Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Shadow Bruja Series Book 2: Dawn of the Jaguar by JC Cervantes


Shadow Bruja Book 2

Best-selling author Rick Riordan presents the breathtaking finale to J. C. Cervantes's Maya-inspired Shadow Bruja duology, in which Ren makes a bargain for her life.
Shadow bruja Ren Santiago was relentlessly pursued by the evil Aztec Lords of Night, who claimed that she was destined to be their queen, a destiny she wasn't willing to accept. So she chose death instead.

Too bad death wasn't the answer to her problems. Ren soon realizes she must return to the land of the living to make things right. Unfortunately, that means negotiating with Ixtab, queen of the underworld. Ixtab offers her ten days aboveground in exchange for the discarded crown of jade and shadow. If Ren fails, she will return to the darkness for eternity. Ren agrees, knowing full well that she also has to save her friends Marco, Monty, and Edison and, while she's at it, put those pesky Lords of Night back to sleep forever.

The only problem is, Ren lost her shadow magic and time rope when she lost her life. How will Ren manage to accomplish what feels impossible? The answer lies not in manipulating shadows or time, but in recognizing the awesome power that has always been inside her.



My Review: 5/5 Stars

After that crazy cliffhanger from the previous book, we are finally back! Ren is given a second chance at life after she dies. But it comes with some strings. To stay alive, she must find the crown and bring it back to Ixtab. But that is only one of the many things she has to do. Like stopping the Lords of Night. And save her friends. But how can she do all of that without her shadows and the time rope? Well, she’ll discover there is still some parts of herself yet to be revealed. And in doing so, she may discover her greatest power. So much going on in this story! The action is nonstop as Ren races to save everyone and everything she loves before it is too late. With some great twists and turns, you never know what is going to happen next. A really nice conclusion to this story and it was fun being back in this world. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Once Upon a Broken Heart Book 3: A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber


Once Upon a Broken Heart Book 3

Two villains, one girl, and a deadly battle for happily ever after.

Evangeline Fox ventured to the Magnificent North in search of her happy ending, and it seems as if she has it. She’s married to a handsome prince and lives in a legendary castle. But Evangeline has no idea of the devastating price she’s paid for this fairytale. She doesn’t know what she has lost, and her husband is determined to make sure she never finds out . . . but first he must kill Jacks, the Prince of Hearts.

Blood will be shed, hearts will be stolen, and true love will be put to the test in A Curse for True Love, the breathlessly anticipated conclusion to the Once Upon A Broken Heart trilogy.



My Review: 5/5 Stars

A great conclusion to this trilogy! The story begins immediately where the last book ended. Evangeline wakes up to Apollo with no memories of basically the last year. She has no idea how she ended up where she currently is and everything that has gotten her to that point. Instead, she has Apollo filling her ears with lies and trying to turn everyone against Jacks. But Evangeline knows something is wrong. She feels it deep inside. Even when Jacks appears to her with a new name, her mind may have forgotten their story, but her heart has not. It will take everything she has to regain her memories and the truth. And even then, can she defeat Apollo and save Jacks from himself? So much happens in this story and I definitely do not want to spoil! But I have to say I’m pretty satisfied with the end of this series. Jacks and Evangeline deserve their happily ever after, after everything they have been through. They have worked so hard for it and have fought for one another. Evangeline fought for Jacks always, even when he tried to sacrifice every part of himself to keep her safe. These two have become such favorites of mine and I adored their story. You definitely don’t want to miss this ending!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Playing for Keeps Book 3: Illegal Contact by Riley Hart & Neve Wilder


Playing for Keeps Book 3

I've hated spoiled, cocky Patrick Whitt since the first time I saw him at football camp when we were kids.

Once we made it to the NFL, of course, he landed on the LA Royals, the biggest rivals of my team, the Denver Rush. Everything about him rubs me the wrong way...until one unexpected night, we happen to rub each other the right way, and suddenly I can't get enough of him.

