Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Matefinder Series Book 1: Matefinder by Leia Stone

Matefinder (Matefinder, #1)
Matefinder Series Book 1
Werewolves, facing the threat of extinction, desperately seek their mates to bear young. Aurora, a human far removed from the supernatural world, is nearing her own end after being fatally injured in a car accident. 

Kai, an Alpha werewolf, lurks in the nearby trees watching her bleed out. He chooses to save her the only way he knows how, by changing her. No one is prepared for what happens next. The tides turn in favor of the werewolves. The Matefinder has been found, and she is more powerful than anybody ever imagined. But is she prepared to be the most hunted werewolf in history?


My Review: 2/5 Stars

An interesting tale on werewolves, vampires, and witches, I must say. I love anything that has to do with supernatural and shapeshifters, so of course I was drawn to this series when I came across it. However, I was a bit disappointed. The ideas were great, but the writing style and plot just wasn't doing it enough for me. I found the writing a bit weak and the plot was super rushed. Every moment and action rushed. I think if it took it's time it would have been much stronger. Like I said, I liked the ideas, but it was just poorly done. And the only reason I kept reading the book and I didn't just toss it aside was because I was really hoping it would get better. Plus there are times I really like corny and sweet romance and to skip the angst of keeping mates apart for the sake of the plot, but like I said earlier this was too rushed, even for me. Perhaps the rest of the series is written better but I am not sure if I am going to keep going to find out. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Dragons & Druids Book 2: Earthbound by Leia Stone

Earthbound (Dragons & Druids, #2)
Drragons & Druids Book 2

After finding out about her unique heritage, Sloane is taken under the wing of an Earth druid. She’s told she must learn to control both of her warring powers or they will consume her. She needs a special staff, made just for her, to help channel her unique magic. The problem? It’s only made by one very reclusive elf. She and her team set off to hunt down this elf in hopes of controlling the dangerous power within her. But what she doesn’t know is that she too is being hunted. 


My Review: 4/5 Stars

I really enjoyed book 2, like I had hoped the plot got more interesting and the plot twists were really good! And with a cliffhanger it left, I instantly checked when the third book was coming out and was relieved to see that it was very soon! The story continues exactly where it left off in the first book. And the mythology ran deeper and you learn more about Sloane's mother and the past she had kept hidden from her daughter. We also got to learn more about Sloane's abilities as a half-druid. Overall, I really good story and I look forward to seeing how the story wraps up.

Dragons & Druids Book 1: Skyborn by Leia Stone

Skyborn (Dragons & Druids, #1)
Dragon & Druids Book 1
Alone, on the run, and fighting for her life. 

Sloane Murphy thought hiking the Grand Canyon alone after graduation would be an awesome adventure. Until she slips and starts to plummet to her death. Then the unthinkable happens. 

She transforms into… a dragon. 

After flying to safety and trying to convince herself she isn’t having a mental breakdown, the hunters come for her. She runs, somehow managing to stay one step ahead of them. Until her luck runs out. Now the hunters have her and they intend to kill, not capture. 

That’s when he comes for her. 

Logan Sharp is the last dragon shifter alive. Or so he thinks, until he gets word that the druids are hunting a red headed female. His team takes her in, sheltering her because there is a truth she must learn: if the skyborn die out, then so does humanity. 

But Sloane is hiding a dark secret that she doesn’t even know yet. A secret that could change everything. 


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Between the different mythologies of shifters, sorcerers, and druids, I believe this series has real potential. I always love reading stories with those elements, and when I saw this dealt with dragon shifters, I was instantly intrigued. The world created by Leia Stone, is definitely a unique one compared to others I read and I am very interested to see where this series was going. With a cast of different and diverse characters, I believe the series has real potential. When an accident occurs Sloane discovers that she has the ability to shape into a dragon. At first she believes she is crazy, then as she is hunted by hunters who wish to kill her because of what she is, she meets Logan and those sworn to protect him. Logan was thought to be the last dragon shifter. But after finding Sloane, he realizes he is no longer alone. Skyborn aka dragon shifters are to be protected by other animal shifters. For dragons are what keeps humanity safe. And in this world, humans do not know or believe in the existence of magic. With an interesting origin story that involves the Fae and druids, Sloane is learning that she is not just a dragon shifter but something else as well. With action, adventure, and a romance  between Sloane and Logan that seems to be more than just attraction, the story is definitely one I am interested in seeing where it goes. 

