Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Charleston Condors Book 3: The Score by Beth Bolden


Charleston Condors Book 3

Carter Maxwell knows he’s a screwup. Four teams in three seasons tells the story, as much as he wishes it didn’t.

But finally, he’s landed in a good place, where he likes the team and the team actually likes him. Even the Condors' current rebuilding mode suits him. There’s a new owner. New coach. New players. New rules.

But one rule hasn’t don’t seduce your agent-appointed c*ckblocker.

Ian Parker agrees to live with Carter and keep him on the straight and narrow for one simple Alec, the agent in charge of cleaning up Carter’s reputation, has promised him something Ian wants very, very badly.

Even more badly than Carter naked above him and below him and next to him.

A chance for Ian to become an agent.

But Ian didn’t take into account just how persuasive Carter is—or just how desperately he desires to be persuaded. Or how, while spending time with Carter, they’ll somehow stumble into a fake relationship that begins to feel all too real.

It doesn’t matter that Carter’s never fallen in love or that he’s never been in a real relationship. It doesn’t matter that Ian’s risking his future as an agent.

He’s determined to score the impossible and reform the bad boy—only after encouraging him to misbehave one last time. But this time, only with him.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Carter’s book has arrived! I was very excited to dive into his story. We’ve seen a lot of Carter in this series so far. He’s the flirt who is always looking for his next hook up, though we learn it’s more to curb the emotions that are under his carefree mask. There’s a lot more to Carter than you know and we finally get to see it. One thing about Carter that he hates is his temper. And he’s had pretty bad coping methods whenever it rises to the surface. And he needs help finding a more healthy way. When he switches to a new agent, he starts to get the help he is looking for. But when the new agent sends someone to help him and keep him in check in person, well things get complicated. Ian thinks he knows exactly what to expect when he meets Carter. Carter will flirt with him and try to woo him to his bed and maybe even break all the rules that were set for Carter to help him. And though Carter does flirt, he is also nothing like what Ian thought. Worse, there is an undeniable attraction between them. And it only deepens as they actually get to know one another. For Carter, it blows his mind. To have a real connection to someone and also holding himself back to breaking the rules and convincing Ian to give in and hook up. They both have a lot on the line. However, it is only a matter of time until pretending they don’t see one another for who they are and wanting something beyond friendship will last. Can both of them take the risk? Loved these two! They were perfect for one another and balanced each other out. They fought for one another and believed in one another. They aren’t perfect. And with Carter trying to change to a better version of himself, a version that is happy, there are gonna be bumps in the road to get it done right. But for the first time, Carter has someone in his corner who believes in him, loves him, and will be there. He just has to believe it. Loving this series so far and I cannot wait for the next book!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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