Sunday, May 19, 2024

Wife for Hire Agency Book 4: Reckless Love by Hannah McBride


Wife for Hire Agency Book 4

I’ve always been the good girl. The one who put her family above all else. But now my family is gone, and I’m alone. Penniless and on the verge of utter ruin, I make a reckless choice and decide to hand my fate over to an agency known as Wife for Hire.

It’s not like marrying a stranger can make my life any worse, right?


Because the man waiting for me at the end of the aisle is Warwick Forrester–the man who took everything from my family.

But the more I’m with Wick, the less he seems like a monster. He’s kind, caring, and more than a little obsessed with me in all the right ways.

Maybe this man isn’t my ruin. Maybe he’s my salvation.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Sia has just lost the last of her family and with no choice but to sell her grandfather’s legacy to pay off the debts left behind, she is truly penniless and alone. But her lawyer and friend of her grandfather mentions that she can access her trust fund early if she marries then she can save the charity that her mother had started years before. But with no relationship in sight and never really having been in one before, she doesn’t see how that is possible. Until his tells her about Wife For Hire. An elite agency for those of wealth to arrange marriages. With a high success rate for successful marriages and all safety concerns checked, this is Sia’s only option. But on the day of her wedding she never expects her new husband to be the man who bought her grandfather’s company. Warwick Forrester. She thinks she knows what to expect when she sees him but at every turn Wick proves to be anything but the monster she expected. Perhaps her future will be better than she expected. I adored Sia and Wick! This sweet novella was right up my alley and not gonna lie, I wish the story was longer just to see more of them together. Hannah never lets me down when it comes to her romance stories and characters and this story continues to prove it! 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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