Monday, November 30, 2020

The Four Horsemen Book 3: Famine by Laura Thalassa

Famine (The Four Horsemen, #3)
The Four Horsemen Book 3

They came to earth--Pestilence, War, Famine, Death--four horsemen riding their screaming steeds, racing to the corners of the world. Four horsemen with the power to destroy all of humanity. They came to earth, and they came to end us all.

Ana da Silva always assumed she’d die young, she just never expected it to be at the hands of Famine, the haunting immortal who once spared her life so many years ago. But if the horseman remembers her at all, he must not care, for when she comes face to face with him for the second time in her life, she’s stabbed and left for dead.

Only, she doesn’t quite die.

If there’s one thing Famine is good at, it’s cruelty. And how these blighted bastards deserve it. Try as he might, he can’t forget what they once did to him. But when Ana, a ghost from his past, corners him and promises pain for what he so recently did to her, she and her empty threats captivate him, and he decides to keep her around.

In spite of themselves, Ana and Famine are drawn to each other. But at the end of the day, the two are enemies. Nothing changes that. Not one kind act, not two. And definitely not a few steamy nights. But enemies or reluctant lovers, if they don’t stop themselves soon, heaven will.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this one when I picked it up and even when I started. But it surprised me quickly how much I liked this story. Particularly how much I loved Ana and Famine. Both characters were great. Famine was a surprise. Pestilence and War had said that he was worse than them. And in ways yes, but at the same time I disagree. Famine's awakening was not like Pestilence's and War's. Famine honestly had a right to retaliate humans. Sure, his task (and his brothers' tasks) aren't good for humanity, but Famine is more about balance and I honestly believed he would give them a chance. But, humans showed their worse nature to him. He was captured and tortured for a long time. You can't blame him for believing in the worst of humanity when he was the subject to it. Yet, one human shows him kindness. 

The story starts with Ana being taken to Famine as an offering. Her life isn't an easy one, forced to be a prostitute to survive, she has seen plenty of humanity's worst side. Famine rejects the offering and Ana could see he didn't remember that she saved him first. Next thing she knows she is getting stabbed by his men and left for dead. By some miracle, she survives and her first thought is to get him back. She knows he doesn't die but at this point she doesn't care. Their reunion once more finally sparks remembrance. She had saved him after he was captured and tried to escape. She kept him safe as he healed but when it was all done she couldn't leave with him. Not after the horror she witnessed when his anger of what had been done to him was released. This time, he doesn't let her leave. 

What I loved about the two of them, was first the hilarious banter. Ana is constantly trying to scandalize him or get under his skin. Their chemistry is great. And to me I think Famine is more human than his brothers. He understands the horrors of humanity and wants it to stop but his connection to Ana really brings out a more human side to him. They really understand one another in ways that no one else could. And soon the two of them learn to love one another despite the faults. I loved the ending of them finally getting to where we want them to be, but the ending was WAY different and more exciting than the last two books. Lots of big twists and I said in my last review for War that Thanatos intrigued me. He still does, yet his appearance in this book made me more want to punch him. But I loved where the ending went with this (don't want to spoil!) and I cannot wait to see who will be the one take down Death and show him exactly why his brothers gave up their cause and that humanity may be saved.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Four Horsemen Book 2: War by Laura Thalassa

War (The Four Horsemen, #2)
The Four Horsemen Book 2

They came to earth—Pestilence, War, Famine, Death—four horsemen riding their screaming steeds, racing to the corners of the world. Four horsemen with the power to destroy all of humanity. They came to earth, and they came to end us all.

The day Jerusalem falls, Miriam Elmahdy knows her life is over. Houses are burning, the streets run red with blood, and a traitorous army is massacring every last resident. There is no surviving this, especially not once Miriam catches the eye of War himself. But when the massive and terrifying horseman corners Miriam, he calls her his wife, and instead of killing her, he takes her back to his camp.

Now Miriam faces a terrifying future, one where she watches her world burn town by town, and the one man responsible for it all is her seemingly indestructible “husband”. But there’s another side to him, one that’s gentle and loving and dead set on winning her over, and she might not be strong enough to resist.

However, if there’s one thing Miriam has learned, it’s that love and war cannot coexist. And so she must make the ultimate choice: surrender to War and watch humankind fall, or sacrifice everything and stop him.


