Friday, May 28, 2021

Hades & Persephone Book 3: A Touch of Malice by Scarlett St. Clair

A Touch of Malice (Hades & Persephone, #3)
Hades & Persephone Book 3

Persephone and Hades are engaged. In retaliation, Demeter summons a snowstorm that cripples New Greece, and refuses to lift the blizzard unless her daughter calls off her engagement.

When the Olympians intervene, Persephone finds her future in the hands of ancient gods, and they are divided. Do they allow Persephone to marry Hades and go to war with Demeter or prohibit their union and take up arms against the God of the Dead?

Nothing is certain but the promise of war.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

The stakes are higher in this latest book of the Hades & Persephone series. Demeter has not taken the announcement well of Hades and Persephone's upcoming marriage. She has summoned a snow storm that is causing a lot of trouble for the mortals. Not only in their deaths but it is stirring the mortal group that has taken more and more dangerous actions against the gods. Persephone and Hades's relationship has come a long way. They are stronger than they were in the past fews books as they learn to trust one another more. Persephone is digging deeper to control her powers because war is coming. Whether it is one with the dangerous mortals or the gods themselves. Everyone must be ready. A lot goes down in this book and to say too much will create a lot of spoilers but I think this has to be the favorite from the series of mine so far. Mostly, because Persephone has come so far from the last books. She learned hard lessons and it is finally sinking with her. She and Hades also have a better sense of communication as well. And there was a lot of romance, action, and twists and turns in this book as well. The ending alone has me demanding book four to come asap. With a crazy cliffhanger like that, I have to know what happens! I'm really glad I found this series and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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