Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Stonefire Dragons Universe Book 3: Finding Dragon's Court by Jessie Donovan

Finding Dragon's Court (Stonefire Dragons Universe Book 3) by [Jessie Donovan]
Stonefire Dragons Universe Book 3

To the world, Dr. Maximillian Holbrook projects himself as a chatty buffoon. It ensures everyone underestimates him, especially when it comes to his rivals. And it's worked, too, until an Australian dragon-shifter starts outsmarting him. That she's a woman doesn't matter to him. No, he'll do whatever it takes to find the legendary Dragon's Court, even if it means chaining her up to keep her out of the way.

Dr. Lavinia Walker overcame her past to become one of the best dragon-shifter archaeologists in Australia. So much so, she manages to snag a rare visa to excavate in the UK. It's been a life-long dream to discover the ruins of Queen Alviva's descendants and to finally shed light on what the dragons did once the Romans left Britain. She's so close to locating it but has one problem—a human male who’s as determined as she is. When he plays dirty, she does too.

However, when a kiss changes their lives, Max and Lavinia have to decide if they are more to each other than mere rivals. As they race against the clock to solve the last clue, will they be able to work together? Or are they both too stubborn to give up and risk any chance of a future with each other?



My Review: 5/5 Stars

This was such a fun novella in the Stonefire Universe! Lavinia and Max's rivalry to be the first to find the Dragon Court is a great enemies to lovers story. Both are archaeologists and are determined to find the court first, no matter what it takes. That may or may not include knocking the other unconscious or handcuffing them to a bed. Their rivalry is a ton of fun to read. Neither are afraid to play dirty. And that may be the very thing that changes their futures forever. One kiss and the game changes. Now it is up to them to decide if perhaps that there is just a bit more to their relationship than rivals. They'll have to work together and be vulnerable to one another to get the future they both have always wanted. Definitely a fun story! And an excellent addition to this world. 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

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