Thursday, April 4, 2024

Weekday Weirdos Book 1: Red Flags & Tuesdays by Nordika Night


Weekday Weirdos Book 1

Waking up to his one-night stand trying to flee the scene, Reid sits back to enjoy the show. This blond boy is all snark and quick-wit, but there’s an awkward side to him that intrigues Reid enough to want to con him into a second date. After numerous failed attempts, Atticus reluctantly agrees to an on-the-spot date, and things get quirky from there.

A philosophy major and a wayward son, these two work through their differences, battling red flags and a slew of Tuesdays that have them bonding in ways they never saw coming. There is no normal way to date Atticus, and Reid soon learns that this ‘romance lover’ has no idea what romance is, but he’s willing to put in the work.

Reid is taking back his life. Atticus is taking back Tuesdays.

Together, they’re a brilliant disaster.

My Review: 5/5 Stars
The moment Reid wakes up and catches Atticus trying to sneak out from their hook up is the moment Reid knows that he isn’t ready to let go of Atticus just yet. But convincing Atticus to see him again? A whole other challenge that Reid is at first surprised by but more than ready to fight for. And it’s a fight for sure. Atticus isn’t afraid to call out their flaws and differences while also name every red flag between them. He knows he is strange and will never be an easy person to be with and is more than ready to push Reid at every moment. But the more Reid actually gets to spend time with Atticus, the better he gets at reading him. And in doing so, he understands him better each day and falls a little bit harder. These two were entertaining as hell. Strange at first but like with each other, you get to know them and get a better sense of who they are with every turn of the page. And by the end, I couldn’t help but adore these two and their complicated and weird yet very passionate relationship. This just ended up being a fun read with some dark twists and turns, but a love story nonetheless. One that they fought hard for even when most of the fighting was with one another. I loved their debates and how their conversations made one another find a new perspective but also gave the reader one as well. Definitely looking forward to meeting more strange and unique and highly entertaining characters in this series!
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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