And Patrick can't get enough of me either.

I'm his secret, and he's mine, stealing moments together where he comes undone for me.

There's more to Patrick than I thought, and now one thing is clear to me.

Despite all of the obstacles in our way, Patrick Whitt is mine.

I don't know what it is about Malik Tucker that gets under my skin, but he irritates the hell out of me. Maybe it's that he was drafted instead of me to my dream NFL team, the Denver Rush. Or maybe it's that he's a force to be reckoned with on the field and adored by fans and his family off the field. He seems to be living the perfect life while I live the perfect lie.

And then we have a chance encounter that changes everything.

We keep it professional on the field, but off the field, there's all kinds of illegal contact happening between us. Every time we're together, I'm drawn in deeper, intoxicated by the way Malik makes me feel, the things we do to each other in the bedroom.

At some point, we're going to have to let go, but I'm not sure I'll be able to.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Whitt and Tucker have known one another since their days at football camps as kids. They always knew the best way to get under one another’s skin. Though, the day Tucker overhears a conversation between Whitt and his dad, he can’t help but wonder if the persona Whitt puts on is just a mask. And perhaps there is more to him than what he shows everyone else. Over the years, these two have avoided one another and played on rival teams. But one interesting hook up leads to them wondering that perhaps there is something beneath their rivalry and hatred toward one another. Something that isn’t really hate. They’ll fight it a lot, the desire to be together. Especially Whitt, who doesn’t know how to let others in when his own parents aren’t exactly there for him. But the moment Tucker decides Whitt is his, he’ll do anything to show Whitt exactly what he means to him. Loved their story! True enemies to lovers and once they stopped fighting what they were feeling, they were so sweet. But things are definitely complicated playing for rival teams and distance is hard. But with these two, they know how to fight for something they truly want.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Spencer Brothers Book 1: The Lost Fiancé Twist by Ana Ashley


Spencer Brothers Book 1

Relationship status: it’s complicated.
Being ghosted by the love of your life sucks. Zero out of ten, do not recommend.
One day, we’re exchanging rings and picking honeymoon destinations, and the next, Emery is just…gone.

A year later, as I'm forcing myself to move on, I bump into him.
While my brothers would love to find creative ways to get the truth out of Emery, I just want answers.

When it becomes clear Emery isn't lying about losing his memory in a car accident, I have a choice to make.
Do I let him go or try to win him back?

The Lost Fiancé Twist is book one in Ana Ashley's new series featuring the charming and far-too-handsome-for-their-own-good Spencer Brothers.
Expect romance, heat, fun, and plenty of laughs from a loving but slightly too meddlesome family unit.



My Review: 5/5 Stars

Everything was perfect for Lex. He had met with the love of his life, Emery, and were dating for a year. Lex knew he was the one and finally asked Emery to marry him and he said yes! But then a few days later, Emery disappeared. No explanations, he just vanished. Phone calls and trips to his apartment turned up with nothing. Breaking Lex’s heart. A year later, he is still crushed about losing Emery and trying to figure out what went wrong. But then he sees Emery. Emery who is there smiling at him and…acting like he has no idea who Lex is. Emery’s life has been…challenging. A year ago he was in a car accident and the results was losing 3 years of memories. Now he is living at his parents house feeling like this place doesn’t exactly feel like home and his mother is pressuring him with all sorts of things. Quitting the job he loves, taking over his father’s company, and dating her friend’s son. Nothing feels right. Until he meets Lex. There is a connection and Emery can’t believe how good it feels to feel like you’ve found the place you are meant to be. But there’s always a catch right? At first, Lex isn’t sure if he believes Emery and his missing memories, but he can’t shake the look in Emery’s eyes and as they start to spend time with one another, he knows it is true. But how can he tell Emery that they’ve known and loved one another for so long? How do you not scare away the one person who already disappeared on you? Complicated is right! But I adored these two! Such a sweet story as they get a second chance at love and fall in love all over again. Plus, you gotta love Spencers brothers and I cannot wait for all their stories cause I know they are gonna be SO good. Looking forward to this series!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Divorced Men’s Club Book 5: System Overload by Saxon James


Divorced Men’s Club Book 5


Banging my son’s bestie was a total accident that will never, ever happen again. I’m sure of it.

