Thursday, November 30, 2017

Don't Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Don't Look Back

Samantha is a stranger in her own life. Until the night she disappeared with her best friend, Cassie, everyone said Sam had it all - popularity, wealth, and a dream boyfriend. 

Sam has resurfaced, but she has no recollection of who she was or what happened to her that night. As she tries to piece together her life from before, she realizes it's one she no longer wants any part of. The old Sam took "mean girl" to a whole new level, and it's clear she and Cassie were more like best enemies. Sam is pretty sure that losing her memories is like winning the lottery. She's getting a second chance at being a better daughter, sister, and friend, and she's falling hard for Carson Ortiz, a boy who has always looked out for her-even if the old Sam treated him like trash. 

But Cassie is still missing, and the truth about what happened to her that night isn't just buried deep inside of Sam's memory - someone else knows, someone who wants to make sure Sam stays quiet. All Sam wants is the truth, and if she can unlock her clouded memories of that fateful night, she can finally move on. But what if not remembering is the only thing keeping Sam alive? 


My Review: 4/5 Stars

I always wanted to write a story where the main character loses a significant amount of  his or her memory. And I was happy to dive into Jennifer L. Armentrout's book where she did exactly that. Though she took it further than I had ever written. Not only does her main character not remember how she ended up walking on the side of the road, bloody and confused, she doesn't even remember her own name! Let alone her family members or how old she is. Our main character is truly a blank slate. And it was written so well that I couldn't put the book down and read it in one day. I had this need to find out what happened to her and if she was going to get her memory back and solve the mystery of where she was and what happened to her friend Cassie. 

The book begins with Samantha walking on the side of the road pretty messed up and confused. Luckily for her a police officer picks her up and takes her to the hospital. She wakes up not recognizing her parents and doesn't know her name. From there, Samantha returns home to her fraternal twin brother who at first doesn't believe her but quickly realizes this isn't Samantha covering for herself in the usual trouble she may get into. 

Samantha learns that she hasn't been the best sister or friend in the last six years. Ever since she met Cassie, the girl who is currently missing, she had changed into a witch with a capital B. Her brother doesn't really know what initially sparked the change other than meeting frenemy Cassie, but Samantha realizes that she doesn't exactly want to go back to being that bad of a person either. 

The book continues with Samantha trying to regain her memories so that she can help figure out what happened Cassie, figure out who is leaving her threatening messages and the "Shadow Man" she keeps seeing, trying to navigate her way through the social hierarchy of high school where she once at the top but without her memories she has dropped to the bottom, and reconnect with the boy next door (Carson) who was once her best friend but somehow she lost along the way. 

Carson is another worthy book boyfriend that Armentrout can add to her collection. He is sweet and kind and will do anything to help Samantha, despite their past being less than friendly when she changed. That alone makes me as a reader want to shake Samantha and say "how could you let him go!?" 

The book is filled with mystery, romance, and action as Samantha and Carson team up to recover Samantha's memories and learn what happened that night Samantha and Cassie disappeared. It grasps the reality that is high school and how our parents and friends expectations can change who we are all in order to fit in or to even be perfect. 

When second chances come Samantha learns to take it. 

An amazing and definite worthy read, with plot twists that you truly don't see coming until it's too late! 

Cursed by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Dying sucks

...and high school senior Ember McWilliams knows firsthand. 

After a fatal car accident, her gifted little sister brought her back. Now anything Ember touches dies. And that, well, really blows.

Ember operates on a no-touch policy with all living things--including boys. When Hayden Cromwell shows up, quoting Oscar Wilde and claiming her curse is a gift, she thinks he's a crazed cutie. But when he tells her he can help control it, she's more than interested. There's just one catch: Ember has to trust Hayden's adopted father, a man she's sure has sinister reasons for collecting children whose abilities even weird her out. However, she's willing to do anything to hold her sister's hand again. And hell, she'd also like to be able to kiss Hayden. Who wouldn't?

But when Ember learns the accident that turned her into a freak may not've been an accident at all, she's not sure who to trust. Someone wanted her dead, and the closer she gets to the truth, the closer she is to losing not only her heart, but her life.