My Review: 3.5/5 Stars 

When War comes how can there be any survivors? The second horseman is awake and with him comes, well war. Miriam is trying to survive in what is left of Jerusalem but what she doesn't expect is for War to come so soon. And she truly doesn't expect for him to get one look at her and call her wife. Taken to his camp and on his journey of killing all those in his path, Miriam fights the entire way to stop War from his task. But he is not easily swayed. Even when the two of them begin to fall for one another, despite all the pain that comes along with it. This was a tough story in the sense that Miriam is witnessing this god of war and no matter what she does he cannot be stopped. But she gets hope every small moment where he listens to her and spares someone or something in one way. It's a long and slow burn story. And you wonder what it will take for War to truly put down his sword and end the destruction. Is that even possible? And what would it take? Is love enough? Or is it something greater than that? How does War fight his purpose and nature? Can Miriam show him the way? The horsemen definitely intrigued me and I'm looking forward to the next one. Though, I will say even with small appearances, Death is the most interesting character to me and I look forward to his book when it is finally his turn and as of right not it is not published. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Four Horsemen Book 1: Pestilence by Laura Thalassa

Pestilence (The Four Horsemen, #1)
The Four Horsemen Book 1

They came to earth--Pestilence, War, Famine, Death--four horsemen riding their screaming steeds, racing to the corners of the world. Four horsemen with the power to destroy all of humanity. They came to earth, and they came to end us all.

When Pestilence comes for Sara Burn’s town, one thing is certain: everyone she knows and loves is marked for death. Unless, of course, the angelic-looking horseman is stopped, which is exactly what Sara has in mind when she shoots the unholy beast off his steed.

Too bad no one told her Pestilence can’t be killed.

Now the horseman, very much alive and very pissed off, has taken her prisoner, and he’s eager to make her suffer. Only, the longer she’s with him, the more uncertain she is about his true feelings towards her … and hers towards him.

And now, well, Sara might still be able to save the world, but in order to do so, she'll have to sacrifice her heart in the process.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

What do you do when the four horsemen of the apocalypse come to destroy humanity? Well, if you are Sara you try to kill them. Five years after the initial sighting of the horsemen, only one has made a reappearance is wreaking havoc: Pestilence. The horseman of plagues and disease. When Pestilence reaches Sara's town she draws the short straw to be the one to stay behind and try to kill him. And even as she stares at her target part of her is repulsed with the idea of actually killing. But she knows she has to try even if it goes against her nature. She shoots and shoots again. And even as he begs her to show mercy, she knows she can't. For the sake of humanity, she has to see this through. But even after her attempt that would kill a human ten times over, Pestilence rises healed. And he is not happy. But instead of simply killing her, he takes her as a prisoner to make her suffer. And she does in more ways than one. But the longer they are together the more things slowly shift between them. Can love be the key to stopping Pestilence's plague? Or is humanity just too far gone and not worth saving as this point? I was really hooked to this story. I was so curious to see how these two could possibly fall for one another. It was definitely an enemies to lover scenario. But Sara slowly brings out the humanity in Pestilence. It's easy for someone who doesn't connect to others to destroy them, but to get to know humans? Things change. And Sara slowly sees that just because Pestilence brings plagues doesn't mean he enjoys it. Doesn't mean he has a choice. Or does he? Sara surely thinks so. Great story, and I am looking forward to reading the other books in this series!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Dark Shores Series Book 0.5: Tarnished Empire by Danielle L. Jensen

Tarnished Empire (Dark Shores, #0.5)
Dark Shores Book 0.5


A siege is laid against the last resistance to the Senate’s rule. As the battle rages, a commander, a soldier, and a rebel will decide how far they are willing to go for victory.


Marcus is forced to choose between destroying the rebel forces and liberating his legion. He must face the true cost of being a leader. And an oppressor.


Agrippa sets his sights on glory to fill the deepening void within him. He discovers that the price of fame might not just be paid in blood, it might be paid by his heart.


Silvara joins the rebel forces to fight against the legions who would see her family dead. While she dreams of being a warrior, she finds her sharpest weapon is seduction. But to defeat the Empire, she’ll have to betray the young man who now has her heart.