While he might be gorgeous and caught me in a weak moment, when it comes right down to it, my son has been my entire life for the last twenty-six years. I don’t know how to be anything other than his dad.

But with Molly heading off to Seattle, he leaves me with a parting gift: Will.

His best friend.

And my new roommate.

Still, I’m determined to focus on my plan of finding someone to settle down with and to start living for me.

Then Molly hits me with another gift: he’s asked Will to help find me the perfect partner.


Molly running away across the country and leaving me made one thing very obvious. I crave stability. I crave a life where I get to control what happens to me, without the constant threat of having to move home to my homophobic family.

All I need to focus on is work and making enough money for the downpayment on my own place.

Except now I’m living in the spare bedroom of the man I’ve been in love with for years.

The same bedroom where we had one very messy, very quick accidental frot sesh.

Now I’m cooking for him every night, and we’re working out together every morning. It’s all feeling very domestic and my heart can’t separate reality from the fantasies in my head.

I know I’m going to get hurt.

It’s only a matter of time.

But when it comes to Keller, it’s impossible for me to walk away.



My Review: 5/5 Stars

Will has been secretly in love with Keller for a very long time. The problem? Keller is his best friend’s dad. Talk about complicated. And when Molly leaves for Seattle and insists that Will moves in with Keller, he has no choice but to say yes and deal with the torture. Sure, there are some perks of living with Keller. Seeing him every day and talking to him. But crossing the line to be something more? That could be tricky. Or could it? Especially after the night they sorta hooked up but promised it wouldn’t happen again. Could Keller have feelings for Will too? Could Will make Keller see him more than just his son’s best friend? Could they be more? Keller isn’t blind. He knows his son’s best friend is good looking. But he won’t do anything about it. Not when it could result in his son hating him. But the more they spend time with one another and the more he starts to really let himself see Will beyond Molly’s friend? Well, he’s in trouble. But it may take a bit more from the two of them to truly let themselves have what they truly want. You gotta love Will and Keller. There are obvious feelings between them. We’ve always known how Will has felt and poor guy had to deal with not knowing if his feelings would ever be returned. A slowburn that is so worth it in the end for these two. Because turns out, they are pretty perfect for one another. Especially when they let themselves just be happy for once and put themselves first for the first time. Really loved their story! Always so fun divining back into this world and the DMC group chat that will forever keep you on your toes. Definitely looking forward to the next book!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Riptide Book 3: The Red Zone by Beth Bolden