Dragons & Druids Book 0.5: Logan by Leia Stone

Logan (Dragons & Druids, #0.5)
Dragons & Druids Book 0.5
For years he’s been the last dragon shifter alive, the only one keeping humanity from mass extinction. Until now. The female dragon shifter from his dreams. She’s real. But he won’t see an end to his loneliness unless he can keep her alive. 

(This is a 10K word short story which precedes book one, Skyborn.)


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Very short story that starts in the beginning of Skyborn though it is in Logan's point of view. I started with this one simply because it is the prequel and it was nice to see Logan's point of view before the series really begins with Sloane's. It was also great to read because then I got a peek of Logan and who he is and his thoughts. After reading it, I was intrigued enough to definitely read the first book Skyborn. I love anything with shapeshifters, and when it comes to dragon I usually get sucked right in. If you have read Skyborn but not this one, I would recommend it! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Prophecy is Here!!

The Prophecy 
is officially out!!! 
Check out my review here:
And purchase the book at the following websites! 

Also, you can get a FREE copy of THE RETURN when you sign up for the JLANDERS LIST (email list)! And don’t miss her giveaway for The Darkest Star! (On her website)

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Dead List by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Dead List

It's Ella's senior year of high school and she and her best friend Linds plan to make it the best year ever. At Brock Cochran's end of summer pool party, the girls vow to have as much fun as possible before they head off to different colleges next fall. But when Ella is mysteriously attacked on her way home from the party, everything changes. Ella's carefree senior year plans disintegrate as she finds herself at the center of an attempted murder investigation.

Ella tries to move on, but her attacker isn't done yet. He shows himself in the form of horrifying signs and symbols: a clown mask strewn on her bed, a dead bird in her backpack, a shadow moving past her window in the night. And as the weeks pass, it turns out that Ella isn't the only one being tormented.

With the help of an old flame, Jensen Carver, and her friends and family, Ella tries to attain some sense of normalcy, but she can't seem to shake the feeling that there's a dark pattern hidden in the killer's every move. Suddenly, even those in her innermost circle seem suspicious. In her seemingly safe West Virginia town, Ella starts to wonder who she can trust.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Well my fear of clowns didn't go away after this book. Why is it murders feel clown masks are the way to go? Okay, silly question because the answer is pretty obvious. Clowns. Are. Scary. Another awesome thriller mystery by Armentrout. And as usual I tried to figure out the murderer and though at one point the name crossed my mind, I thought to cross it off. BUT! My instincts were correct but I didn't see the double plot twists that came my way either! Crazy, crazy story. 

After Ella is attacked more girls are disappearing and Ella knows that this isn't the end and that her attacker will be back. With clown masks and dead birds appearing everywhere and the unending of  feeling like she is being watched, Ella feels like her time is running out. Luckily she is not alone. After reconnecting with the boy she has always loved, but who had broken her heart when she was younger, she begins to feel that maybe there is a chance of figuring out what is happening and why. I love Ella and Jensen. Watching them reconnect and finally open up and support one another is beautifully done. Their chemistry is obvious and the the respect for one another's strength is important. 

The mystery and suspense was a great! I was trying so hard to figure out the answers and there were so many twists and turns that made it insane in the best kind of way when it comes to storytelling. JLA doesn't disappoint. And if you liked any of her stuff, you will sure love this one too!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Nephilim Rising Book 1: Unchained by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Unchained (Nephilim Rising, #1)
Nephilim Rising Book 1
Between the pissed off creatures that want demon-hunter Lily Marks dead and the fallen angel who just...wants her, Lily is about ready to trade in forever for a comfy job in a cubicle farm.

The fact that she and Julian are civil to one another is enough to have her thrown out of the Sanctuary, but she can't shake her not-so-angelic stalker or how he brings her dangerously close to ecstasy.

Her forbidden relationship with Julian provides the perfect fuel for suspicion when a traitor is discovered to be working within the Sanctuary. Lily quickly finds herself hunted by well, everyone.

Her only hope is to discover the real traitor before she loses everything--and she'll need Julian's help. That is, if Julian is really there to help her...and not destroy her.

Yeah, being a Nephilim isn't everything it's cracked up to be.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

My first comment, and a very important one at that, is why oh why is there only one book!?!? Released in 2013 and the story has not continued and boy does it need to! When it comes to paranormal Armentrout is queen. Her Lux, Dark Elements, Wicked, Sentinel, and Titan, to name a few (if not all of them), are all crazy awesome when it comes to diving into the paranormal and mythologies and Unchained is right there with them. And oh how I wish there were more to this series! Maybe one day she will continue, because hey it says Nephilim Rising book 1, clearly the story isn't over and by that ending, there are a lot more questions that need to be answered! 

