Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Vino & Veritas Book 7: Flipcup by Kim Hartfield

Flipcup (Vino & Veritas, #7)
Vino & Veritas Book 7

After being rejected one too many times, Chelsea makes a bold vow: No more men. Her friends doubt a boy-crazy party girl can handle not dating for a year, but that only makes Chelsea more determined.

Tara has made a vow, too. After growing up in foster care and suppressing herself to please others, she's going to live her truth. When she sees a beautiful woman, she'll make her attraction known.

Chelsea appreciates Tara's flirtatious compliments, not to mention her androgynous beauty. There's a loophole in Chelsea's vow, and it's more tempting every day. Could swearing off men lead Chelsea to the perfect woman?


My Review: 4/5 Stars 

Chelsea has sworn off men. She is tired of the meaningless hook ups and tired of not finding "the one." She wants a change. Her vow starts off as swearing off dating men for a year and focusing on herself. Should be easy right? Too bad things change when she meets Tara. Spending more and more time with Tara makes Chelsea wonder if maybe she should take advantage of the loophole in her vow. She swore off men...but not women. Maybe dating a woman would change everything. But Chelsea knows that Tara is the only woman she wants to date. Tara changes everything for Chelsea. Meanwhile, Tara is the biggest flirt there is. She moved to Vermont for a fresh start and promised herself she wouldn't hide who she was. But just because she likes to flirt, doesn't mean she is looking for a random hook up. If she is going to go down the path of a relationship and open herself up to an emotional attachment then she wants something real. And when she really starts to get to know Chelsea, she wonders if perhaps she can take that emotional risk. As a foster kid, she learned to keep her emotions in check and don't form attachments. Her closest friends are her family and letting someone in is the hardest things she could ever do. Chelsea and Tara were such a fun pair. They were so different. Yet, together they ended up bringing the best out of one another. When Chelsea acted immature, Tara called her out and brought her back to reality. When Tara wanted to shut down, Chelsea gave her a reason to open up and trust. Another great addition to this awesome series!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

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