Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Cover Reveal! Dad Next Door by Willow Dixon


Crimson Club - Book Five

by Willow Dixon

Cover & Excerpt Reveal

Release Date: May 8, 2024

Cover Design: Lori Jackson Design
Photographer: Michelle Lancaster
Model: Andy Murray
Genre: M/M Romance Standalone
Tropes: Best friends-to-lovers, bi-awakening, single dad, age-gap, found family, fake relationship, opposites attract, mental health rep, neighbors


Moving into my first house is step one in starting my new life. Next is setting up my contracting business. I’m so focused on my future that a relationship is the last thing on my mind.

Then I meet Tristan, the single dad next door. He might be my total opposite, but we click in a way I’ve never experienced, and he quickly becomes one of my closest friends.

After attending a wedding as his fake date to make his ex, and his ex’s new boyfriend, jealous, I can’t deny that things between us have changed. I always thought I was straight, but being with Tristan doesn’t just feel good, it feels right.

Having a fling with my neighbor might be a recipe for disaster, but it could also be exactly what we both need to finally move on from our pasts.

Quinn and Tristan’s story is a best friends-to-lovers, bi-awakening romance between a retired porn model who just moved into his first home, and a single dad trying to navigate life after divorce. Expect a fake relationship, an age gap, found family, mental health rep, lots of spice, and all the feels as these neighbors find out that sometimes opposites really do attract.

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Needing to relax, I slipped onto the balcony and breathed in the fresh air.

Lights drew my attention to Quinn’s property, and my breath caught as my gaze settled on Quinn in his hot tub. The jets were off and the canopy was open, giving me an unobstructed view of him in all his glory.

I should go. Peeping on my neighbor while he was relaxing in his hot tub was peak creepy, but my feet wouldn’t listen to my brain and stayed rooted in place.

Even from this distance, I could see how in shape Quinn was. He sat against the side of the hot tub, his outstretched arms resting on the rim of the tub and his head back. His shoulders and arms were a work of art, as were his chest and stomach. I couldn’t see below the waterline because of the darkness, but the droplets of water glistening on his skin emphasized his incredible muscle definition.

Yeah, it was time to go back inside. Quinn was a friend, and he would be horrified to know I was creeping on him like this.

Before I could move, Quinn stood, the water splashing around his thighs as he climbed out of the hot tub.


Holy shit, Quinn was naked.

My eyes traced down his rippling stomach and stopped on his dick.

Jesus H Christ, he was hung. I’d never asked for his modeling alias because I hadn’t trusted myself to not look him up.

But now that I’d seen the goods, I understood why he was making enough money off nudes to live in this neighborhood.

Shit. I wasn’t just creeping on him; I was violating his privacy and trust. I needed to leave. Now.

In my haste to get back to the door, I didn’t notice how close to the metal railing I was and knocked my beer bottle against it.

The hollow crack of glass on metal echoed in the night.

Quinn’s head snapped up, and his eyes connected with mine.

We stood there for a few beats, frozen. Then Quinn lifted his hand and waved, a smirk-smile replacing his earlier shock.

On autopilot, I waved back.

Wait, no. I was waving to my naked neighbor and still staring at him.


Darting away from the railing, I fumbled my way through the door, barely missing hitting my face, and scurried into my room.

“Oh, crap.” I leaned against the wall next to the balcony door. “Shit!

What had I done?

Quinn was the first friend I’d made since my divorce. The first friend I’d had in over fourteen years who wasn’t a mutual with Simon.

We’d grown close over the past three months, and I honestly didn’t even know how it happened.

The night he’d invited me over for a beer had been one of the best nights I’d had in years. Between work and being a dad, I didn’t have much time to socialize. And I was usually too distracted during my off-custody weeks to do anything with my free time except be sad that I couldn’t see Leo and try to catch up on work and chores.