Unchained is a great paranormal new adult romance that turns its mythology toward fallen angels and the nephilim. The world Armentrout has built around them is pretty cool, filled with kick ass warriors, dangerous enemies, and a swoon worthy (Julian) fallen angel. Lily is a strong female character who is the best at what she does. Her job is to hunt down demons created bad the fallen angels who are stirring trouble. However, when the place she calls home has a traitor in there midst, she is determined to find out who it is. Especially when fingers are pointing at her. Though Julian is a Fallen, he has never harmed Lily. He has saved Lily's life before and he won't stop now. Though Lily tries to deny their connection, her defenses don't last long. Because she sees Julian for who he is and not what she has been told by those who taught her about the Nephilim. And Julian sees her as well. To one another, they are Lily and Julian. Not enemies. Not Nephilim. Not Fallen. Another couple of Armentrout's that you can't help loving! Lily knows in her heart that Julian is different and together they must prove who the real traitor is. 

Michael is another key character who discovers that he is actually a Nephilim though how no one has found him until now, is one mystery that needs to be solved.  There are multiple plot lines going on which makes the story super interesting and why I believe there needs to be more. Great book. Will be crossing my fingers that one day it will continue!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Illuminae Files Book 3: Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Obsidio (The Illuminae Files, #3)
Illuminae Files Book 3
Kady, Ezra, Hanna, and Nik narrowly escaped with their lives from the attacks on Heimdall station and now find themselves crammed with 2,000 refugees on the container ship, Mao. With the jump station destroyed and their resources scarce, the only option is to return to Kerenza—but who knows what they'll find seven months after the invasion? 

Meanwhile, Kady's cousin, Asha, survived the initial BeiTech assault and has joined Kerenza's ragtag underground resistance. When Rhys—an old flame from Asha's past—reappears on Kerenza, the two find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. 

With time running out, a final battle will be waged on land and in space, heroes will fall, and hearts will be broken.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Brilliant. Creative. The most interesting series I have ever read. This series has such a unique style to it that even though it may take you a little bit to figure it out, it is worth solving the puzzle. When I first read Illuminae I'll admit, it took me a while to get into the story. I kept wanting to put it down, because the style was so different from anything I read, I couldn't find myself having the motivation to follow it, yet alone understand. BUT! There was something enticing about the story. That even though I was tempted to just stop, I couldn't. I thought if I just kept going a little further it would either start making sense or I would just give up on it entirely. Well, I didn't give up. And I'm so glad I didn't! The format takes some getting used to, but once you figure it out, it's a story that has you hooked. After Illuminae, I breezed through Gemina. And when that was done I was super happy that Obsidio was only a few months away from me, as opposed to my usual year long waits. 

So, Obsidio. A brilliant ending to an awesome trilogy. Kady and Ezra are brought together with Hannah, Nik, and Ella. And we are introduced to two new characters, Asha and Rhys, who will bring together their Illuminae Group. They've fought, lost loved ones along the way, and faced things they never thought they would have to but they have survived anyway. And they are ready to keep on surviving present the files they have collected to find justice against BioTech. A favorite quote that sums up the sacrifice these characters have made: "Live a life worth dying for." With the odds stacked against them, they know that if they are going to make a change, they have to hold nothing back. The love they found with one another isn't just the romance between each of the couples, it's the love of finding those who have become more than friends. They are family.  They were broken and hurting from losing so many loved ones, but they find family in one another. And they are willing to protect each other, no matter what.

With surprises and unsurprises from AIDEN, plot twists you don't see coming, and kick ass characters, Obsidio is just simply amazing. The trilogy is wrapped up with action and adventure and closes with the ending our characters deserve. If you haven't started the series, start it! And for those who have stuck around the ending was worth the wait. 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

More Than We Can Tell by Brigid Kemmerer

More Than We Can Tell (Letters to the Lost, #2)
Sequel to Letters of the Lost
*While this book exists in the same universe as Letters to the Lost, it is a standalone title.*

Rev Fletcher is battling the demons of his past. But with loving adoptive parents by his side, he’s managed to keep them at bay...until he gets a letter from his abusive father and the trauma of his childhood comes hurtling back.