Inspired by the harsh world of ancient Rome, readers are obsessed with this martial tale of fiery romance, friendship, and enmity. Told from three points of view, TARNISHED EMPIRE is filled with twists you’ll never see coming but will keep you turning the pages all night.

TARNISHED EMPIRE is set in the world of Danielle L. Jensen’s DARK SHORES. But readers new to the world can begin here.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Loved this story! I will say that the other two books in this series were a bit slow in the beginning, but Tarnished Empire definitely was not. We jumped right into the action and this story was fantastic and has me excited for the final book coming out in the near future. This book follows three point of views, Marcus (who we know from Dark Shores), Agrippa, and Silvara, who are both two new characters. And I have to say Agrippa has become one of, if not, my favorite character from this series. He is absolutely hysterical and I was always looking forward to what he was going to say next. But not only that. He is brave, honorable, and loyal as hell to his brothers in the 37th. And though him and Marcus can butt heads a bit, both are still loyal to one another. 

This story follows one of their sieges and everyone is basically put in a horrible position. Marcus is determined to do whatever to protect his men. He'll take the beatings from the horrible leader of the 29th legion, he'll protect his men the best he can even if it means following the law. His goal is to get them out of this siege alive and out of the control of the 29th legion. And when given the opportunity, he knows he has to take it. He'll die before he watches his men be slaughtered. Agrippa is loyal to his men whom he considers his brothers. But being in the place where he was born makes it difficult. He knows he needs to forget but he can't shake it. And then his world is turned upside down when he meets Silvara. Different from any girl he has met, he can't help but be pulled toward her. And all he wants is to protect her and get her out of this place of war. Silvara wants to help her people. But she is never trusted to do anything. She wants to fight but no one will give her a blade. So they send her out to seduce Marcus. Her looks are apparently the only thing she has going for her. But instead of grabbing Marcus's attention, she grabs Agrippa. Put in a terrible position and not knowing what she is doing, she soon realizes that she has genuine feelings for Agrippa. And she is reluctant to hurt or use him. But with the pressure of having to get information from him hounding her, she is constantly battling with herself between the boy she is falling for and the soldier who is trying to take over her home. 

Like I said, I really did love this story. It just gave us another piece of characters we love and new characters to love. I am so excited for the final book of the series because I need more Agrippa especially. Especially with that cliffhanger ending. It will be great to see how everything plays out after all of that. And how everyone ends up connecting to one another. Great story!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Folk of the Air Series Book 3.5: How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories by Holly Black

How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories (The Folk of the Air, #3.5)
The Folk of the Air Book 3.5

An illustrated addition to the New York Times bestselling Folk of Air trilogy, that started with The Cruel Prince, from award-winning author Holly Black.

An irresistible return to the captivating world of Elfhame.

Once upon a time, there was a boy with a wicked tongue.

Before he was a cruel prince or a wicked king, he was a faerie child with a heart of stone. #1 New York Times bestselling author, Holly Black reveals a deeper look into the dramatic life of Elfhame's enigmatic high king, Cardan. This tale includes delicious details of life before The Cruel Prince, an adventure beyond The Queen of Nothing, and familiar moments from The Folk of the Air trilogy, told wholly from Cardan's perspective.

This new installment in the Folk of the Air series is a return to the heart-racing romance, danger, humor, and drama that enchanted readers everywhere. Each chapter is paired with lavish and luminous full-color art, making this the perfect collector's item to be enjoyed by both new audiences and old.


My Review: 5/5 Stars 

I love this series so much and I was so glad to hear that a novella was coming out in Cardan's point of view. How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories is a beautifully illustrated story that takes place after the The Queen of Nothing and lots of moments before. Going back as far as Cardan being a child. What was so intriguing about this book was that it wasn't simply different moments of Cardan's life. It was significant moments that connected and led to the issue that emerges in Cardan's and Jude's lives after the third book. We got to see how those moments shaped Cardan and brought him to where he is today. It was very beautifully done and I loved all of it. I would have loved for it to be longer and to have shown more moments in the trilogy or even a longer story that occurred after the third book, but that wasn't what this one was about and I understood that after I started reading it. A really great book if you enjoyed the previous ones in the series. And with Cardan has the main point of view, it was super neat to be in his head and really get to see what he was thinking as he grew up and how he has changed. Loved it!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Bellamy Creek Book 2: Make Me Yours by Melanie Harlow

Make Me Yours (Bellamy Creek #2)
Bellamy Creek Book 2

He’s my brother’s best friend.

