Monday, November 13, 2023

Colorado Bulldogs Book 2: Bad Pucking Influence by Michele Lenard


Colorado Bulldogs Book 2

I stop pucks flying at 100mph, but even I didn’t see this shot coming.

On the surface, I’ve got it all. I’m the starting goalie and Captain of the Colorado Bulldogs hockey team. I’ve got more money than I know what to do with. I can count an entire team of elite athletes as my friends. And according to the pundits, I’m an eligible bachelor. 

That's the image everyone sees, but it’s just a role I play. A part dictated by my career. I have to be just as perfect off the ice as I am on it since everything I do reflects on my team in some way or another. So, those questions I have about why I don’t crave sexual contact the way my teammates do–questions I’m afraid to ask with the world watching… I decided a long time ago it didn’t make sense to look for answers until after I retire.

Then I ran into him. 

Tripp is loud, obnoxious, and full of confidence. Some people find his sass off-putting, but not me. I find it intriguing, and I admire his ability to be himself, consequences be damned. Apparently, I also admire the way he looks, since my eyes seem to linger on him longer than they should, and when he sets his sights on me… 

Waiting for retirement to explore who I am seems like too big a sacrifice, so when Tripp offers to help me answer some of those questions about myself, I jump. 

I'm tired of pretending to be Mr. Perfect… Tripp and his playboy antics might be just the thing I need to figure out who I am outside of hockey. The only problem is, everyone–including our mutual friends–see him as a bad pucking influence.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Tripp isn’t afraid to flirt and be himself. Especially when it comes to being around his best friend’s boyfriend’s hockey team. And there is one hockey player who catches Tripp’s attention the most. And after a year of pushing and poking to see if Noah can handle Tripp, Tripp is wondering if maybe he can. Noah is known as the leader of their NHL team. He’s the captain and it’s up to him to be an example. But when it comes down to it, Noah doesn’t really know who he is. Especially when it comes to having romantic relationships. He had hit a point where he decided to just focus on hockey. And after retirement, he’ll figure it out. But he meets Tripp and suddenly, all those feelings that he thought didn’t really exist start to slowly come forward. Maybe Tripp is the key to figuring this out. And deep down, Noah knows that it really is just Tripp and who he is. Someone Noah can be himself around and someone Noah wants to desperately know. If Tripp will let him in. What starts out as a friends with benefits turns into so much more with these two. I really enjoyed their story and how Noah could break down Tripp’s defenses bit by bit And how Tripp could be that person Noah could come to and just be himself around. Fun story for sure! 

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