Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 15.5: Dearest Ivie by J.R. Ward

Dearest Ivie (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #15.5)
Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 15.5

In an exclusive ebook novella set in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1 New York Times bestselling author J. R. Ward tells the story of a fiery couple . . . doomed by an undeniable passion.
Features a special preview of J. R. Ward’s upcoming Black Dagger Brotherhood novel, The Thief!
The last place Ivie expects to be approached by a devastatingly handsome male is in a crowded, smoky cigar bar rarely frequented by vampires—yet here he stands. Silas is flirtatious, gallant, and, above all, mysterious. Ivie is anything but. A nurse at the healer’s clinic and the daughter of a biker, Ivie is accustomed to speaking her mind. So she does. Since aristocrats rarely pick up females of her class, Ivie asks Silas just what kind of game he thinks he’s playing.
Despite her guarded exterior, Ivie surrenders to the fierce desire she feels for Silas. And yet, just as their courtship is heating up, he reveals that it cannot last, for he is bound to return to the Old Country. Their bond only deepens as they make the most of their precious time together. But when she learns the truth, Ivie must find a saving grace—before all is lost. . . .


My Review: 5/5 Stars

"If something looks too good to be true, it is." Yeah, Ward took that to it's fullest meaning here. BUT! Despite the rollercoaster Ward took us on in this novella, with the perfect meeting, perfect chemistry, and heartbreak of "I'm leaving and won't return" line, it was not as predictable as it sounds and the rollercoaster that were my emotions, got the ending I wanted and needed. Dearest Ivie is a beautiful edition the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Taking us to some pretty awesome new characters, while sneaking in some familiar ones. Ivie and Silas's story sounds like a fairytale in the beginning. Ivie is such a relatable character. She is not afraid to speak her mind and her honesty is one to appreciate. Accepting that the chance of a male accepting who she is and her demanding job as a nurse, has her believing that she won't waste her time when it comes to love and romance. Enter Silas. He literally turns her world upside down (as corny as that sounds). He accepts her for who she is and loves her honesty. Their connection is strong and has you believing in love at first sight. So what could go wrong? A lot. Because like Ivie says, "If something looks too good to be true, it is." However, Ivie also says sometimes you have to take a chancce. So despite Silas leaving at the end of the month, she risks her heart to spend time with someone who she knows is meant for her. However, there is so much more to his story than she knew. The story is beautiful and has you cheering for these characters to find a solution and their happy ending. If you loved the rest of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, this one will not disappoint you. 

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