Thursday, January 11, 2024

For Your Love Book 4: For Your Forever by Crea Reitan


For Your Love Book 4

Wishes on a star just don’t come true.

I used to believe in fairy tales, but I’ve kissed far too many frogs that never turn into Prince Charming. The glass slipper never fits. I’m always the ugly step-sibling; never the princess. They’re the same crushing blows every time.

When will you grow out of this phase? 

Why can’t you be normal for once?

This was cute but now you’re just embarrassing me.

Why is it so difficult to accept that I like myself the way I am? With my pretty dresses, pastel tattoos, and sparkly nail polish, I like to feel beautiful.

All I want is my happily ever after. To be cherished and adored and loved for who I am. I desperately want to find my forever person.

Why am I always left with a broken heart instead?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

I will start off by saying that I didn’t read the other books in this series before reading this one. Unusual for me, but I just decided to dive right in. Which after reading, you can totally do! And it just makes you want to read the previous books to get more info on some characters and their story. So this story follow Vulcan! A giant of a man who actually works in a forge like him namesake and is by far the most softest, teddy bear, and sweetest man ever. He loves his colors and being feminine despite his size and appearance and what could be expected from that. And despite being hurt so many times by those he hoped to fall for, he still finds strength to be true to who he is and not hide himself. He may still have some insecurities but he is finally gonna find his person. Or should I say persons. Because only a man with so much love to share has the capacity to give it to more than one man. Luca is the one who finds Vulcan first. And immediately he knows that Vulcan is the missing part of this family he has built. Luca is married to his childhood best friend and love Orson. And their open relationship over the years opened to two more men in their lives Wren and Zvi. They all live together with three cute as anything kids. And though the idea of Luca falling so fast and ready to bring Vulcan to their home may startle them at first, it is clear the moment they meet Vulcan that he is different and that he belongs with them too. This family has such a beautiful dynamic, it is clear the love and respect they all have for one another is true and secure. And when Vulcan is brought in, he can’t help but worry that this is too good to be true and they’ll get sick of him. But bit by bit, they earn his trust and Vulcan finds himself falling for all of them right back. I really adored this story. I couldn’t put it down. You just can’t help but love Vulcan first of all. There is something so sweet and innocent about him that makes you want to love and protect him as much as Luca, Orson, Wren, and Zvi do. And you just want to see him get his happy ending. Such a great story all around!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

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