Thursday, April 12, 2018

Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 16: The Thief by J.R. Ward

The Thief (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #16)
Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 16
New enemies rise from the shadows in the next novel of the New York Times bestselling paranormal romance series the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Having allied themselves with the Band of Bastards, the Brotherhood is committed now more than ever to eradicating the Lessening Society. Recovering from their most recent battle against the last of the lessers, the Brotherhood comes to realize that the fight against their enemies is far from over. 

Throe, Xcor’s former second in command, is using an ancient tome to summon a new army engineered by a force more dangerous and evil than the Omega. 

And now the brothers of the Black Dagger Brotherhood will be tested both at home and on the battlefield.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Amazing. Awesome. Loved, loved, loved it! Didn't realize how badly I wanted to read Assail's and Sola's story until I actually picked it up and started. I wanted their story, especially that we knew Assail was going through some pretty intense stuff, so I was ready for him to get some happiness and it was so worth the wait! Plus there was a ton more introduced in this book that made The Thief absolutely awesome in my eyes. Not only did we get to see a reunion of Sola and Assail, we got to see Vishous and Jane find their way back to one another, after seriously watching them for the last couple of books drift apart and lose themselves. And we also go more information of Throe and the beginning of his new evil plans and last but not least, we finally get our first real (and I mean real!) look at Murhder. Not much, but enough to let us know that he is finally coming into play. 

Okay! So my breakdown. Like I said the book focuses on our main couple Assail and Sola. And to see Sola bring him back from almost the dead was heartwarming and had me rooting for them to finally get together. But the real problem isn't that they don't love another or are afraid to say it, it's the fact that Assail hasn't told her what he is. And that is eating him alive with guilt because he wants to be honest but one, it's not allowed and two, he knows when he tells her she will most likely leave. 

Meanwhile, Vishous and Jane are not doing too hot. Both have become so distant from one another. Jane is consumed with work and she barely has time to look at her mate. Meanwhile, Vishous has realized that there is this gap between them and has no idea what to do. Neither have ever been good at relationships and they are once more being tested. After a near disaster that threatens their relationship, they both get a serious wake up call. But there is hope! They finally talk (and yell) and face reality. This gives them the push they need to get their relationship back on track and actually be happy. It's a rough start, but I agree with Ward when she has said that we would fall in love with V and Jane all over again. It's true. 

And while all this is happening, Throe has created some shadow creatures that are causing some serious havoc. The Brothers are desperate to figure out a way to stop it and they continue to wonder who the Scribe Virgin has appointed. (And yes, someone finally figures it out! Though not until the real end and if they don't start talking about it in the next book I am going to scream!!) So, so much in this book. I am super pumped for the next one. Which I have no idea who will it be about. Maybe Murhder? Ward had once mentioned that Murhder and Lassiter were getting their own books one day, but is it their time? I think more has to come before Lassiter's, but with Murhder reappearing in the Brothers' lives, maybe it is him? Or someone else. Either way I am pumped! Great series and The Thief was a great addition. 

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