The hot single dad next door.

And one accidental sext later, my massive crush on him is no longer a secret.

It’s my own damn fault. I’m thirty years old, for heaven’s sake. I’m a kindergarten teacher and a (reasonably) responsible adult. I should know better than to get tipsy and draft a fake text listing all the dirty things I wish Officer Cole Mitchell would do to me.

I wasn’t supposed to hit send.

He wasn’t supposed to see it.

And he definitely wasn’t supposed to text back telling me to go on . . .

Because after that, things escalate quickly.

Cole is everything I’ve ever wanted. He’s sexy and protective. A devoted father to his little girl. A dedicated cop the whole town adores. The kind of guy you can trust to keep his hands to himself, even when you’re desperately hoping he won’t.

I’m not the girl he thought he’d end up with, but after all this time, I might finally get the chance to say the words I’ve always dreamed of . . . make me yours.


My Review: 5/5 Stars 

After reading Drive Me Wild I was so excited to read Make Me Yours so I could read Cheyenne and Cole's story! So good! I could not put it down. Cheyenne has been in love with Cole since she was a teenager. But fate took them in different directions for a while. Cole is her brother's best friend and in high school he had a girlfriend who he ended up married to. But tragedy struck when she gave birth to their daughter, Mariah. And since losing his wife, Cole has only ever focused on raising his daughter. But nine years later perhaps it is time for things to change. Things start shifting between the two of them and soon Cole isn't looking at Cheyenne has his best friend's little sister, but as a woman he is very attracted to and may even have feelings for. And after an accidental text that reveals her feelings and a bit more, things take a new turn. But the journey isn't easy. Cole worries about his daughter's reaction and his own buried anxiety bubbles to the surface. And Cheyenne's hope that Cole returning her love will end up being a dream that shatters into a million pieces. I just loved their story. Both of them had their worries and fears, Cole especially, and it was raw and real to watch them climb their way out of it and take a chance on love, happiness, and a new future. I am loving this series and I hope there is more! I definitely spotted what I hope will be the next book. And I can't wait!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

City of the Plague God by Sarwat Chadda

City of the Plague God

Best-selling author Rick Riordan presents CITY OF THE PLAGUE GOD, an adventure based on ancient Mesopotamian mythology written by Sarwat Chadda, author of the Ash Mistry series. Characters from the Epic of Gilgamesh populate this high-stakes contemporary adventure in which all of Manhattan is threatened by the ancient god of plagues.

Thirteen-year-old Sik wants a simple life going to school and helping at his parents' deli in the evenings. But all that is blown to smithereens when Nergal comes looking for him, thinking that Sik holds the secret to eternal life. Turns out Sik is immortal but doesn't know it, and that's about to get him and the entire city into deep, deep trouble.

Sik's not in this alone. He's got Belet, the adopted daughter of Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, on his side, and a former hero named Gilgamesh, who has taken up gardening in Central Park. Now all they have to do is retrieve the Flower of Immortality to save Manhattan from being wiped out by disease. To succeed, they'll have to conquer sly demons, treacherous gods, and their own darkest nightmares.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Each new book from the Rick Riordan Presents imprint just gets better better. Sarwat Chadda's addition of The City of the Plague God is just another great book in this imprint. Sarwat's mythology is Mesopotamian and one that I am not that familiar with but by the end of the story I picked up a lot of it and I would love to know more. This book follows Sik. A kid just trying to do good and help his family at their deli. But everything changes with the god of plagues, Nergal, comes looking for Sik because he believes Sik is in possession of something quite valuable. And when Nergal attacks and Sik's parents get caught in the crossfire and are in comas with a disease Nergal gave them, well it is up to Sik to find the cure and defeat Nergal. But he isn't alone. He has Belet, the adopted of Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, and the goddess herself to help. But even with the help of a goddess it may not be enough to defeat Nergal. Follow Sik has he discovers something about himself that changes everything and as he and his friends fight demons and gods to save New York City! Great book. Lot of fun. And like I said I learned a lot of Mesopotamian mythology along the way. 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Guild Hunters Series Book 13: Archangel's Sun by Nalini Singh

Archangel's Sun (Guild Hunter, #13)
Guild Hunter Series Book 13

A horrifying secret rises in the aftermath of an archangelic war in New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh’s deadly and beautiful Guild Hunter world...