The Riptide Book 3

Spencer’s deep in the Red Zone and it’s time to even the score. Nine years ago Spencer Evans became the first player out of the closet to be drafted into the NFL. Everyone believed he had aspirations to change the world but all Spencer ever wanted to do was play football for a team that accepted him wholeheartedly. But they never would, and Spencer began to conceal all the parts that made him different. When a terrible injury forces him to re-evaluate his life and his choices, he realizes there’s only one man who can help him.
The very first gay sports agent, Alec Mitchell has given his life and his career to making queer athletes’ dreams come true. He can’t help but think of Spencer as the one who got away—professionally and personally. Alec thought he’d buried his desperate longing for Spencer ages ago but it turns out it was just lying dormant, waiting for the right spark. When he begs Alec to take him on as a client, everything they’ve been burying for years surfaces once again.
With Alec’s help, Spencer can change everything about his life he’s come to hate. An extraordinary future—and an undeniably extraordinary man—are waiting for him. The play has been called. All he has to do is catch the ball and score.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Alec and Spencer have been circling one another for a very long nine years. Starting with Alec wanting to take on Spencer as a client and then leading to wanting to be way more than friends. But Alec has never let himself cross that line. He knew he was in trouble the moment he met Spencer and never wanted to be just a hook up and forgotten later. Better to play it safe and never let it get that far. And for Spencer he always wanted Alec even when he wasn’t ready to have him as an agent but it never seemed he could convince Alec. Though when he looks back of the years and what he has endured as a gay man in the NFL, he realizes that maybe it wasn’t the right time. But everything is about to change. Finished with the treatment he has endured over his career, he will not play another season of football unless it is for another team. A team he hopes is the Riptide. And the only way to do that is to ask for Alec’s help. So he storms into his office and gets rejected. For now. Alec has always known the dangers that would be Spencer entering his life and now when he is in reach he is scared to take hold. But it doesn’t take long for Alec to give in and help Spencer with his career and with the changes Spencer wants to make in his personal life. Spencer wants to change and be who he truly is and Alec can help him. They’ll slowly come to turns that the other has been deeply in love with them right back. And when they finally give in and admit their feelings? It is everything. I adored their story! Alec has always been this tough as nails agent and to see him in love was just too sweet. And for Spencer to never really give himself a chance to be out and love who he wants, specifically Alec, it’s something he wished he was ready for a long time ago. Great series! It’s been a lot of fun reading the football centric series from this world. And every time I read a book, I learn it’s just part of the world Beth created. Which means I have lots more series to read!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Food Truck Warriors Book 2: Hit the Brakes by Beth Bolden


Food Truck Warriors Book 2

Can they fake it til Tate makes it?

Tate Ward is in a bind. His food truck hasn’t been the runaway success he’d always dreamt it would be. When he tries to join a new food truck collective to gain a larger following, his sales aren’t even high enough to win a spot. What he needs is a high profile endorsement—and he knows just the guy.

Tate hasn’t seen Chase Riley since high school. It’s been ten long years of watching from a distance as Chase conquers football fields and fan’s hearts.

Tate never wanted Chase to know that he had the world’s stupidest crush on him, because he always believed Chase was straight.

But desperate times call for desperate measures . . .

When Chase offers a tempting plan that could fulfill all his dreams, Tate knows he can’t say no. All he has to do is pretend that his very real feelings are actually fake.

But faking it with Chase, while leading to wild success and even wilder nights, is everything that Tate feared it would be. All it’s done is leave him wanting the impossible: Chase’s heart.

A Fake Boyfriend Food Truck Romance



My Review: 5/5 Stars

In my read of the Riptide series, I jumped to this book from the Food Truck Warriors because it features Chase and takes place right before the final book in the Riptide series. So this story is about Chase and Tate. And man are these two adorable. They first liked one another all the way back in high school. It was senior year and they were in Home Ec together and Tate discovered his love of cooking. They were always flirting and there was one day they almost kissed but the teacher interrupted them. Sadly, nothing happen between them and they graduated and went separate ways. However, Tate’s long crush on Chase never went away. He followed Chase’s career from afar and even took Chase’s advise in following his passion for cooking rather than business. Now ten years later, they will finally be reunited. When Chase’s food truck needs a little more help reaching some sales, his sister convinces him to name drop Chase’s name in their promotions. Tate reluctantly agrees and hope it doesn’t come back to haunt them. But he never expects Chase to track him down. Track him down and not even sue him at least! Instead, he finds a Chase who is thrilled to see Tate again and wants to help. Especially that he knows just how good Tate is when it comes to cooking. And what Tate doesn’t know is that Chase never forgot Tate either and his crush was just as real. Tate was always the one guy Chase wanted to be with. And one thing leads to another and Chase ends up revealing to the world that he is queer and in a relationship with Tate. Not his brightest idea without at least talking to Tate but another part of Chase hopes that this fake relationship they find themselves in can turn very real. But nothing is that simple. They each have their own thing they are going through and need to figure out themselves and hopefully once they can, they can truly be together. I adored these two. Their journey wasn’t easy but they finally get a chance to be together after so many years. And it is clear just how much they love one another. Great story! And I’ll probably be checking out the rest of the series as well. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

The Riptide Book 2: Rough Contact by Beth Bolden


The Riptide Book 2

Their romance is forbidden. Their love is a secret.

