Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Cover Reveal! Their Wicked Ways by Willow Dixon


Crimson Club - Book Six

by Willow Dixon

Cover & Excerpt Reveal

Release Date: July 10, 2024

Cover Design: Lori Jackson Design
Photographer: Michelle Lancaster
Genre: MMM Romance Standalone
Tropes: Co-workers-to-friends-to-lovers, hurt/comfort, first times, found family, no cheating


A year ago I lost everything and moved across the country to try and start over. It wasn’t easy, but I found a job I love, I have friends who’ve become my family, and I’m ready to start exploring my bisexuality.

Just when I think things are finally starting to go my way, I show up to work and find out the new guys on the crew are the super-hot couple I hooked up with last weekend.

F*ck. My. Life.

Now I’m stuck spending my days with the men who not only popped my dude cherry, but the ones I can’t stop thinking about.

The ones I have to try and be friends with after they awakened a part of me I didn’t even know was there.

The ones I can never have again.

Until one night turns into two, then more.

Being with Ezra and Wesley feels right, even if everything I was taught tells me it’s wrong. I can’t deny the pull between us, or how safe and seen they make me feel.

But how can two men who love each other as much as Ez and Wes ever feel the same for me?

Jett, Ezra, and Wesley’s book is a coworkers-to-friends-to-lovers romance featuring a lonely man looking for his place in the world, and the adventurous couple who can’t stay away from him. You can expect hurt/comfort, first times, found family, lots of heat, tons of dirty talk, some kink, and all the feels as this triad figures out that sometimes love is best in threes. It is the sixth book in this addictive Crimson Club series but can be read as a standalone.

Please note that this is an MMM romance with no cheating.

***Trigger warnings: Religious trauma, brief mentions of infertility, discussions of past infidelity against one MC, some past homophobia/biphobia directed at MCs related to religious beliefs, neglectful parents, and parentification of one MC.

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“You might have noticed Wes and I have a particular dynamic when we bring in thirds,” Ez started.

Jett smirked. “You mean the good top, bad top routine? I noticed.”

Ez chuckled. “Yeah, that one. But that’s not how things are when we’re alone.”

His forehead knitted in confusion.

“Wes and I…”

“He’s a top, and I’m vers,” I explained. “But I’m only vers when we have a third. I don’t want to top him because that’s not our dynamic. It’s hard to explain, but what we do with thirds is completely different from how we are with each other. That’s when we push boundaries and explore things we can’t do when it’s just the two of us.”

Jett nodded slowly. “I guess that makes sense.”

“And we don’t actually fuck a lot of our thirds,” Ez added.

“You don’t?” He looked between us.

“Nope. We usually just play in the back room, get them off, then we go home and fuck like bunnies all night.”

“But you had a hotel room.”

“We got it for Ez’s birthday. It was a way to have a night off and pretend we could afford an actual vacation and celebrate Ez turning twenty-five. We were open to the possibility of finding a third, but that wasn’t why we went to the club or got the room.”

“So you wouldn’t have just found someone else if I wasn’t there?” he asked, sounding sad and so damn young.

“No.” I stood as well. It was awkward being the only one still sitting. “I’m not going to lie to you. We were looking when we saw you, but that’s part of the fun for us. We scope the room and talk about guys who interest us, but it’s just foreplay. It doesn’t mean we’re going to do anything about it.”

He looked away, his cheeks flushing with color.

“But we both wanted you, and you wanted us.” Ez came around the couch and stood next to me. “So we did something about it.”

“Oh.” Jett let out a shaky breath. “Okay. That’s reassuring.” He shot us a wry smile. “Helps to know I wasn’t just the first guy on the list who said yes.”

Ez wrapped his arm around my waist. “You were the only one we wanted that night.”

“I don’t know how to do this.” Jett’s eyes were bright with something I couldn’t read.

“Do what?”

“This.” He motioned between us. “I don’t know what to do with this. You know so much about me. You know things that no one else knows, and you’re saying all this nice stuff, and I’m trying to remember that we’re coworkers, but none of my other coworkers know about me being bi. They don’t know how I look when I come. They didn’t see me beg to be fucked.”

My dick went half-hard at his words, and memories filtered through my mind.

Not now, I chastised both my dick and my brain.

“They haven’t seen our O faces either. They don’t know we like to pick up thirds. They have no idea that we loved every second of you begging us to fuck you.”

Jett swallowed at Ez’s words.

“We all have secrets,” he continued. “We all have things we keep from the people in our lives.”

Jett licked his bottom lip, slowly dragging his tongue over the plump flesh. His eyes flashed with heat.

“Do you want us to leave?” Ez asked, his voice low and raspy.

My stomach swooped and my balls tightened. That voice always did things to me.

Jett shook his head.

“Do you want us to pretend this conversation never happened and go back to figuring out how to be coworkers?”

Jett hesitated, then shook his head again.

“Do you want another night with us?”

Jett’s eyes widened. “But you said you only do one-offs.”

“We did.” I glanced at Ez to make sure we were on the same page. His look told me we were. “But that was before. We’re flying blind here too. We’ve never been in a situation where we’ve seen one of our thirds after the fact. We’re trying to figure shit out the same as you.”

“And if we do it again?” he asked in that breathy tone I liked way too much. “Won’t that make things even more complicated?”

Ez shifted me so I was in front of him, and he could lean me against his front. “It will.” He slid one hand down my chest and stroked my stomach. I sighed and relaxed against him. “It’s your call what you want to do.”

He chewed on the corner of his lip, heat and uncertainty warring in his gaze. “Are you going to treat me like I’m breakable?”

“No.” I pushed my ass back and rubbed it against Ez’s hard cock. “But we’d like to kiss you this time.”

His eyes rounded comically. “What?” he squeaked.

“If you consent, of course.” Ez pressed a soft kiss against my neck.

I tilted my head so he’d do it again. He obliged.

“But you don’t kiss others…”

“No, but we also don’t do repeats,” I said, circling my hips to tease Ez’s cock. His soft moan fanned over my ear and lit me up from the inside. “Rules change.”

What the fuck was going on?

I meant every word I said, and Ez agreed with me. But what the ever-loving hell was happening? I’d never once had the urge to kiss anyone other than Ez. Not once in my entire life, but I wanted to kiss Jett.

I couldn’t even blame knowing the truth about his inexperience or wanting to make up for taking his virginity before he got his first kiss with a man.

I wanted to kiss him. Just like I’d wanted to that first night.

“Are you sure?” Jett licked his lip again.

“Yes.” Ez slipped his hand under my shirt and rubbed my bare skin.

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About the Author

What can I say about myself? It’s kind of like being the new kid in school and being asked to tell everyone a bit about yourself. Anyone else forget everything they’ve ever liked, thought of, and even their name in those moments?

A few facts about me; I’m a veteran, I’m Canadian, and I love books! I’ve been writing my own stories since I was eight and wrote my first novel at sixteen. I’m the first to admit those attempts weren’t my best work, but they started me on a journey of creating stories that has led me to fulfilling my dream of becoming an author. I’ve written and published in several genres under different names, but MM is by far my favorite, and I’m so happy to be able to share my stories with people today.

I currently live on Canada’s east coast with my kiddo and my cats. I have a shoe collecting addiction, and I enjoy taking long walks, discussions with friends, and reading anything and everything I can get my hands on.

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