is keeping a few secrets and wonders if coming out will be the next media scandal that his baseball team just doesn’t need right now. But if the two of them stand together, things may just work out. Like I said, these two were adorable. I loved their story and couldn’t put it down! And I definitely want to check out some other books by this author after learning that Jordan’s dads have their own book. Another great book in the Franklin U world! This is one you definitely don’t want to miss. 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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