Thursday, February 22, 2024

Charleston Condors Book 4: The Play by Beth Bolden


Charleston Condors Book 4

Last year, defensive end Deacon Harris witnessed the very worst of the Charleston Condors. After everything he and the team went through, he promised himself he’d walk away from football. But before he can retire, the team is sold to the last person he ever expected to see again.

Deacon stays because the Condors are going into major rebuilding mode. New owner. New coach. New players. New rules.

But one rule hasn’t don’t fall in love with the owner of your football team.

Grant might be brilliant and a billionaire, but Deacon only remembers Grant as his tutor in college—and as the one who got away.

In all his dreams about reconnecting, he never imagined that Grant would end up as his boss. Both his downfall, and also his salvation.

Or that they’d be forced into confronting the Condors’ most difficult challenge yet—but that they’d face it together, hand in hand, tackling their critics and proving once and for all that love doesn’t take sides.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

We finally get Deacon and Grant’s book, and it has been a long time coming! We’ve watched these two tiptoe around one another and how every teammate of Deacon’s kept poking him asking him why him and Mr. G aren’t together. Sure, he is the owner of the Condors, but does that truly matter when it is just so obvious how much they care for one another? Well it did. For a while. But times are changing. Deacon is heading close to retirement and holding himself back from being with the one he has always had feelings for is getting harder and harder. Deacon and Grant met many years ago in college. Grant became Deacon’s tutor and for a short while these two developed a huge crush on the other. Though neither knew it at the time. And then life put them on different paths, but neither of them forgot about the other and the chance they missed to try and be something more. And then that time came when Grant bought the Condors. To fix the team that had been treated poorly and so broken, all for the man he once knew and still thought about. Together, they did what they could to make the Condors great again. And they got to spend time with one another after so many years. Falling for each other for real even if they couldn’t cross that line. And it is so satisfying when they finally do! These two are clearly crazy about one another and deserve to be happy. I really loved their story and getting to know these two characters a lot better. A great end to the Condors series!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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