Saturday, November 18, 2023

From Nothing Book 3: Knock Knock by Nordika Night


From Nothing Book 3

When life comes knocking, can they go from nothing to something?

After a lifetime of having each other’s backs, meddling in their brother’s lives, and keeping their families going, Nate and Xavi don’t know what to do with all this… freedom.

For the first time ever, they have no one to watch out for. Love and dreams come next on their big agenda, and they soon learn the connection they share goes far deeper than any normal friendship. But with a lifelong bestie bond on the line, flipping their dynamic comes with big risks… and big rewards.

Despite the outside pressure that comes with their age and moving into the next phase of life, Nate and Xavi will try to figure out how to go from nothing to something.


*Knock Knock is book 3 in the From Nothing series and should be read after Garron Park and Lot 62. It is Nate and Xavi’s story. MM contemporary romance, best friends to lovers.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Nate and Xavi! Finally!! I adored Garron Park and Lot 62 and could not wait to get my hands on Knock Knock when I learned Nate and Xavi were getting a story. You couldn’t but love those two in the previous books and want to know more about them. You couldn’t but wonder why they were just friends and not more. Nate and Xavi have been best friends since they were kids. Even when their dads hated one another and their brothers couldn’t stand each other and were rivals (and spoiler alert, they are no longer that!), Xavi and Nate stuck by the other. They’ve gotten in and out trouble through the years and rarely fought about anything. Neither of their natures knew how to stay mad at the other and neither truly ever wanted to. They are each other’s ride or die. But things have been changing for them in the last year. No one seems to get them and they only truly understand one another. And feelings are changing to something else. Something new. But both are terrified to tell the other. Because their friendship means more to them than anything else. But at the same time, what if they do and it becomes something more? The missing piece to all their unanswered questions about their future and what they want? The moment these two decide to take a chance and change their friendship into something romantic, things are taken to a whole new level. I loved watching these two fumble their way through this new relationship and have fun every step of the way (at least after they got past the part of admitting they wanted more). It was chaotic and hilarious and wonderful and just so them. They are soulmates. Plain and simple. They were always going to be together in some shape or form. Their friendship is their entire lives in only the best way and they figure out how to make it even more special. More complete. More right. It’s a really beautiful thing. I loved watching them find their way with that but also find their way in what they want in life too. They support one another in every single thing and are only happy when the other is happy too. And they have so much to share with others in their community and family they made on their own. Loved, loved this story! This series is just so good. You don’t want to miss this latest one!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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