Emma Blue spends her time perfecting the computer game she built from scratch, rather than facing her parents’ crumbling marriage. She can solve any problem with the right code, but when an online troll’s harassment escalates, she’s truly afraid.

When Rev and Emma meet, they both long to lift the burden of their secrets and bond instantly over their shared turmoil. But when their situations turn dangerous, their trust in each other will be tested in ways they never expected. This must-read story will once again have readers falling for Brigid Kemmerer’s emotional storytelling. 



My Review: 5/5 Stars

When we meet Rev in Letters to the Lost I wanted to know more about him and his past. I was thrilled when Kemerer announced More Than We Can Tell and she did not disappoint! Beautifully written with characters who are real and broken. Characters you love and want to know how to mend the parts of them that are broken by their troubled past and their present. We finally get a deeper look at Rev and who he is. Though he is loved deeply by his adoptive parents, what his abusive father put him through as a child as both physical and mental scars. When he meets Emma, a bond is formed to the point where he tells her his secrets that he is currently keeping from his best friend and parents. It's unexpected and it's a spark that leads him on a journey to moving on and truly begin his healing. 

Emma's life isn't perfect. Her parents constantly argue and she found herself hiding from the real world by creating her own online games. She loves coding and designing and wants to be like her father. But the online world can be as dangerous as the real world. Kemmerer dives into the dangers and woes of online strangers and online bullying. Is there always scary situations? Probably not, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's a wake up call and reality check to always be careful and be aware. Emma struggles with dealing with her home life and the a career she hopes to one day pursue. When she meets Rev, she finds someone real and who is willing to listen. 

Emma and Rev learn that it is okay to ask for help and that you shouldn't feel ashamed to. Be fearless. It's a beautiful story that once I picked it up, I couldn't put it down. If you liked Letters to the Lost you will definitely love More Than We Can Tell. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 15.5: Dearest Ivie by J.R. Ward

Dearest Ivie (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #15.5)
Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 15.5

In an exclusive ebook novella set in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, #1 New York Times bestselling author J. R. Ward tells the story of a fiery couple . . . doomed by an undeniable passion.
Features a special preview of J. R. Ward’s upcoming Black Dagger Brotherhood novel, The Thief!
The last place Ivie expects to be approached by a devastatingly handsome male is in a crowded, smoky cigar bar rarely frequented by vampires—yet here he stands. Silas is flirtatious, gallant, and, above all, mysterious. Ivie is anything but. A nurse at the healer’s clinic and the daughter of a biker, Ivie is accustomed to speaking her mind. So she does. Since aristocrats rarely pick up females of her class, Ivie asks Silas just what kind of game he thinks he’s playing.
Despite her guarded exterior, Ivie surrenders to the fierce desire she feels for Silas. And yet, just as their courtship is heating up, he reveals that it cannot last, for he is bound to return to the Old Country. Their bond only deepens as they make the most of their precious time together. But when she learns the truth, Ivie must find a saving grace—before all is lost. . . .


My Review: 5/5 Stars

"If something looks too good to be true, it is." Yeah, Ward took that to it's fullest meaning here. BUT! Despite the rollercoaster Ward took us on in this novella, with the perfect meeting, perfect chemistry, and heartbreak of "I'm leaving and won't return" line, it was not as predictable as it sounds and the rollercoaster that were my emotions, got the ending I wanted and needed. Dearest Ivie is a beautiful edition the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Taking us to some pretty awesome new characters, while sneaking in some familiar ones. Ivie and Silas's story sounds like a fairytale in the beginning. Ivie is such a relatable character. She is not afraid to speak her mind and her honesty is one to appreciate. Accepting that the chance of a male accepting who she is and her demanding job as a nurse, has her believing that she won't waste her time when it comes to love and romance. Enter Silas. He literally turns her world upside down (as corny as that sounds). He accepts her for who she is and loves her honesty. Their connection is strong and has you believing in love at first sight. So what could go wrong? A lot. Because like Ivie says, "If something looks too good to be true, it is." However, Ivie also says sometimes you have to take a chancce. So despite Silas leaving at the end of the month, she risks her heart to spend time with someone who she knows is meant for her. However, there is so much more to his story than she knew. The story is beautiful and has you cheering for these characters to find a solution and their happy ending. If you loved the rest of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, this one will not disappoint you. 

