Thursday, September 7, 2023

Black Dagger Brotherhood: Darius by JR Ward


Darius, son of Marklon, isn’t looking for love the night destiny comes to claim him. He’s also not interested in crashing his new car. But when a human woman runs out into the road and he must swerve to avoid killing her...everything goes off course.

Disillusioned by his King’s lack of leadership and the losses in the war against the Lessening Society, Darius finds purpose in protecting a woman he cannot make his own. Love finds a way, however—until the truth of what he is comes out and she leaves him in horror.

Unbeknownst to them both, Anne is carrying his young, a female who is destined to be Queen—and after a tragic reunion, he vows to protect their daughter. Resigned to perpetual sadness, he is determined to serve the memory of his beloved no matter the cost...unless by some miracle, fate sees fit to once again bring them together.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Though we all know how Darius’s story goes, we don’t know the details. We don’t know how he fell in love with Beth’s mom and how the Brotherhood really looked like before Wrath’s book. We don’t know the hard choices Darius had to make. And now we finally do! Darius takes us back to the day he met Beth’s mother, Anne. And how their meeting will change their futures. Destiny comes calling when Anne is running for her life and ends up getting hit by Darius’s car. He takes her to the hospital and the connection between the two is impossible to miss. But things are complicated. He’s a vampire and she’s a human. And at this time there is really no way these two can be together. And we see what exactly pushed these two apart until the night Anne calls Darius once more on her deathbed before giving birth to their daughter. The future Queen. Despite knowing how their story would end, I loved it. Their love story was short but not any less powerful. We get a sweet epilogue that gives us and them closure. And it’s just a story you don’t wanna miss. We hear so much about Darius and only had a brief true glimpse of him before he was gone. This was such a nice way to hear his story and get that final closure. Ward gives us that sweet ending we’ve been looking for.

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