For real this time.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Jennifer L. Armentrout is one of my favorite authors and this book is just another one to add to her collection of amazing stories. It's sort of like X-Men in the sense that there are people with abilities but a lot more low key in the sense that this is tight secret from humans for the most part. And minus the characters becoming superheroes. The main character Ember wasn't born with powers. She with in a fatal car accident that killed both her and her father. However, she is the one that comes back to life thanks to her three-year old sister Olivia, who has healing abilities powerful to bring back the dead. Jumpy two years later and Ember is the responsible one in her home. She takes care of Olivia like a mother would a child because their mother hasn't been able to really get out of bed since the accident killed her husband. Ember struggles with the taking care of her sister and what makes it worse is that when she was brought back from the dead, she gained an ability of her own. Her touch equals death. No touching plants, animals, or even holding her baby sister's hand. (Hey, it's kind of like Rogue from X-Men! Though no gaining other mutants abilities.)

After an deadly incident, Ember and her family are taken by Jonathan Cromwell, a man with abilities of his own and holds a home where other kids with abilities lives. Though it is clear they want Olivia rather than Ember when it comes to abilities, Cromwell's adopted son, Hayden, is the only one who believes that Ember is gifted and that she can control her powers if given a chance. An almost impossible romance blossoms between Ember and Hayden. Thankfully, his powers are about absorbing others' abilities, so he can touch her! If not for a few seconds at a time before their powers clash. But as Ember adjusts to what feels like a kidnapping and a forced life, there is something else going on. Ember is being targeted and she doesn't know by who but she wonders if this person is the one caused her father's and even her own death.

It took me a little bit to warm up to Ember. But it's hard to blame her for her attitude. I mean, I would be pretty grumpy too if I couldn't hold my baby sister or kiss the guy I like. But her development is great as she learns to see her gift in a new light. And Hayden, well he is such a great book boyfriend! Which Armentrout is definitely an expert on writing (Can I just say Daemon Black?).

The book had action, mystery, romance, and so much more that gave it that great paranormal young adult combo. My only thing is that it is a standalone that left a lot of questions unanswered and an ending that could definitely lead to a series, which even though the book was published in 2012, I really hope that it is something Armentrout will go back and add more too.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Renegades by Marissa Meyer

Renegades (Renegades, #1)
Renegades Book 1

Secret Identities. Extraordinary Powers. She wants vengeance. He wants justice.

The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies—humans with extraordinary abilities—who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. As champions of justice, they remain a symbol of hope and courage to everyone...except the villains they once overthrew.

Nova has a reason to hate the Renegades, and she is on a mission for vengeance. As she gets closer to her target, she meets Adrian, a Renegade boy who believes in justice—and in Nova. But Nova's allegiance is to a villain who has the power to end them both.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Marissa Meyer has created something that all of us comic book and superhero fans have been waiting for, and it couldn’t have been better! But hey, there is a sequel coming out next year, so let’s be honest, knowing her she is going to top the thrilling, action-packed, story that is Renegades. Hero or Villain? Renegade or Anarchist? That is the choice for the characters in the world that Meyer has created. The story was thrilling and kept you on your toes the whole way through. It wasn’t a black and white, good versus evil story. Nope. Not at all. Meyer has no fear in bringing out the gray areas. Especially with her two main characters, Nova and Adrian.

Nova, the prodigy secretly known as Nightmare, has the power to make others sleep at her touch and she doesn’t have to sleep herself. But before she was Nightmare, she was a kid who deeply loved her family and believed in what the Renegades, the Council and heroes that protected their city from crime, did. Until, the night her parents and baby sister were murdered in front of her. (Batman, anyone?) Heartbroken that her heroes failed to protect her family when they needed her most, she was taken care of by her uncle Alex aka Ace Anarchy. The leader of the Anarchists. A group villains who just want to be equal and not punished for their gifts. Nova grows up with her uncle and his fellow Anarchists in hopes of one day taking down the organization that failed her.

Adrian is the adopted son of Captain Chromium and The Dread Warden, two founding members of the Renegades and leaders of the Renegade Council. His mother was killed in the line of duty, she too was a founding member of the Renegades. Adrian’s superhero name is Sketch because he can bring his drawings and artwork to life. But that’s not the only thing he is known by. He has another secret identity because despite his belief in what the Renegades do, he feels that sometimes you need to dig a little deeper for justice.

What I really loved about this story was that it switched back and forth between Nova and Adrian so you can see both sides of the story in terms of what is considered good and what is considered evil. It was never a simple concept of good versus evil. The Anarchists aren’t just villains trying to cause chaos and hurt people. They have a real purpose and it’s about freedom. They prove that the system that was created isn’t perfect and that relying on the so-called heroes shouldn’t be how the world is governed. It needs to be equal for those with and without powers. As for the Renegades, they are all about being heroes and saving people but their system isn’t perfect. And there can be those who are given a hero uniform but still are bullies. And how far are they willing to go in their quest to bring peace? I bet they are willing to cross some lines when the time comes.