Stonefire Dragons Book 11: Craved by the Dragon by Jessie Donovan

Craved by the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons #11)
Stonefire Dragons Book 11

All non-Irish dragon-shifters are being banished from Ireland, and Brenna Rossi’s only chance to stay with the clan she’s grown to love is to mate one of the Irish dragons—Killian O’Shea. Even though he’s lost his memory and his dragon, she’s drawn to him and looks forward to some no-strings-attached heat between the sheets. However, the more time she spends with him, the more she realizes that maybe she does want a future with Killian. The only question is whether or not there will be one.

Killian O’Shea lost his dragon and his memory. He has no idea who he is or why everyone keeps asking him to remember them. The only person who doesn’t try to change him is Brenna Rossi, which is why he agreed to mate her. But just as he starts to enjoy his new bride, Killian learns that whatever drug had been used on him isn’t finished yet and that maybe there are worse things in the world than losing your memory.

As things deteriorate, Brenna tries to do everything she can to keep Killian whole and sane. But the more she helps him, the more she starts to wonder if she’ll lose the man she’s falling for. Will Brenna and Killian find a way to bring back his memories and dragon? Or, will they forge a new path to be together?



My Review: 5/5 Stars

The eleventh book in the series and it was probably my favorite! When I found out that Brenna and Killian's story was next to be released after the novella Finding the Dragon came out in the fall, I was beyond excited. Because Aiding the Dragon left us with a cliffhanger of what will happen to Killian after his abduction and memories erased? I was looking to forward to his journey on whether or not he would regain his dragon and his memories and it was a story that was told beautifully by Jessie. 

I loved the relationship between Killian and Brenna. Ever since Brenna arrived at Glenough she was attracted to Killian, yet he showed no interest in her. The Killian we met is a hardcore warrior, intent on protecting his family and clan. He is serious and his only focus is on his job. So what happens when he has no memories? For the first time, Killian can focus on himself and what he needs and what he wants to do with his life. And what he is finding to like is Brenna. She is the only one who treats him as a normal person. She isn't pushing him to find his dragon or recover his memories. She takes him as he is and is honest and caring towards him. He appreciates it and begins to really lean toward her, which he has never let himself do with anyone else. 

What was great about this story, besides the building romance and watching these two great characters fall in love, was that we got a very close look of what is inside a dragon-shifter's mind. Killian is on a journey to find himself and his inner dragon once more and the journey is surprising and actually pretty awesome to follow. (I hate spoilers, so I will not being doing that!) 

Another great thing we got in this story was that we got to see some beloved characters once again that we haven't seen in a while. And how they are doing on Stonefire. 

And another surprise the book gave us was another love story! Caitlin O'Shea, Teagan and Killian's mother, in a small sacrifice to help her son regain his memories, she finds love once more with someone from her past. This allows us another look at a different dragon clan. And I instantly loved some of these new characters and hope we get to see more of them! 

We are introduced to a bunch new characters and two of which will be the stars of the next Stonefire book. I'm looking forward to learning more about the Dragon Knights and getting to know more of these new characters. And of course getting to see the old ones as well. Each story in this series gets better and better, and Craved by the Dragon was definitely a favorite, if not my top favorite of this series! Can't wait to see what else Jessie has in store for us. 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Shatter Me Series Book 4: Restore Me by Tahereh Mafi

Restore Me (Shatter Me, #4)
Shatter Me series Book 4
Juliette Ferrars thought she'd won. She took over Sector 45, was named the new Supreme Commander, and now has Warner by her side. But she's still the girl with the ability to kill with a single touch—and now she's got the whole world in the palm of her hand. When tragedy hits, who will she become? Will she be able to control the power she wields and use it for good?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Shattered Me. Unraveled Me. Ignited Me. Restored Me...well not exactly. More like made my heart deliriously happy in the beginning, but like any series brought back and will be continuing for another three books, it has to break your heart and everything you love first. Sigh. Yes, happiness can only last so long. Restore Me is the next installment of what was the Shatter Me trilogy and like it's previous books, despite the pain and heartache of watching characters you love hurting, it is still amazing. 

Warner is given a point of view this time alongside Juliette. And seeing things from his side only makes the book better. We finally get to know his thoughts, his hopes, his fear, his loves. And it is something worth reading. The story picks up shortly where Ignite Me left off. And it is a wake up call and reality check for Juliette. Her actions in Ignite Me, lead to consequences. She learns that just because the bad guy is gone, doesn't mean there will automatically be peace and that everything will fall into place. And if that wasn't bad enough a big secret of Juliette's past is revealed. Something you don't see coming. Or more like somethings, since they were way too many revelations that had not only Juliette's head spinning but mine as well. New characters are introduced and with them comes the beginning of opening up Warner's past as well. We learn so much more about this world that was created by Mafi and we get a deeper look into her characters that make us realize that we didn't know them as well as we thought we did. And though the pain she brings with this story, I have to have hope that things will get better. (I mean we have another two books left! There had to be some real bad before the good, right? Right!?) 

