Thursday, November 12, 2020

Make Up Break Up by Lily Menon


Love, romance, second chances, fairy-tale endings…these are the things Annika Dev believes in. Her app, Make Up, has been called the “Google Translate for failing relationships.”

High efficiency break-ups, flashy start-ups, penthouses, fast cars…these are the things Hudson Craft believes in. His app, Break Up, is known as the “Uber for break-ups.” It’s wildly successful—and anathema to Annika’s life philosophy.

Which wouldn’t be a problem if they’d gone their separate ways after that summer fling in Las Vegas, never to see each other again. Unfortunately for Annika, Hudson’s moving not just into her office building, but into the office right next to hers. And he’ll be competing at the prestigious EPIC investment pitch contest: A contest Annika needs to win if she wants to keep Make Up afloat. As if it’s not bad enough seeing his irritatingly perfect face on magazine covers when her own business is failing. As if knowing he stole her idea and twisted it into something vile—and monumentally more successful—didn’t already make her stomach churn.

As the two rival app developers clash again and again—and again—Annika finds herself drawn into Hudson Craft’s fast-paced, high velocity, utterly shallow world. Only, from up close, he doesn’t seem all that shallow. Could it be that everything she thought about Hudson is completely wrong? Could the creator of Break Up teach her what true love’s really about?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Been looking forward to this book and I'm so glad I got an advanced reader copy! Loved this story, I zipped right through it. Make Up Break Up follows Annika, an awesome heroine who is determined to launch her app idea with her best friend. She believes her app will save relationships between couples who have hit a rough patch. Her app will give them a chance to communicate and have a high success of staying together. Her main inspiration come from her own parents and the idea of second chances. But there is an app starting out there called Break Up and it was started by the one person Annika thought she would never see again. Hudson. It's a battle of wit and business. Annika and Hudson will both be competing in a pitch contest and the winner will receive the back up it needs to launch their business successfully. But even as she prepares, she can't help be drawn back to Hudson. The Hudson she sees now isn't the one she met a year ago. And there are times she catches glimpses of him but he vanishes before she can hold on. And is replaced with someone who created an app that is just the complete opposite of her beliefs. And how can she even entertain the idea of them being something when he is her rival and believes his app is something helpful? But it also doesn't help that Hudson looks at her like no one has ever looked at her before. Her memories of their short time together keeps threatening to resurface and break down the walls she built up so high. I loved Annika and Hudson. Their banter was hilarious and you just want to keeping rooting for them both to find a way to be together. Despite all the challenges that keep coming up. Absolutely loved this story! 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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