Monday, October 15, 2018

Love in Scotland Book 1: Crazy Scottish Love by Jessie Donovan

Love in Scotland Book 1
Tired of the online dating scene and her nagging mother, Donella Spencer decides to brave her eccentric extended family and go to stay with them in Scotland for a month. As long as she keeps to herself and avoids her family as much as possible, it should be easy to relax, right?

What she didn’t count on was running into Robbie Campbell, the guy who tried so hard to ditch her nearly twenty years ago that a search and rescue team had had to save her. Nor could she imagine falling for Robbie’s daughter’s big, brown eyes and agreeing to hold a themed costume party for Donella’s 31st birthday. A costume party that involves her relatives dressing in 19th century safari garb and dusty, old animal outfits.

And all of that doesn’t even begin to address her grandmother’s attempts to matchmake and marry off Donella within the month.

It’s going to be one long, trying summer in Scotland. However, sometimes the strangest situations can show what someone needs in life. Because if Donella falls in love with a man who can put up with her family, she might finally have her happy ending in sight.

Well, provided her relatives don’t drive her crazy first. 


My Review: 5/5 Stars

I have read most of Jessie Donovan's books. She usually writes some fantasy, paranormal, science fiction, all wrapped up in romance, and it was a nice change of pace to read contemporary romance from her because she is such a great writer and I love to read her stories where I know there is always an happily ever after waiting for me. Crazy Scottish Love was such a fun story to read and made me want to go to Scotland that much more. And not just so I can hear men speak to me with Scottish accents! That is just only half the reason! Ha! Donella and Robbie's story was really sweet. They met when they were kids and while Donnie had a crush on Robbie, his thirteen year old self was too busy hanging out with friends  and avoiding the American girl that had a crush on him. But years go by and they grew up. Robbie had married another woman and had a daughter, but that marriage fell apart when his ex-wife decided she didn't want anything to do with him or their daughter and she ran off with another man. Robbie is an excellent father who loves his daughter, Ruby, above everything. Letting Donella into his heart becomes a risk he is willing to take, especially after getting to know the woman she has become. Donella has had her share of heartbreak and is just about ready to give up. It also doesn't help that her entire family schemes to find her a man. Reuniting with Robbie has her realizing that maybe she doesn't have to be alone. Super sweet story. I love how this is only the beginning. I can't wait for more from this series!   

I received an ARC for an honest review.

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