Saturday, July 29, 2023

Hades & Persephone Book 3.5: A Game of Gods by Scarlett St. Clair


Hades & Persephone Book 3.5

Told in multiple POVs, A Game of Gods is the final installment in the Hades Saga by USA Today Bestselling author Scarlett St. Clair.

Hades, God of the Dead, has finally made Persephone his in every way possible. With their wedding on the horizon, the couple should be ecstatic. But Demeter is wreaking havoc on their bliss by battering the whole of New Greece with erratic and dangerous weather. At the same time, Theseus continues with his agenda against the Gods, allying with the hate-group Triad in an effort to bring down all of Olympus.

Hades refuses to allow anything to stop him from securing Persephone as his bride, but he must play a deep strategic game with the Gods of Olympus to safeguard their future. And it is not entirely clear which Gods are truly on his side.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

It’s been a while since I read the last book in this series, but once I started reading it slowly came back to me. And I almost forgot how much I love this series. And the major cliffhanger that was book 3! This book is book 3 of this series but told in Hades point of view. Along with a few other surprising point of views. I really loved this one. I loved a chance to see what Hades was doing and thinking in this book because he has his own storyline going along while Persephone was doing something else. Though everything will come together for them and what they are fighting, it is still interesting to see what Hades is up to. The other point of view in this is Dionysus. And his was great. We get to see him and Ariadne and the trouble they are getting into as they fight on the same side as Hades. Plus, the romance between them is one you don’t wanna miss. Slow burning and worth the wait as they two figure out the other. Very entertaining. And the last point of view is from one of our villains, Theseus, and let’s just say, I can’t for him to get what is coming to him. That guy has got to go. There isn’t too much I can say without spoilers but another thing I adore about this series is the way the myths are brought in. So many are classics that you know and recognize but then we get some that have quite the twist. Either it hadn’t happened yet in their world or it is about to happen but small twist to make it new. Really love this world and I am beyond excited for the final book for Hades and Persephone! Especially happy that it is coming soon and it will be a dual pov with them. We will definitely need it after seeing where these two characters were left off.

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