Neal Fisher knows heartbreak. It's the clock ticking down in the Super Bowl. It's missing the most important field goal of his life. It's losing everything: his thirteen year career as an NFL kicker, his future, and his pride.

Jamie Wright knows love. It's everything on the line as the crowd holds their breath. It's a perfect kick as the ball soars through the goal posts. It's NFL fame and glory laid out before him.

Neal is on his way out, and Jamie--if he can withstand the tryout pressure-- is on his way in. The one person Jamie should avoid is the veteran kicker, and the last thing Neal wants is to sink Jamie’s chances. But a chance meeting and a wild and undeniable chemistry proves to be irresistible.

Neal thought he knew heartbreak. Jamie thought he knew love. 

They were both wrong.

Their romance is forbidden. Their love is a secret. 

But if they trust each other, maybe their growing relationship won't end in tragedy. It might even be the beginning of football’s greatest love story.



My Review: 5/5 Stars

One moment and it changes Neal’s career and life forever. After missing the kick that could have won them the Superbowl, Neal finds himself dumped by his jerk of a boyfriend who also works for the Riptide and the team letting him go. After thirteen years playing for the Riptide and being one hell of a player, it all blows up after just one moment. Six months later, he is still licking his wounds and trying to motivate himself to figure out what next. What he doesn’t expect is to meet Jamie. Jamie who, along with several other guys, have been brought to LA to try out for the kicker position for Riptide. And when their paths cross, the connection between them is instant. Though Neal learning who Jamie is stings a bit. Jamie has always admired Neal. He’s been his idol for a long time and doesn’t think Neal deserved the treatment the Riptide dished out to him. And though he has always had a crush on Neal, he never expected to meet him or that there would be this huge spark between them. And when Neal says he’ll help Jamie prepare and win this kicker position? He’s blown away. The more these two spend time together, the more they realize how well they fit. And it doesn’t take long for them to make that leap of face and try to be together. There are complications sure, but together they’ll figure it out. Loved Jamie and Neal! These two were so sweet and completely smitten with one another. You can’t help but cheer for these two as they bring out the best in one another and support and care for one another as well. Really loved this story! And I’m off to the next one!

Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Riptide Book 1: The Rivalry by Beth Bolden


The Riptide Book 1

The first time NFL quarterback Heath Harris meets Sam Crawford, it’s just them, a luxury yacht and a few days of fun in the sun. Sam turns out to be nothing like Heath expects. He’s kind and funny and irreverent—and also unbelievably, shockingly sexy. For three short, glorious, life-changing days, there are no rules.

The second time they meet, Sam has just been traded to Heath’s team, and instead of lovers, now they're rivals. Heath has spent the last five years working desperately to be the best quarterback the Riptide could ever need, but when injuries threaten to derail his career, Sam is right there, standing on the sideline. Ready to take over, and ready to ruin everything Heath has given his life for.

Rival. Enemy. Teammate. Friend. Lover.

As their orbits collide, sparks fly, and Heath struggles to find the right label and the right box to shove Sam into, hoping to keep him contained. But Sam—and Heath’s feelings—refuse to cooperate.

Sam might not be just one of those things, he might be all of them, and so much more.