Adrian and Nova meet on the streets by chance and the spark between them is immediate. Though their initial meeting is brief, both know that something has changed. Circumstances throw them together once more and they find themselves on the same team. Nova goes undercover as a Renegade to learn how to take them down but in the meantime she sees that not everyone there is as evil as she once believed. Adrian opens her eyes to some of the good. And Nova, though she keeps her secret away from Adrian, shows him some of the realities of what it is like outside the Renegades group. Slowly they see both sides of the picture. But their true identities are still hidden from one another. When the time comes will their feelings be strong enough to overcome the pressure and beliefs that were pushed on them since children? We won’t find out until book two! (Which seems too far away!)

If you love heroes, villains, superpowers, action, mystery and the hilarious characters then this book is for you. Even over 500 pages long it didn’t take me long to finish, because there was no dull moments. The small mysteries kept it interesting and there are still so many unanswered questions. As someone who loves Marvel and DC comics and movies, it was finally nice to find a young adult novel that held these ideas and bring them into a new light. With cliffhanger endings and shocking twists this book is a great read and I seriously cannot wait for the next one! 

Lake Howling Book 6: A Long Way Home by Wendy Vella

A Long Way Home (A Lake Howling Novel Book 6)
Lake Howling Book 6

Sexy, contemporary romance filled with heart, humor and characters you’ll fall in love with. 

Hope Lawrence’s life has imploded. Losing her job, savings, and lastly boyfriend, she thought she’d hit rock bottom. WRONG! She makes a fool of herself in front of her childhood nemesis. How is she to face Newman again, knowing his black eye was a result of her stupidity? Can she go back to Lake Howling and pick up the pieces of her life? Both seem unlikely, as does the sudden attraction she feels for the man who wears designer clothes and has a girl in every city. Her head is telling her to run, but her heart has other ideas. 

Paul Theodore Newman liked his life. He has order, friendship and a job that allows him to help people, and until Hope Lawrence storms back into town, that was enough. Her fashion sense makes him shudder, as do her kale smoothies! Down on her luck, she challenges him at every turn, but when trouble follows her to Howling, he finds himself determined to help her, only to discover it’s him who needs rescuing from the demons of his past.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Another great book in a wonderful series! We finally get to Newman's story and it was one that was worth the wait. Newman is a character who lives to help people, wears designer clothes, and likes to keep order to his life. So of course the woman he falls for has to be chaotic. And Hope Lawrence is exactly that. When they opposites attract, Newman and Hope are a perfect example. My favorite part about this book and about this couple is the clashing of their personalities. Their witty banter will leave you laughing and smiling the entire time you are reading the book. Every time they enter the same room you can’t wait to see the verbal battle that will have you rooting for them to just admit their feelings for one another. 

Neither of these characters had an easy life. You learn some truths of Newman’s past. And witness Hope’s struggle of learning that you don’t have to face everything alone. It’s real and relatable. Like the past books in the series, you can’t help but attach yourself to these characters. And it’s even better that no character is ever forgotten. Everyone is back and you get to see their lives even after their story had ended. 

Wendy Vella delivers another beautifully written story that is action packed with some drama and danger. It’s the town everyone secretly wants to live in and has the romance and love story you secretly wish for. Another must-read that will have you hoping that this isn’t the end of the Lake Howling series. 

Lake Howling Book 5: Don't Look Back by Wendy Vella

Don't Look Back (Lake Howling #5)
Lake Howling Book 5
Unexpected But Undeniable 
After a disastrous marriage, Macy Reynolds has picked up the broken pieces of her life and moved on. She’s sworn off men and is building a new life in the safe haven of Lake Howling, Oregon with her son, friends, and her boutique business. So why now is she suddenly distracted by the seriously sexy Texan, Brad Gelderman? The man spells d-a-n-g-e-r, in large flashing, neon letters and Macy’s had more than enough of that in her life. Macy swears she won’t fall for Brad … but the heat between them is irresistible. 
Brad Gelderman has come to Lake Howling to lay ghosts to rest from the past, and he’s definitely not planning on sticking around. What he hadn’t expected was this quirky little town filled with people who thought it was okay to interfere in his life, and one captivating firecracker called Macy Reynolds, who is sweet, sexy, and as messed up emotionally as him. She got to him, touched something inside him that was both terrifying and wonderful. 
Lake Howling is healing their pasts; can it hold a beautiful new future for Brad and Macy?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

