Sunday, June 18, 2023

Lionheart Academy Book 3: Regretting You by T. Ashleigh

Lionherat Academy Book 3

Some days I wish I’d never met Gregory Baldwin. Then there are days when I feel like I’ll die if he’s away for too long.
It’s like I’m addicted to him. Addicted to the attention he gives me and what he does to me in secret. He has lips made for sin and a body I can’t keep my hands off of, but mostly, I know he has a heart. That’s what keeps me coming back.
Now he’s cruel, malicious, possessive… nothing like the boy I once knew. And yet, deep down, I know that guy is still there under this bad boy exterior. He has to be, or everything we’ve been through is pointless.
Being with him feels like dying and surviving all at once. It’s wild, manic, and soul-crushing, but it’s us. He’s all I’ve ever had and the only thing I’ll ever want.
Because even when I hate him…
I love him ten times harder.

I’m broken beyond repair, too fucked up to be saved. My mind fights demons daily, while the shattered organ in my chest only causes me pain.
I wish I could just end it all. Say goodbye to this miserable existence.
Only, to leave this life would mean leaving him, and that’s not something I can do.
Once I made a promise to a boy that I plan on keeping. The years may have dragged us apart, and I know he hates me now, but that’s okay. I don’t blame him; I hate myself, too.
Regardless of the animosity, one thing remains the same: Tyler.
He’s the constant in a haze of self-destruction. The one who somehow, after everything, is still there for me, no matter how badly I mess up.
I don’t deserve him. I never did, but I’ll never let him go either.
He is mine, and I am his.

*Betting You is the third book in The Lionheart Academy series. It's a full length, new adult high school novel with material that may be difficult for some readers. It’s recommended for 18+ due to language and sexual situations. Please read trigger warnings before proceeding.*


My Review: 5/5 Stars

We finally get Greg and Tyler's story! I've been looking forward to this one. We've seen so much negativity from Greg, I really couldn't wait to see what was going on in his head and see why he was the way he was. And ugh. Be ready for the hurt. This story is pretty heartbreaking for Greg and Tyler as they find their way back to one another. Greg and Tyler became friends when they were kids and Greg's mom was like a second mother to Tyler when his own family was anything but. Both were happy and unknowing to them, slowly falling in love. But everything changed the mom Greg's mother unexpectedly died. Greg was devastated and hurt and scared and he did the one thing he could think of to avoid feeling like this ever again. Pushing away the one other person he loved more than anything: Tyler. But pushing him away was the last thing he should have done because the pain of his loss has only grown worse over the next three years. And things are about to crack. Tyler never forgave Greg for pushing him away and hurting him. He can't understand how he can love and hate someone the way he does Greg. He doesn't want to open himself up to him again just to get hurt, yet he can't help himself. These two hit a point and next thing they know, they are hooking up in secret through their senior year. But there are still so many unresolved issues between the two of them. Things that need to be said. And it's only a matter of time until they'll have no choice. Loved this final story in this series! All the feels. Your heart will ache for the two of them and knowing how much pain they both are in. I just wanted to shake the two of them and demand they just tell the other everything they are feeling. Their story is heartbreakingly beautiful and so worth the wait as they figure themselves out and break down and build themselves back up. Such a beautiful series and I'm so sad to see it end!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


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