My Review: 5/5 Stars

Three days. Three days is all it takes to change everything for Heath and Sam. By chance, the two of them end up on a small boat trip in Miami. They are both quarterbacks for the NFL, but this is the first time they have met face to face. And they prove to be very different than either imagined. And only in the best way. By the end of that trip, Heath realizes what has been missing from his life and Sam knows that any feelings for his ex are not even close to what he feels for Heath in just the few days together. But reality sets in and they know nothing could happen between them. However, everything changes again when Sam is traded to Heath’s team in LA as Heath’s backup quarterback. Now there is a new tension. One that stems for feeling like he is moments away from being replaced. He does his best to push Sam away but that can only last so long. These two have a lot to overcome as they navigate their shaky relationship. The love between them is strong, but Heath has so much baggage from his past that he has never let himself work through it. And it takes him a while to figure out that if he truly wants Sam, he has to work on it. Sam can only be pushed and pulled for so long. He loves Heath but there is only so much hurt he can take before he has to walk away. Until his patience for Heath to let him in finally runs out. These two really tug at your heartstrings. There is so much going on and complications upon complications but there is never any doubt that these two should be together! Really enjoyed this one and getting their backstory. I’ve read this world out of order and I’m finally rewinding back to get the stories of those briefly mentioned and helped shaped so much in future books. Can’t wait to grab the next one!

Saturday, October 21, 2023

On the Line: A Hockey Romance Anthology


Lace up your skates, grab your favorite jersey, and prepare for an ice-cold collision between love and the slap shot! Get ready to be swept off your feet by lovestruck goalies, dashing defensemen, and witty women who know their way around a penalty box. The gloves are off when it comes to finding love on and off the ice!

Indulge in this delightful holiday anthology that will have you falling head over skates for these hockey-playing heartthrobs. Love and charity have never been such a winning combination!

Join twelve of your favorite hockey romance authors in this limited edition anthology .
All stories are brand new hockey romance novellas .


Kat Mizera
Jami Davenport
Lasairiona McMaster
Gina Azzi
Victoria Denault
Cathryn Fox
Elise Faber
R.C. Stephens
Julia Connors
Jennifer Sucevic
Sierra Hill
Chloe Carr

ON THE LINE will donate all proceeds to After Action, a 501(c)3 non-profit that seeks to increase economic outcomes after trauma recovery.



My Review: 4/5 Stars

A great hockey story collection! Some were short novellas and others were the starts to what I expect will be pretty great books. 12 stories that range from all kind of tropes. A lot were second chance romances and some were the beginnings of something new. This was a great range of authors and were all definitely different stories. If you are looking for a romance hockey story, I definitely recommend checking this out and these authors to see what else they have. I have read books from several of these authors, and there is a high chance of me checking out some of these series that had connected to the stories in this anthology.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Gods of Hatherley Hall Book 1: Cruel Crypts by Becca Steele


Gods of Hatherley Hall Book 1

From USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Becca Steele, comes an all-new standalone M/F academy romance.

Knox Ashcroft. One of the so-called gods of Hatherley Hall. He’s everything I despise–a spoiled, arrogant, lacrosse-playing rich boy.

From the moment we met, he made it clear that the loathing was mutual. I don’t belong in his world, and he wants me gone. 
Too bad for him, I’m not leaving until I get what I came for.

Everyone has skeletons in the closet, right?
I’ll uncover his. 
I just have to make sure he doesn’t discover mine.

Cruel Crypts is the first book in the Gods of Hatherley Hall series, and is a standalone M/F new adult academy romance with enemies to lovers themes.