The Archangel of Death and the Archangel of Disease may be gone but their legacy of evil lives on—especially in Africa, where the shambling, rotting creatures called the reborn have gained a glimmer of vicious intelligence.

It is up to Titus, archangel of this vast continent, to stop the reborn from spreading across the world. Titus can’t do it alone, but of the surviving powerful angels and archangels, large numbers are wounded, while the rest are fighting a surge of murderous vampires.

There is no one left…but the Hummingbird. Old, powerful, her mind long a broken kaleidoscope. Now, she must stand at Titus’s side against a tide of death upon a discovery more chilling than any other. For the Archangel of Disease has left them one last terrible gift…


My Review: 5/5 Stars 

First off, so glad I found this book early. I couldn't believe my luck. And it was of course amazing. Titus is a character I loved, despite only seeing him here and there throughout the series. But every encounter you see him, you can't help but love the super loud and friendly, warrior archangel of Africa. And to get his own book? I was super excited. And not only that, but the fact that this book is around Sharine aka the Hummingbird!! Who is another character I adore. And again, you may only see glimpses of her here and there throughout the series, but each moment you can't help but love her. Especially when she really "wakes up" in Archangel's War. But when I look at these two characters, I could not imagine how they would fit together. Truly, total opposites. But that thought comes to an end the moment you pick up Archangel's Sun. Sharine has truly woken up from hiding in her kaleidoscope mind. And to quote her, "doesn't give a shit." She is tired of being broken and is ready to find herself once more. To make her son, Illium, proud. And when she is asked to join Titus in his battle against the reborn, she doesn't hesitate to accept, knowing it is time for her to help others in a new way and find out what she is truly capable. And let me tell you Titus, and the rest of the world, are not ready for Sharine. They expect the quiet and gentle Hummingbird. And Titus is thrown for quite a loop when she is quite the opposite (for the most part). First off, the banter between Titus and Sharine is legendary and the most hilarious thing ever. Titus is put in his place more often than not and ends up with an almost permanent scowl. But he is intrigued by Sharine. He gets to know exactly who she is and it is someone that he can't help fall for, despite what he knew about the Hummingbird. And Sharine is surprised in turn. Titus has a bigger heart than she realized and despite the fact she wanted to be tied to no one, she finds her heart has other plans. And it is a beautiful journey for the two of them to get there. I loved reading how their non-existence relationship turned to a sense of respect and awe. Into genuine friendship and then in to a love that rivals those that we have come to see in this series. They are excellent together and this story was so fun to read. On top of them finding love with one another, they both are charged with ending the reborn and the special surprise that the Archangel of Disease left behind for them. But together, they become quite a team and the no longer existing archangel never stood a chance. Loved this book. Definitely a favorite from this amazing series and I can't wait for more! 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Bellamy Creek Book 1: Drive Me Wild by Melanie Harlow

Drive Me Wild (Bellamy Creek #1)
Bellamy Creek Book 1

When Blair Beaufort literally crashes into Bellamy Creek wearing a ball gown and a tiara, I should have towed her car, said goodnight, and sent her packing.

I’m a mechanic, not a hotel manager. I've got enough on my plate trying to keep my shop from going under, my overbearing mother off my back, and my baseball team in contention for the league championship. I don’t have time for a former debutante with zero street smarts and a cash flow problem, even if she is crazy beautiful.

Problem is, she’s stranded in my small town, and I’m hiding a protective streak underneath my grumpy exterior that runs deep. So I offer her a place to stay and keep my hands to myself.

For exactly one night.

If only she weren't so gorgeous. So funny. So eager to please. She’s a disaster behind the wheel, but she drives me wild without even trying--at work, at home, in the back of my truck . . . I can’t get enough of the way she makes me feel.

But I know better than to think it can last. She wants a fairy tale, and I’m no prince.

So when it comes time for her to leave, there’s nothing I can do but let her go.

No matter how much it hurts to say goodbye.