Great great story. Read it all in one sitting. Which was like 3 hours. Kind of nuts when you think about it. But if you loved the previous books, you will enjoy this one! Or at least know and hope that  Mafi will take it easier on our beloved characters in the future!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

An Alpha and Omega Novel Book 5: Burn Bright by Patricia Briggs

Burn Bright (Alpha & Omega, #5; Mercy Thompson World - Complete, #15)
An Alpha and Omega Novel Book 5

In her bestselling Alpha and Omega series, Patricia Briggs “spins tales of werewolves, coyote shifters, and magic and, my, does she do it well” (USATODAY.com). Now mated werewolves Charles Cornick and Anna Latham face a threat like no other–one that lurks too close to home…

They are the wild and the broken. The werewolves too damaged to live safely among their own kind. For their own good, they have been exiled to the outskirts of Aspen Creek, Montana. Close enough to the Marrok’s pack to have its support; far enough away to not cause any harm.

With their Alpha out of the country, Charles and Anna are on call when an SOS comes in from the fae mate of one such wildling. Heading into the mountainous wilderness, they interrupt the abduction of the wolf–but can’t stop blood from being shed. Now Charles and Anna must use their skills–his as enforcer, hers as peacemaker–to track down the attackers, reopening a painful chapter in the past that springs from the darkest magic of the witchborn…


My Review: 5/5 Stars

FINALLY! Charles and Anna are back and the wait was soooo worth it! Back in Montana we get to catch up with these two great characters. Timeline wise, it is just after Mercy's adventure in Silence Fallen. Bran hasn't returned yet and has left Charles in charge. However, not everything is going great. We learn about the wildlings that live on the outskirts of Aspen Creek. The werewolves who are too damaged to live with the rest of the pack. But trouble starts when Charles receives a call from one of the mate of a wildling. It is only the beginning of what starts a downhill motion of more trouble, secrets, danger, and betrayals that you didn't see coming. We get a glimpse of so many characters in this novel other than Anna and Charles as well. Threats are coming from all over werewolves and witches alike. And with every good book the myths and story telling is incredible. A great addition to this series and I look forward to the others. If you loved the past books, this one will not disappoint you. 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Asylums for Magical Threats Book 4: Flare of Promise by Jessie Donovan

Flare of Promise (Asylums for Magical Threats #4)
Asylums for Magical Threats Book 4
Two years ago, Petra Brandt faked her death and broke her fiancĂ©’s heart to save her brother. While she never stopped loving him, she accepted her new life as a mercenary. At least, until the day she learns Will’s life is in danger. Blackmailing a few people along the way to help her, Petra devises a plan to free her former love and save his life. 

After a rogue first-born kills his fiancĂ©e with elemental fire, Dr. William Evans dedicates his life to ridding the world of magic. What he didn’t expect was to develop his own magical ability and become a research subject himself. A strange man offers him a deal for his freedom, and Will takes it. However, his choice reconnects him with the woman he believed to be dead. 

Will and Petra must work together to survive. But can they overcome their past full of lies, secrets, and betrayals? Or will their love only remain a distant memory? 


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Book 4 of the Asylums for Magical Threats and it was awesome! We had met Petra and Will in earlier books so it was really great to have their story told. In order to protect Will from her brother's mistakes, Petra faked her own death and entered a life she wouldn't have chosen for herself. Meanwhile, Will in his grief for losing the love of his life to magic, made it his life mission to get rid of it. When Petra learns that Will's life is in danger she knows she needs to save him. Their reunion only proves that anger can only hold onto you so long when it comes to those you love. They are given a second chance and get to meet some favorite characters like Jaxton and Kiarra. There is also finally the discover of the Earth Talent. And with new information things, we learn more about those with latent abilities and the Talents. 

Though is the last book that was published for this series, at the end in the note to the reader, there is a promise of more stories to come! The journey and story line is definitely not over. And though nothing new has been published since this release, I really hope Jessie Donovan continues this series because it is definitely a favorite of mine by her!