This series hooked me from the very first novel, A Promise of Home. The moment I finished it, I sped through the rest because I honestly could not put them down. Don't Look Back is another great one in this series and what makes it extra special is our main characters, Macy and Brad. Macy and Brad were introduced early in the series. And what you don't realize when you meet them is that they are very alike. When we first see them, there is an immediate dislike. Macy was cold and stuck up and Brad was a sleazy angry drunk. However, what you don't realize at first is that they both were being abused and controlled in their lives. They were drowning and at the time no one was around to save them. Branna saved Macy. She saw behind the makeup and cold frontier and realized that this woman had a lot more going on. Branna pushed Macy to fight back because she was worth it. Her life was worth fighting for. Macy was abused physically and emotionally by her husband Brian. And by the end of Branna's story, Macy was free from him and left to have her son and begin healing. When we meet Brad in The Texan Meets His Match, we see a man who let his father control him and watch him drown in alcohol, to hide the true reach of his father's power over him. At the end of Ethan's story, we see the first hint of Brad trying to escape his father's control when he reaches out to Ethan. Macy and Brad's beginnings are awful but at some point everyone deserves a happy ending. 

What makes Don't Look Back special, is that about 4 years have gone by from their introductions. Instead of a story where we see how weak these characters are and how they find each other and heal one another, we get a story where they have already battled through the worse of their insecurities and are reaching a point where they are just about ready to be happy and live again. Macy we have watched through the 4 novels before, slowly heal and raise her son with the support of her friends. She is stronger than she was and knows how to be independent. Brad we learn has left home 2 years ago and made himself a life. He may still be trying to figure it out how to be happy and let go of the past, but when a tragedy strike, he realizes that he needs his make amends with his siblings. By Brad reaching out to Ethan, it's another step forward in his life to finding happiness and peace. 

This story is about how Macy and Brad bring out the best in one another. Brad teaches Macy that she has always been strong and that she doesn't have to let her friends fight her battles and always protect her. She can speak her mind and not be afraid to do so. It's okay to take control again because no one there will break her down. She is respected and able to take a stand. Macy teaches Brad to let emotion in and forgiveness. Because there is no way to heal if you cannot talk about what it is that is tearing you up inside. Their story is of two broken souls that have been healing slowly on their own but learn that together they are the happiness and love they deserve and have been looking for all their lives. 

Beautifully written, action packed (because there is always a little danger and drama in the beautiful town of Lake Howling), and, of course, romance and love that everyone ones craves and wishes for themselves, this story is fantastic! A must-read in a series I hope will never end!

Guild Hunters Book 2: Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh

Archangel's Kiss (Guild Hunter, #2)
Guild Hunters Book 2
New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh returns to her world of angelic rulers, vampiric servants, and the woman thrust into their darkly seductive world...

Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux wakes from a year-long coma to find herself changed—an angel with wings the colors of midnight and dawn—but her fragile body needs time to heal before she can take flight. Her lover, the stunningly dangerous archangel, Raphael, is used to being in control—especially when it comes to the woman he considers his own. But Elena has never done well with authority.

They've barely begun to understand each other when Raphael receives an invitation to a ball from the archangel, Lijuan. To refuse would be a sign of fatal weakness, so Raphael must ready Elena for the flight to Beijing—and to the nightmare that awaits them there. Ancient and without conscience, Lijuan holds a power that lies with the dead. And she has organized the most perfect and most vicious of welcomes for Elena.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

People are always worried that the second book in a series will never be as good as the first one. How could it beat the original? Well that is never the case for Nalini Singh’s novels. She only makes her stories more addicting. After an ending like Angel’s Blood, Archangel’s Kiss continues the story of Elena and Raphael. Raphael’s love was so strong and real for Elena, that it not only saved her life but it transformed her into an angel. Though Elena may now have a pair of wings, it is not enough to changed Elena completely. Elena keeps her “mortal heart” and stays exactly who she is: a warrior. The second book brings and Elena and Raphael to the Refuge, where Elena has finally awakened after spending a year in a coma. Physically weak, she learns to adapt to her new body. Elena also now gets to see what life is like amongst the angels and get ready to face the new enemies emerging to hurt her and Raphael. This novel keeps the action going and we see the development of Elena and Raphael learning to be with one another. It’s a love so strong, you can’t help but be drawn to it.