My Review: 4/5 Stars 

I loved Melanie Harlow's Cloverleigh Farms series and I am glad that I gave Bellamy Creek series a chance too! Especially that we had a tiny bit of a crossover. And I'm all about the crossover series, no matter how small. So one of the great things about this story was the beginning. No better way to kick it off than to have a woman blow out and tire and her knight in shining armor—or mechanic in shining armor—come save the day. Especially when said woman is dressed in a ball gown and tiara. Blair looks like she ran away from the ball or even her wedding, which the town ends up thinking. And if that isn't enough, after Griff, her mechanic in shining armor, offers her a place to crash, well by morning the town is convinced they secretly got married. Hilarious and definitely interesting. Blair decided it was time to turn her life around. After leaving with a few belonging from her privileged life, she heads out to start a new one. Her goal is Cloverleigh Farms. After visiting that places years ago, it was the only place that spoke to her. That is until she accidentally gets stranded in Bellamy Creek. Griff isn't looking for love but he can't help but notice and be attracted to Blair. But he figures get her car fixed up and in return let her fix up his auto shop in exchange. Surely, that will be it and Blair will be on her way out. But neither are ready for the intense chemistry between them and that staying together may be a mistake. Loved their story. It was so fun reading their chemistry and their opposite personalities. And Blair was great because she was so much stronger despite her upbringing. And Griff was just her perfect match. Great story! Can't wait for book two.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Chasing Lucky By Jenn Bennett

Chasing Lucky

Budding photographer Josie Saint-Martin has spent half her life with her single mother, moving from city to city. When they return to her historical New England hometown years later to run the family bookstore, Josie knows it’s not forever. Her dreams are on the opposite coast, and she has a plan to get there.

What she doesn’t plan for is a run-in with the town bad boy, Lucky Karras. Outsider, rebel…and her former childhood best friend. Lucky makes it clear he wants nothing to do with the newly returned Josie. But everything changes after a disastrous pool party, and a poorly executed act of revenge lands Josie in some big-time trouble—with Lucky unexpectedly taking the blame.

Determined to understand why Lucky was so quick to cover for her, Josie discovers that both of them have changed, and that the good boy she once knew now has a dark sense of humor and a smile that makes her heart race. And maybe, just maybe, he’s not quite the brooding bad boy everyone thinks he is…


My Review: 5/5 Stars 

I love Jenn Bennett's books. Always have since I read Alex, Approximately. She has written some of my top favorite contemporary YA romance books and Chasing Lucky is just another great one to add to my favorites. Josie returns home 5 years after her mom ran them out of town in the middle of the night. And what Josie has learned in those 5 years is to keep her head down and don't make attachments. And oh course, remember that the Saint-Martin women are cursed when it comes to love. So never fall in love. But coming back home, means coming back to the boy. Her best friend when she was a kid. The best friend she had to leave behind without saying goodbye. A lot has changed since she last saw Lucky. Her former best friend has a the bad boy rep and it doesn't take too long for Josie to realize that perhaps Lucky isn't the only one who has put up shields. After an incident that Lucky takes the blame for, Josie wants to do what she can to set things right. And she finds herself back with her best friend and perhaps even more. But in a town where gossip is truly the enemy and secrets of her mother's past comes back to haunt them, can she figure out the truth and break her curse? Or will she just be another Saint-Martin to have her heart broken? I loved this story. Josie and Lucky are great characters and their love story had me swooning. There were so many elements and threads in this story, and I couldn't put it down. I wanted to know the truth with Josie's mom's past. I wanted Josie to fall in love with her best friend. I wanted her to break the curse. Such a great book! Loved every moment of it. 

Instant Karma by Marissa Meyer

Instant Karma

In this young adult contemporary romance, a girl is suddenly gifted with the ability to cast instant karma on those around her—both good and bad.

Chronic overachiever Prudence Daniels is always quick to cast judgment on the lazy, rude, and arrogant residents of her coastal town. Her dreams of karmic justice are fulfilled when, after a night out with her friends, she wakes up with the sudden ability to cast instant karma on those around her. Pru giddily makes use of the power, punishing everyone from public vandals to karaoke hecklers, but there is one person on whom her powers consistently backfire: Quint Erickson, her slacker of a lab partner and all-around mortal enemy. Soon, Pru begins to uncover truths about Quint, her peers, and even herself that reveal how thin the line is between virtue and vanity, generosity and greed . . . love and hate.


