Saturday, November 21, 2020

City of the Plague God by Sarwat Chadda

City of the Plague God

Best-selling author Rick Riordan presents CITY OF THE PLAGUE GOD, an adventure based on ancient Mesopotamian mythology written by Sarwat Chadda, author of the Ash Mistry series. Characters from the Epic of Gilgamesh populate this high-stakes contemporary adventure in which all of Manhattan is threatened by the ancient god of plagues.

Thirteen-year-old Sik wants a simple life going to school and helping at his parents' deli in the evenings. But all that is blown to smithereens when Nergal comes looking for him, thinking that Sik holds the secret to eternal life. Turns out Sik is immortal but doesn't know it, and that's about to get him and the entire city into deep, deep trouble.

Sik's not in this alone. He's got Belet, the adopted daughter of Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, on his side, and a former hero named Gilgamesh, who has taken up gardening in Central Park. Now all they have to do is retrieve the Flower of Immortality to save Manhattan from being wiped out by disease. To succeed, they'll have to conquer sly demons, treacherous gods, and their own darkest nightmares.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Each new book from the Rick Riordan Presents imprint just gets better better. Sarwat Chadda's addition of The City of the Plague God is just another great book in this imprint. Sarwat's mythology is Mesopotamian and one that I am not that familiar with but by the end of the story I picked up a lot of it and I would love to know more. This book follows Sik. A kid just trying to do good and help his family at their deli. But everything changes with the god of plagues, Nergal, comes looking for Sik because he believes Sik is in possession of something quite valuable. And when Nergal attacks and Sik's parents get caught in the crossfire and are in comas with a disease Nergal gave them, well it is up to Sik to find the cure and defeat Nergal. But he isn't alone. He has Belet, the adopted of Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, and the goddess herself to help. But even with the help of a goddess it may not be enough to defeat Nergal. Follow Sik has he discovers something about himself that changes everything and as he and his friends fight demons and gods to save New York City! Great book. Lot of fun. And like I said I learned a lot of Mesopotamian mythology along the way. 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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