My Review: 5/5 Stars

I’m a sucker for anything that is any sort of retelling of Greek myths. So a series that is surrounds Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus? And starts with Hades? Yeah, I’m there. This enemies-to-lovers story follows Knox and Elena. Elena and her mother arrive at Knox’s family home with Elena’s mom as the new nanny for Knox’s baby sister. And lucky for Elena she will be able to attend the elite school while her mother is working for the Ashcroft family. And it’s exactly where Elena’s mother wants her to be. Elena carries many secrets and the biggest involves helping her mother uncover evidence about the Ashcroft family. But the longer she stays there, she more she wonders just how wrong her mother is. Despite the fact that Knox and her butt heads at every turn. But underneath that hateful tension is a chemistry neither can really deny. At least not for long. It will only be a matter of time until these two snap and give in to the connection that is clear as day. But it won’t be easy. Knox knows something is off with Elena and her mother. He knows that she is lying and he won’t let it go. I really enjoyed this story! It took me a bit to get into it in the beginning. Elena and Knox’s enemies vibe was strong but the moment these two finally let their guard down just a bit, I was hooked. Knox definitely carries Hades vibes and I loved the bits and pieces we say that connects to Hades and Persephone. I’m definitely looking forward to Roman (Poseidon) and Tristan (Zeus)’s stories. We have some interesting characters and stories and I can’t wait to read more! 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Friday, October 13, 2023

The Rainbow Clause by Beth Bolden


Don't like the athletes. Don't sleep with the athletes. Don't fall for the athletes. It had never been particularly difficult to keep the rules but Nick had a feeling he was about to be tested. 

Heisman winner. Member of the National Championship team. NFL Rookie of the Year. Quarterback Colin O’Connor knows he’s become the ultimate romance novel cliché: all the success he’s ever dreamed of but nobody to share it with. Too bad it’s not as simple as asking out the next girl who intrigues him – because the next girl to intrigue him probably won’t be a girl at all. 

Unexpectedly, the solution comes in one neat package: Nick Wheeler, lead journalist for a leading sports and pop culture blog. Hired by Colin’s team, Nick comes to Miami to shine a spotlight on the NFL’s most private quarterback.

The heat in Miami rises when Nick discovers that Colin is nothing like the hollow personality he pretends to be in interviews and he’s even hotter in person than on his Sports Illustrated cover. Nick knows this is the story of his career, and it also hits close to home. What he needs is to help Colin share his story while keeping their growing relationship from boiling over in the press, but what he wants is to tell the world.

Note: this book has been re-edited and re-released on 6/24/2017. Content is the same, errors are fixed.



My Review: 5/5 Stars

Colin is tired of hiding who he is. He knew when he said to Miami’s NFL team that there would be a time when wanted to come out as bisexual. There was even a clause in his contract, dubbed the Rainbow Clause, to ensure that he could do that and it go the way he wanted. And the time is now. He wants to find love, he doesn’t want to hide. He just wants to be. With that announcement comes, Nick. The reporter who will write the exclusive and give Colin the story he deserves. He knows once all is revealed, it won’t be easy but he will do his best by Colin. That means also living with Colin for a few weeks. But the chemistry and attraction between these two are undeniable. And Colin isn’t going to hold back. Not when he feels himself falling for Nick. He wants to take that leap. And Nick can only resist Colin for so long. I loved coming back to the beginning since i’ve been reading this world a bit out of order. I’m basically going backwards from newest series to oldest. By accident! But it’s nice to be back at the beginning and understand all those who credited Colin for starting the movement of changes. I adored Nick and Colin’s story and I can’t wait for more

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Rules We Break Book 3: Don’t Bang Your Stepbro by DJ Jamison


Rules We Break Book 3

I'm not one for rules, but Don't Bang Your Stepbro is kind of a no-brainer.

Until I wake up naked in a Vegas hotel bed with my stepbrother, Beckett, each of us with a hell of a hangover and a matching wedding ring.

We've already made a huge mistake, so what's the point in denying what's been simmering between us for ages?

Might as well enjoy the honeymoon, right?

But what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Or at least, it's supposed to.

With a hometown of family and friends who see us as brothers, not lovers, we have to find a way back to who we were before this snafu. But some boundaries can't be uncrossed. You don’t bang your stepbro, but maybe…maybe when he’s your husband…you do. 

Don't Bang Your Stepbro is Book 3 of the Rules We Break series about a group of friends in a quirky small town. There will be gossip, innuendo, and nosy neighbors who will put these stepbros and their secrets to the test!



