Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Guild Hunter Series Book 15: Archangel's Resurrection by Nalini Singh

Archangel's Resurrection (Guild Hunter, #15)
Guild Hunter Book 15

New York Times Bestselling author Nalini Singh takes us into the dangerous, haunting world of archangels…and a love that is legend.

For thousands of years, the passion between Alexander, Archangel of Persia, and Zanaya, Queen of the Nile, burned furious and bright, seemingly without end. But to be an archangel is to be bound to power violent and demanding. Driven by its primal energy, Alexander and Zanaya fought as fiercely as they loved. Locked in an endless cycle of devotion and heartbreak, it is only Zanaya’s decision to Sleep that ends their love story.

Eons later, it is the Cascade of Death that wakens them both. The passion between them a flame that yet burns, Alexander and Zanaya stand together in one last battle against the ultimate darkness. But even a warrior archangel cannot win every war. Alexander’s scream shatters the world as Zanaya falls, broken and silent…only to rise again in a miracle that may be a devastating curse. For is it truly the Queen of the Nile who has been resurrected?

Only one thing is clear: this is the last beat of their passionate, angry dance. The final song for Alexander and his Zani…



My Review: 5/5 Stars

I love diving back into the Guild Hunter world and this one was just another great addition to the series! We follow the epic love story of Archangels, Alexander and Zanaya. Taking us back eons to when they were young and when they first met. We follow their lives as the centuries pass them by and watch the highs and lows of their relationship. A powerful and passionate love, but two angels stubborn in their own rights as they both find their way in the world. When they meet, the years between them are significant. And an imbalance when Alexander becomes an archangel. But the connection between them is instant and undeniable. Yet, patience must guide them in order to truly come together. We get many glimpses of their lives. We see younger versions of those older archangels and ancients and learn of new faces. Their story leads us to the Cascade and Zanaya's injury that forces her to Sleep once more. And then a surprising time jump. Not too bad when I think about it, but still leaves me curious to what could have happened. And when Zanaya rises, she feels something the archangel of death may have left behind. I read this story in a day. I couldn't put it down. It was so interesting to see Alexander's life and the bits and pieces that were mentioned in previous books, now we get more moments of that story. Like Alexander's brother, Osiris and how he changes and how that eventually leads to the creation of a certain chimera we know and love. This book had so much of the past to fill in those blanks of older beings while also giving us a new glimpse of the future about those we have come to love in this series. Such a great series and I cannot wait for the next book!

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