That first night had turned into a tradition where Quinn was ready and waiting for me in his garage when Simon left with Leo. We’d have a beer, wait for dinner to arrive, and he’d listen patiently while I went on a tirade about all the things I’d held in all week.

That had evolved into us meeting up a few times during my off weeks and chatting over a beer when I got home from work too.

Hanging out with him was the only social time I spent with another adult who wasn’t my colleague or sister, and I looked forward to our conversations all week.

On paper, we were complete opposites, but hanging out with Quinn was easy. He was an incredible conversationalist, and his sense of humor matched mine. He was also well read and constantly dropped info dumps about whatever we happened to be talking about, and he didn’t mind when I did the same.


This time, when I pulled out my phone, I expected to see my sister’s name in the notifications.

It was Quinn.

“Shit,” I muttered, opening my text app.

Quinn: open your front door

Quinn: I’m outside and don’t want to wake up Leo

My heart fell. I’d hoped to have until tomorrow before I had to face him.

My stomach roiled with unease and shame.

Tristan: be right down

Bracing myself for the impending conversation, I made my way downstairs. Putting the bottle I was still clutching on the table in the foyer, I opened the front door.

Quinn stood there in a pair of low-slung sweats and a white t-shirt that was essentially transparent because of how wet it was. His expression was blank. Was that better than irate?

I stepped onto the porch and closed the door behind me so the dogs wouldn’t notice and none of my animals could escape.

“I’m so sorry,” I blurted. “I didn’t know you were out there until I did, and it was too late to stop looking, but I didn’t stop even though I should have and—”

He raised his hand to silence me, a tiny smirk tipping up the corner of his mouth. “Breathe, Doc. You’re gonna pass out if you keep going like that.”

I did as he said, sucking in a breath and holding it in for a few beats.

“Can I say something?” he asked as I blew it out.

I nodded, ready for whatever dressing down he was about to unleash on me.

“So, did you like what you saw?” He smiled, his face the picture of serenity.

My jaw dropped like it had been unhinged.

He laughed. “You should see your face right now.”

I closed my mouth, shock taking over from my earlier shame and horror.

“Relax, Tris. I’m not here because I’m gonna chew you out or anything.”

“You’re not?” I blinked at him.

“Nope. I know you can see into my yard from your balcony. This is as much my fault for not closing the canopy.”

“You’re not mad?” I gaped at him.

“Why would I be mad about an accident?” He tucked his hands in the pockets of his sweats.

“I violated your privacy.”

“Not on purpose. And I make my living showing my junk on the internet. You’d see a hell of a lot more of me if you googled my stage name.”

My ears burned so hot I knew they had to be dark red.

“Are you okay? It looked like you opened the door on your face.”

I touched my forehead. “Yeah, I’m fine. Didn’t actually hit anything, just flailed like a moron.”

“I’m serious, Tris. This isn’t a big deal. I’m not mad, and you didn’t do anything wrong. Shit happens, and it’ll teach me to close my canopy if I don’t want anyone accidentally getting an eyeful.”

“I’m still sorry.”

“I know.” He grinned. “This’ll be a funny story one day.”

I smiled, most of the tension leaving my body. Maybe I hadn’t fucked everything up.

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About the Author

What can I say about myself? It’s kind of like being the new kid in school and being asked to tell everyone a bit about yourself. Anyone else forget everything they’ve ever liked, thought of, and even their name in those moments?

A few facts about me; I’m a veteran, I’m Canadian, and I love books! I’ve been writing my own stories since I was eight and wrote my first novel at sixteen. I’m the first to admit those attempts weren’t my best work, but they started me on a journey of creating stories that has led me to fulfilling my dream of becoming an author. I’ve written and published in several genres under different names, but MM is by far my favorite, and I’m so happy to be able to share my stories with people today.

I currently live on Canada’s east coast with my kiddo and my cats. I have a shoe collecting addiction, and I enjoy taking long walks, discussions with friends, and reading anything and everything I can get my hands on.

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