Saturday, March 25, 2023

Night Huntress Series Bones's POV Book 2: Both Feet in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

If you thought you learned more about the dangerous and sexy alpha vampire, Bones, in The Other Half of the Grave, you haven't seen anything yet...

This is Bones, in his own words…

Two hundred years of bounty hunting made Bones the best at what he does, yet it's still taken him four long years to find Cat, the half vampire now known as the "Red Reaper." There's a price on Cat's head, and not even her job as a secret government agent can save her. Only Bones can. But has time hardened Bones too much to love again? Or will his passion for Cat burn through every obstacle—alive, undead, or otherwise—between them?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

It's book two of the Night Huntress series but this time, it's time for Bones to tell the story. And gotta say, being in Bones's pov, it is super entertaining! What I really liked about having this book in his point of view is that we got to see how he was feeling and what he was going through as he searched for Cat and finally made his way back to her after searching for years with no success. We see his heartbreak and his hope and love when they are reunited. We see his determination to never let her go again. It's been a long time since I've read the series so I didn't remember all the details at first. So in a way it felt like reading something almost new, but at the same time bits and pieces came back. And again, being in a new point of view means you get to see a whole other side of a story. There is always more to see and learn. We get the reunion and the trouble with Ian after he meets Cat and is fascinated. And of course the result of this fight. It was super fun to be back in this series. 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


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