My Review: 5/5 Stars 

I've loved Marissa Meyer's books since I first read the Lunar Chronicles, then Heartless, followed by the Renegades series. All so great and Instant Karma is just another great one to add to her stunning collection of great stories. This story follows Prudence. Our heroine is a perfectionist, sometimes overachiever, and may at times be a bit quick to judge those in her town. Especially her lab partner, Quint. After Quint and her receive an okay grade by their biology teacher, Prudence is not ready to accept that fate. Instead she will spend the summer trying to get her partner to do the extra credit work with her because that is the only way they will be able to re-submit their project. Too bad Quint has no interesting in helping Prudence. Especially after their catastrophe of being lab partners. But the universe has different plans for them. Especially after a night out and a bump on the head, Prudence wakes up with the ability to cast instant karma on those around her. She believes justice is finally served. But with these powers she learns not all is what it seems. And the biggest discovery for that is Quint. She realizes he isn't what she judged him to be. He spends almost all his time at the sea animal rescue center and soon Prudence finds herself volunteering too. Not just to get her grade back up but because...well she discovers she cares about the place...and Quint. They spend the summer arguing (a lot) but also working together to not jus the help sea creatures but save the center itself as it struggles to keep afloat. 

This book was such a fun read. I zoomed right through it. Prudence and Quint's banter was hysterical but you can't help but root for the two of them to actually get to know the other better. And Prudence's character development was also fantastic. She was definitely this super perfectionist but getting to know Quint more and accepting that perhaps others can do something she can do better really gave her some perspective. It was nice to see her really changing into a better person. And having those karma abilities brought perspective to herself. Overall, such a great book and fun read. There were also some twists and turns in there too that made the story so much more interesting. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Make Up Break Up by Lily Menon


Love, romance, second chances, fairy-tale endings…these are the things Annika Dev believes in. Her app, Make Up, has been called the “Google Translate for failing relationships.”

High efficiency break-ups, flashy start-ups, penthouses, fast cars…these are the things Hudson Craft believes in. His app, Break Up, is known as the “Uber for break-ups.” It’s wildly successful—and anathema to Annika’s life philosophy.

Which wouldn’t be a problem if they’d gone their separate ways after that summer fling in Las Vegas, never to see each other again. Unfortunately for Annika, Hudson’s moving not just into her office building, but into the office right next to hers. And he’ll be competing at the prestigious EPIC investment pitch contest: A contest Annika needs to win if she wants to keep Make Up afloat. As if it’s not bad enough seeing his irritatingly perfect face on magazine covers when her own business is failing. As if knowing he stole her idea and twisted it into something vile—and monumentally more successful—didn’t already make her stomach churn.

As the two rival app developers clash again and again—and again—Annika finds herself drawn into Hudson Craft’s fast-paced, high velocity, utterly shallow world. Only, from up close, he doesn’t seem all that shallow. Could it be that everything she thought about Hudson is completely wrong? Could the creator of Break Up teach her what true love’s really about?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Been looking forward to this book and I'm so glad I got an advanced reader copy! Loved this story, I zipped right through it. Make Up Break Up follows Annika, an awesome heroine who is determined to launch her app idea with her best friend. She believes her app will save relationships between couples who have hit a rough patch. Her app will give them a chance to communicate and have a high success of staying together. Her main inspiration come from her own parents and the idea of second chances. But there is an app starting out there called Break Up and it was started by the one person Annika thought she would never see again. Hudson. It's a battle of wit and business. Annika and Hudson will both be competing in a pitch contest and the winner will receive the back up it needs to launch their business successfully. But even as she prepares, she can't help be drawn back to Hudson. The Hudson she sees now isn't the one she met a year ago. And there are times she catches glimpses of him but he vanishes before she can hold on. And is replaced with someone who created an app that is just the complete opposite of her beliefs. And how can she even entertain the idea of them being something when he is her rival and believes his app is something helpful? But it also doesn't help that Hudson looks at her like no one has ever looked at her before. Her memories of their short time together keeps threatening to resurface and break down the walls she built up so high. I loved Annika and Hudson. Their banter was hilarious and you just want to keeping rooting for them both to find a way to be together. Despite all the challenges that keep coming up. Absolutely loved this story! 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.