Monday, June 19, 2023

Unlucky 13 Book 2: Wounded by Ashley James


Unlucky 13 Book 2

Welcome to Black Diamond Resort and Spa…

Where the rich and famous go to disappear. Some to relax, some to get sober.

For me… It’s my last shot, my final chance at redemption.

I’m hotheaded. Reckless. Self-Destructive.

I don’t want to be here, but not doing so means losing everything I’ve worked my whole life for.

It means losing my band. The only family and the only constant I’ve ever known.

They say I have a problem. That I need help.

I say it’s just part of fame.

The drugs help numb the pain. Keep the demons away.

I’m doing my best to keep my head down and bide my time until I can go home. Then he comes and makes himself at home at my breakfast table…

Rowan Davies.

Son of Hollywood’s most famous movie producer and my new pain in the ass.

He’s nauseatingly cheerful. Buoyant. A presence refusing to be ignored.

And he’s set his sights on me.

He wants to fix me. Make me feel.

He wants me to let him in. Love him.

But he’s here against his will too.

We’re both broken. Wounded where no one else can see.

Is a bond derived from lies and vices really a bond at all, or only a setup for yet another epic failure?


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Rowan and Caspian have hit the tipping points in their lives where those in their lives have had enough. For Rowan, his parents are sick of the partying. And for Caspian, the life of a rock star and acting like one (the drinking and drugs specifically) is too much. Especially with the latest outcome. His band manager and his bandmates need him to get better. The solution? Black Diamond. Where the rich and elite go for rehab and a time out. Rowan doesn’t mind so much once he gets there while Caspian is the opposite. And Caspian is even more put out when Rowan is constantly trying to connect and be his friend. Their friendship is unlikely as they are complete opposites and dealing with their own personal issues. Yet, when the bad days aren’t too bad, there is most definitely a connection between the two of them. However, acting on it and working out if it could be something more is a challenge for the both of them. These two have been through a lot and expect the worst from others. It will take a lot for them to move past their issues if they want a chance to even let the other in. But once they do? They may just find exactly what they have been looking for all along. 

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