Guild Hunters Book 1: Angels' Blood by Nalini Singh

Angels' Blood (Guild Hunter, #1)
Guild Hunters Book 1

Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux knows she is the best- but she does not know if even she is good enough for this job. Hired by the dangerously beautiful archangel Raphael, a being so lethal that no mortal wants his attention, Elena knows failure is not an option—even if the task is impossible. 

Because this time, it's not a wayward vamp she has to track. It's an archangel gone bad. 

The job will put Elena in the midst of a killing spree like no other—and pull her to the razor's edge of passion. Even if the hunt does not destroy her, succumbing to Raphael’s seductive touch just might. For when archangels play, mortals break.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

After reading Nalini Singh’s addicting Psy-Changeling novels, i had to see what her Guild Hunter novels had to offer. And she does not disappoint. She sets up another modern day world but instead of the Psy and Changelings, we get angels and vampires. There were so many different aspects of this story that i loved. The creativity was once again superb and the love story was heart-achingly good. But one of the things that really got me was the main heroine, Elena Deveraux. A beautiful, tough as nails skilled hunter, who is such a strong female character, i couldn’t help but be addicted to the book. She isn’t put down for being a woman, she is actually considered the best at what she does at the Guild. She is respected even among the angels and vampires. It is was draws her to the big bad archangel, Raphael. 

The chemistry between Elena and Raphael is electric. Their banter is hilarious and the serious moments between the two are so real and raw. As powerful and scary as Raphael is, Elena admits her fear, but that isn’t enough to stop herself from falling for the archangel. Her mortality and heart is irresistible to Raphael. They challenge one another constantly, each holding their own broken pasts that only surface for one another. Giving them a real connection and relationship. 

The secondary characters are just as intense and interesting as Elena and Raphael. Whether they are friends of Elena’s from the Guild or the Seven that make up Raphael’s most trusted friends and soldiers. I look forward to learning more about them and especially those who are honored to have their own books in the series. No one is left out and no one should be. It makes the world Singh creates even more interesting. 

Action-packed. Elena’s hunter-born abilities are tested to help Raphael on a hush-hush mission to find an out of control archangel. There is never a dull moment in this book. Especially with an ending that you can’t help but “fall” for.

The Elder Races Book 9.5: Liam Takes Manhattan by Thea Harrison

Liam Takes Manhattan (Elder Races, #9.5)
Elder Races 9.5
Warning: This story contains a major spoiler from SHADOW’S END (book #9, released December 1st, 2015). If readers do not want to be spoiled, they should read the stories in order of their release dates.

This is a short story (15,000 words or 50 pages) intended for readers of the Elder Races who enjoy Liam Cuelebre as a character.

Reeling from a deep loss, the magical prince of the Wyr, Dragos and Pia’s son Liam Cuelebre, turns inward and withdrawn as he struggles to come to terms with who he is, along with the challenges that lie before him.

Hoping to ease his heartache and offer comfort, a concerned Dragos and Pia offer him a gift, something he has desired for a long time. Liam’s response has a ripple effect across all of New York. Soon miracles of all kinds start arriving just in time for Christmas, along with a visit from a mysterious person who gives Liam hope and a vision of his future.

LIAM TAKES MANHATTAN is the third part of a three-story series about Pia, Dragos, and their son, Liam. Each story stands alone, but fans might want to read all three: DRAGOS GOES TO WASHINGTON, PIA DOES HOLLYWOOD, and LIAM TAKES MANHATTAN.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

After the devastating events that occurred in Shadow's End, this short story takes a look at what is next for Liam Cuelebre. Less than a year old, this Wyr-dragon is already has the body of a 17 year old and the mind of someone even older. Liam has hit his angsty teenage age that we are all too familiar with: Who am I? What is my purpose? Well Liam, you are not alone. In this short story we learn how Liam feels and watch has he tries and decides what his next step should be in his journey. A great story especially for those who have finished Shadow's End and needed more while we wait patiently for the next novel to be announced!

