Thursday, May 20, 2021

Moo U Hockey Book 9: Snowballed by Melanie Ting

Snowballed (Moo U, #9)
Moo U Hockey Book 9

She needs Prince Farming . . . but she got me instead.

Sure, life’s been easy for me. Growing up in an oceanside house in SoCal, playing top-level college hockey, driving a luxury car with a generous allowance—sounds like the dream, right? Turns out what I didn’t have was freedom. And when I decided to transfer to Moo U for my last year of hockey, my controlling father cut me off.

No money, no car, no friends. I’m just another student struggling to make ends meet. The only place I can afford to live is the Meyers’ farm, where I’ll work in exchange for room and board. Farm work is so exhausting that I don’t even have time to wallow in the crappy turn my life has taken. Zoe Meyers is a hot blonde Amazon with all the energy of a chipmunk on crack. And her positivity is making me realize how lucky I really am, even though I’m broke. Too bad she’s not impressed by a guy who can’t figure out which end of a goat to milk.

Because suddenly I want to impress her. I want to do a lot more with her too . . . if I can get her out of the barn and into my arms.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Another great book in the Moo U Hockey world. Snowballed follows Zoe and Noah. After Noah makes a snap decision to transfer to Moo U to play hockey, everything changes. For one, his dad isn't happy about his decision so in retaliation, he cuts Noah off financially. This leads him to Zoe. Zoe is desperate to keep her farm going despite her mom and brother's protests to sell it. But with her brother moving into the hockey house on campus, she is in desperate help to keep the farm going since she is on the women's hockey team and needs to balance school as well. But she is in luck. Noah accepts the offer to help with the farm in exchange for staying at Zoe's house with her and her mom. Their initial meetings are less than fantastic but over time, they actually get to know one another and something sparks. But neither of their lives are simple. Zoe still holds a lot of feelings and grief after losing her dad. She's never fully healed and has kept her life so busy, she never even had a chance to move on. Noah isn't happy with the rift between him and his dad. He hates fighting with his family and wants things normal. Together, they are what one another needs to get their lives back on track and move on to a happy future. Their story was a slow and steady sweet romance with some bumpy roads that only life can bring in order to reach their happily ever after. Definitely another great addition to this series. 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

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