Thursday, November 30, 2017

Cursed by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Dying sucks

...and high school senior Ember McWilliams knows firsthand. 

After a fatal car accident, her gifted little sister brought her back. Now anything Ember touches dies. And that, well, really blows.

Ember operates on a no-touch policy with all living things--including boys. When Hayden Cromwell shows up, quoting Oscar Wilde and claiming her curse is a gift, she thinks he's a crazed cutie. But when he tells her he can help control it, she's more than interested. There's just one catch: Ember has to trust Hayden's adopted father, a man she's sure has sinister reasons for collecting children whose abilities even weird her out. However, she's willing to do anything to hold her sister's hand again. And hell, she'd also like to be able to kiss Hayden. Who wouldn't?

But when Ember learns the accident that turned her into a freak may not've been an accident at all, she's not sure who to trust. Someone wanted her dead, and the closer she gets to the truth, the closer she is to losing not only her heart, but her life.

For real this time.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Jennifer L. Armentrout is one of my favorite authors and this book is just another one to add to her collection of amazing stories. It's sort of like X-Men in the sense that there are people with abilities but a lot more low key in the sense that this is tight secret from humans for the most part. And minus the characters becoming superheroes. The main character Ember wasn't born with powers. She with in a fatal car accident that killed both her and her father. However, she is the one that comes back to life thanks to her three-year old sister Olivia, who has healing abilities powerful to bring back the dead. Jumpy two years later and Ember is the responsible one in her home. She takes care of Olivia like a mother would a child because their mother hasn't been able to really get out of bed since the accident killed her husband. Ember struggles with the taking care of her sister and what makes it worse is that when she was brought back from the dead, she gained an ability of her own. Her touch equals death. No touching plants, animals, or even holding her baby sister's hand. (Hey, it's kind of like Rogue from X-Men! Though no gaining other mutants abilities.)

After an deadly incident, Ember and her family are taken by Jonathan Cromwell, a man with abilities of his own and holds a home where other kids with abilities lives. Though it is clear they want Olivia rather than Ember when it comes to abilities, Cromwell's adopted son, Hayden, is the only one who believes that Ember is gifted and that she can control her powers if given a chance. An almost impossible romance blossoms between Ember and Hayden. Thankfully, his powers are about absorbing others' abilities, so he can touch her! If not for a few seconds at a time before their powers clash. But as Ember adjusts to what feels like a kidnapping and a forced life, there is something else going on. Ember is being targeted and she doesn't know by who but she wonders if this person is the one caused her father's and even her own death.

It took me a little bit to warm up to Ember. But it's hard to blame her for her attitude. I mean, I would be pretty grumpy too if I couldn't hold my baby sister or kiss the guy I like. But her development is great as she learns to see her gift in a new light. And Hayden, well he is such a great book boyfriend! Which Armentrout is definitely an expert on writing (Can I just say Daemon Black?).

The book had action, mystery, romance, and so much more that gave it that great paranormal young adult combo. My only thing is that it is a standalone that left a lot of questions unanswered and an ending that could definitely lead to a series, which even though the book was published in 2012, I really hope that it is something Armentrout will go back and add more too.

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