The Elder Races Book 9: Shadow's End by Thea Harrison

Shadow's End (Elder Races, #9)
Elder Races Book 9
The author of Lord’s Fall and Midnight’s Kiss returns with an enchanting and sizzling new tale about debts that cannot be repaid and hunger that cannot be satisfied…

For Beluviel, consort to the Elven High Lord, and Graydon, gryphon and First Sentinel of the Wyr, even the slightest desire for each other is forbidden. But two hundred years ago, after a desperate play to save Beluviel’s stepson left them indebted to the cruel Djinn Malphas, they found their fates inexorably linked together—and the hunger between them growing too strong to ignore…

Two centuries later, with their debt to Malphas coming due, Beluviel and Graydon realize that, if they are to stand any chance of saving their souls, they must once again work together—this time more closely than ever before. But every moment they spend with each other brings them nearer to losing something even more vital—their hearts…


My Review: 5/5 Stars

I’ve been waiting the entire series to read this story after meeting Graydon from the very first book. He is a lovable character that stood out right from the beginning, who you were rooting for to get his own book because he is someone who deserved to be happy. And finally with Shadow’s End, we finally get to see his story. And man, does Thea Harrison know how to tell a heartbreakingly good story.

In Lord’s Fall, the reader got to see a sneak peek of Gray and his love, Beluviel for the first time. Little did you know that, that wasn’t the first time these two have met. We learn that they have known one another for over 200 years and in the last 200 they were ripped apart after bargaining with a Djinn. (Which if you haven’t learned by now, is never a good thing).

Harrison takes the reader back 200 years before to show where Gray and Bel first interacted, worked together, fell in love together, and broke apart. After learning the truth between their tragic love story, the time has come to end their bargain with the Djinn, Malphas, once and for all. Gray made a promise to fight everyday until he had a plan and his patience has paid off. A silent war will come to light in a final battle that leaves the no on unscathed. For there is always a price in war.

Not only does this book do justice to showing how strong Gray is when it comes to those he loves, Harrison goes a step further. No character that we have met in previous books and even previous novellas are left out. Characters that may have first seemed random to have been given their own short stories were not left out. Everyone is important and everyone has a role. It is one of the many reasons why i have enjoyed Thea Harrison’s works. The details and hints she provides throughout the series all have a purpose.

I cried. I laughed. I cheered. I sobbed. It’s an emotional rollercoaster that has you hoping to give a loved character a happy ending he deserves.

It’s an excellent book that leaves the reader wanting more. For their world has changed and new enemies are slowly coming to light. 

The Elder Races Book 8.6: Pia Does Hollywood by Thea Harrison

Pia Does Hollywood (Elder Races, #8.6)
Elder Races Book 8.6
After making a diplomatic pact with humankind and the other leaders of the Elder Races, Pia Cuelebre, mate to Dragos Cuelebre, Lord of the Wyr, reluctantly heads to Hollywood to spend a week with the Light Fae Queen, Tatiana, before the busy Masque season hits New York in December. 

Dragos has never let the lack of an invitation stop him from doing anything he wanted. Unwilling to let his mate make the trip without him, he travels to southern California in secret to be with her. 

But when an ancient enemy launches a shattering assault against the Light Fae, Dragos and Pia must intercede. The destruction threatens to spread and strike a mortal blow against all of the magically gifted, both human and Elder Race alike. 
Working with the Light Fae to neutralize the danger, Dragos and Pia find their deepest vulnerabilities challenged and their most closely held secrets threatened with exposure. 

PIA DOES HOLLYWOOD is the second part of a three-story series about Pia, Dragos, and and their son, Liam. Each story stands alone, but fans might want to read all three: DRAGOS GOES TO WASHINGTON, PIA DOES HOLLYWOOD, and LIAM TAKES MANHATTAN. 


My Review: 5/5 Stars

After the crazy events from Dragos Goes to Washington, Pia must journey to L.A. to visit the Light Fae Queen. But like Pia herself has noticed, traveling for her usually means trouble. Pia and Dragos can never seem to catch a break and one or the other is usually in some sort of life-threatening danger. But their love has always made them stronger and as long as they fight their enemies together, they can beat anything. 

One of the great things about this story is that it is the start of a new arc and new villain slowly coming out of the shadows. When Dragos had suffered severe memory loss in an earlier novella, Pia Saves the Day, he lost the ability to remember all his enemies. Though his memory has improved, it isn't perfect, especially for the current situation. The Light Fae Queen of the Seelie Court in Great Britain, Isabeau, has once again resumed her assassination attempts on her twin sister Queen Tatiana. But with Dragos not remembering his meetings with Isabeau, the question remains: is she a friend or foe to Dragos? 

This novella is just the beginning for what i hope to be a new story arc that takes us to a ruthless enemy. 