My Review: 5/5 Stars

There has always been something sparking between Beckett and Wes. The chemistry between them has always been there, though most played it off because they were stepbrothers. However, from the outside looking in, some doubted it. And turns out Beckett and Wes have been thinking about it for a while too. When the two of them spend a crazy weekend in Vegas, they wake up and realize that they got married. What started out as a prank to their friends, took a step too far. And turns out, neither one of them hate the idea. It just finally let’s them act on something they’ve always wanted to act on. However, coming home is a different story. They try to go back to the way things used to be. Beckett feels like he has to. They want to take over Wes’s dad’s business that they have been working on for a long time and Beckett is afraid that their future will be ripped away from them. Wes has to believe if people found out, especially his dad, things will be okay. He knows how he really feels about Beckett and isn’t quite ready to let him go. He’ll fight for him. And it will only be a matter of time until Beckett fights back. These two were adorable. You can tell just how much they love another and it goes way beyond step siblings and friendship. They are definitely the other’s person and it’s just a matter of letting themselves act on it and finally do something about it. Loved this story! Always filled with so much humor and fun, you will be cheering these two on the entire time. Can’t believe this series is over, but it looks like we’ve got some new and good ones coming up!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Charleston Condors Book 3: The Score by Beth Bolden


Charleston Condors Book 3

Carter Maxwell knows he’s a screwup. Four teams in three seasons tells the story, as much as he wishes it didn’t.

But finally, he’s landed in a good place, where he likes the team and the team actually likes him. Even the Condors' current rebuilding mode suits him. There’s a new owner. New coach. New players. New rules.

But one rule hasn’t don’t seduce your agent-appointed c*ckblocker.

Ian Parker agrees to live with Carter and keep him on the straight and narrow for one simple Alec, the agent in charge of cleaning up Carter’s reputation, has promised him something Ian wants very, very badly.

Even more badly than Carter naked above him and below him and next to him.

A chance for Ian to become an agent.

But Ian didn’t take into account just how persuasive Carter is—or just how desperately he desires to be persuaded. Or how, while spending time with Carter, they’ll somehow stumble into a fake relationship that begins to feel all too real.

It doesn’t matter that Carter’s never fallen in love or that he’s never been in a real relationship. It doesn’t matter that Ian’s risking his future as an agent.

He’s determined to score the impossible and reform the bad boy—only after encouraging him to misbehave one last time. But this time, only with him.



My Review: 5/5 Stars

Carter’s book has arrived! I was very excited to dive into his story. We’ve seen a lot of Carter in this series so far. He’s the flirt who is always looking for his next hook up, though we learn it’s more to curb the emotions that are under his carefree mask. There’s a lot more to Carter than you know and we finally get to see it. One thing about Carter that he hates is his temper. And he’s had pretty bad coping methods whenever it rises to the surface. And he needs help finding a more healthy way. When he switches to a new agent, he starts to get the help he is looking for. But when the new agent sends someone to help him and keep him in check in person, well things get complicated. Ian thinks he knows exactly what to expect when he meets Carter. Carter will flirt with him and try to woo him to his bed and maybe even break all the rules that were set for Carter to help him. And though Carter does flirt, he is also nothing like what Ian thought. Worse, there is an undeniable attraction between them. And it only deepens as they actually get to know one another. For Carter, it blows his mind. To have a real connection to someone and also holding himself back to breaking the rules and convincing Ian to give in and hook up. They both have a lot on the line. However, it is only a matter of time until pretending they don’t see one another for who they are and wanting something beyond friendship will last. Can both of them take the risk? Loved these two! They were perfect for one another and balanced each other out. They fought for one another and believed in one another. They aren’t perfect. And with Carter trying to change to a better version of himself, a version that is happy, there are gonna be bumps in the road to get it done right. But for the first time, Carter has someone in his corner who believes in him, loves him, and will be there. He just has to believe it. Loving this series so far and I cannot wait for the next book!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.