The Elder Races Book 8.5: Dragos Goes to Washington by Thea Harrison

Dragos Goes to Washington (Elder Races, #8.5)
Elder Races Book 8.5

Dragos Cuelebre, Lord of the Wyr, needs to throw a party without maiming anyone. That isn’t exactly as easy as it might sound.

After the destructive events of the last eighteen months, the Elder Races are heading to Washington D.C. to foster peace with humankind. Not known for his diplomacy skills, Dragos must rely on his mate Pia to help navigate a battlefield of words and polite smiles rather than claws. With Dragos’s mating instinct riding close to the surface, his temper is more volatile than ever and the threat of violence hovers in the air.

Then the human spouse of a prominent politician winds up murdered and Dragos and Pia must race against time to hunt down those behind it before they are held responsible for the crime.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

A beginning to another arc of short stories, Harrison does not disappoint with this one! We are back to Pia and Dragos and happy to see that they are facing the challenges the world has thrown at them, together. Not only do we get a look at the rest of demesnes and how each group is handling the hardships of the last year and a half, we get an update with the couple that started the series. 


Our couple is trying again to have another baby! Yay! Boy? Girl? Dragon? Or the rare possibility of Pia's rare Wyr form - a unicorn? Obviously too soon to tell. And the idea of a Wyr pregnancy is rare enough as it is. But then again for our Powerful couple, that may not be a problem. 

Pia and Dragos finally form more than just a lover-relationship. They have become husband and wife. They have a son together. And now you see them having a real partnership. They are hard at work fighting to keep their people safe. This short story opens the story for new challenges that are beginning to surface, all while giving an update on our favorite couple.

The Elder Races Book 8: Midnight's Kiss by Thea Harrison

Midnight's Kiss (Elder Races, #8)
Elder Races Book 8

In the latest Novel of the Elder Races, two souls who have long buried their passions are about to be consumed…

Ever since their scorching affair ended years ago, Julian, the Nightkind King, and Melisande, daughter of the Light Fae Queen, have tried to put the past behind them—and distance between them. But when a war breaks out between Julian and Justine, a powerful Vampyre of the Nightkind council, they find themselves thrown together under treacherous circumstances…

Kidnapped as leverage against Julian, Melly is convinced that her former lover won’t be rushing to her rescue. But when Julian gives himself up to save her, they both end up Justine’s captives. Armed only with their wits and their anger, Melly and Julian must work together to escape. But will they be able to ignore their complicated history, or will the fiery passion that once burned them blaze again? 


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Early on in the series we first hear and see Julian through the point of view through Carling’s point of view. There is tension and even a portrayal of Julian being a bit of villain. But like most of Thea Harrison’s characters, there are two sides to a story and finally we get to see Julian’s. Not only that but Harrison’s characters are not simply divided by good and evil. Everyone has their light and dark side. None of them are close to innocent. Part of me thought this was a villain getting a point of view. But Julian is not a villain. He has his own tragic story that had shaped who he has become and why there is anger and bitterness toward those like Carling who are in his life. He also is fiercely protective of his people, the same way Dragos is with the Wyr. 

Despite his belief that the love of his life Melisande had cheated on him 20 years earlier, Julian does not hesitate to hand himself over to a vicious enemy in order to save her. Though he seems bitter, it is just a shield that is covering his broken heart and the love he still feels for her despite the betrayal. Melisande meanwhile has been heartbroken and angry at Julian for never believing her when she said that she never cheated on him, but she too is still clearly in love with him as well. Though neither are ready to give into it so easily. Love is hard and betrayal even harder. But these characters are too strong willed and stubborn to let anything stop them from getting what they want. 

Their journey in this novel forces them to face a painful past in order to gain the truths that will save their future together. Harrison once again provides her readers with an action packed book, a deep love story, and a flawless take on characters who have never had an easier journey in their life. We also get another story into the Nightkind Life. Slowly, Harrison is expanding her world bit by bit. We had seen the Wyrs and a glimpse of the Nighkind life in the previous novel, now we get the King himself. We also get into the Light Fae as well through Melly. 

The eighth book in and this series has yet to disappoint me. 

The Elder Races Book 7: Night's Honor by Thea Harrison

Night's Honor (Elder Races, #7)
Elder Races Book 7

In USA Today bestselling author Thea Harrison's latest Novel of the Elder Races, a woman finds herself in need of protection—and seduced by honor…

On the run from her former employer, Tess knows that she’s vulnerable on her own amongst the Elder Races. That’s why she decides to audition to become the human attendant of a powerful Vampyre of the Nightkind demesne. But while her position affords her the safety she seeks, her protector turns out to be more than she bargained for.

The right-hand man of the Nightkind King, Xavier del Torro is both terrifying and alluring. While his true nature frightens Tess, she can’t ignore the appeal of his innate sense of integrity and self-restraint. Thrown into Xavier’s world, Tess must quickly learn to navigate the dangers—both to her life and to her heart. But the biggest threat comes from her own past…. 

My Review: 5/5 Stars

A quiet book for the quiet pair that is Xavier and Tess. Xavier has been mentioned a few times throughout the series as Julian’s right hand man. Though there has not been much more said about him other than if he is Julian’s right hand man then he is clearly a dangerous one. All true. Tess is new yet where she comes from is all too familiar. If you have read the novella Devil’s Gate, you then learned about the pariah Djinn Malphas. And anything in relation to Malphas means trouble. In an attempt to hide herself from the Djinn Tess finds herself trying out to be an attendant for a vampire, despite the fear she has for them. What she never could have guessed was that a powerful vampire such as Xavier would take interest in her. 

What is great about their story is that it is one that slowly builds. There is an initial spark of interest for both, but it takes more than that little spark to equal love. Tess is a great character. She is strong-willed and courageous. Tess takes her fears and faces them head on. She does what she has to do in order to survive but keeps who she is clear. We watch her character development as she learns to see past the stereotype of vampires being monsters. She blossoms into a strong character and by the end of the book she is no longer afraid. 

Xavier is the vampire of every woman’s dream. A true gentleman with a heart of gold and the body and strength of a warrior. He is as patient as he is vicious when it comes to those he loves who are threatened. The love that is sparked by him and Tess is real. It is built slowly due to Tess’s fear of him being a vampire, which only makes it better because we can see how she learns to push her fear away and see the man behind the fangs. 

The reader gets to see the beginning of the Nightkind life and the challenges and enemies they face. Not as action packed as previous novels in the series but the development of characters is just too good to pass. But that doesn’t mean it is boring, the ending itself is a battle that will only lead to more interesting new enemies for the next book!

The Elder Races Book 6: Kinked by Thea Harrison

Kinked (Elder Races, #6)
Elder Races Book 6
Two opponents must confront the cause of their obsessive fury in the latest Novel of the Elder Races…

As a harpy, Sentinel Aryal is accustomed to dealing with hate, but Sentinel Quentin Caeravorn manages to inspire in her a burning ire unlike anything she’s ever known. Aryal believes the new Sentinel to be a criminal, and vows to take him out as soon as the opportunity arises. But the harpy’s incessant wrath has pushed Quentin to the limit, and forces him to make a deadly vow of his own.

To put an end to the conflict, Dragos, Lord of the Wyr, sends them on a reconnaissance mission to the Elven land of Numenlaur. Forced to work together, Aryal and Quentin’s mutual antagonism escalates. Each fight draws forth more passion—culminating in an explosively sexual confrontation. But when their quest reveals real danger, Aryal and Quentin must resolve their differences in ways beyond the physical, before the entire Wyr is threatened.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

What happens when you get two dominant warrior personalities clashing against one another? Trouble. Real trouble. Which is exactly what Aryal and Quentin are. I was a bit nervous going into this story. Aryal was never a favorite sentinel of mine. Her harpy Wyr form is exactly who she personality wise. She is always harsh and rude but at the same time you can’t help but laugh at what comes out of her mouth because she is also brutally honest. The question i had going into this story was how were two people who have shown their hate toward one another so strongly in previous books, were going to somehow fall for one another? Sexual tension can only take you so far, but love? That can’t be an easy believable story. Yet Thea Harrison proves that it is possible. 

The banter between Aryal and Quentin is hysterical. You know that when one opens their mouth to argue with the other, you will probably be laughing hysterically in surprise because they never disappoint in what they have to say, especially to one another. We’ve had many dealings with Aryal but not much with Quentin. He was this mysterious guy who is Pia’s closest friend. Though even she describes him as a bit of a mystery. Finally, we get to see who he is. Both Aryal and Quentin are pretty dark characters. Though they may fight (a lot), it really is because they are so alike. Strong, intelligent, fiercely protective, and a dark humor and personality that no one can really understand except one another. 

Their story is an exact fit with their personalities. They are warriors and they receive a warrior’s journey. This book in the series is full of action and adventure all while sparking a chemistry between the two that neither can deny nor can the reader.