Thursday, April 22, 2021

Witches of the Island Book 1: A Wicked and Beautiful Garden by Katie McGarry

A Wicked and Beautiful Garden: Witches of the Island
Witches of the Island Book 1

Twenty-eight year-old Cassie Strega can’t escape fate.

All she wants is to live a normal, quiet life delivering the babies in her small town. But when she discovers she comes from a lineage of witches, her life becomes extraordinary—in the gravely dangerous type of way.

Then, she’s reunited with her first love.

Orion, the sultry Fae warrior who broke her heart years before, is searching for a baby. Not just any baby, but the queen of the Fae who will one day lead them in their final battle against the demons determined to rule the world. The same baby who has been calling to Cassie for help in her dreams.

Fighting the intense attraction of their former blood bond, Cassie and Orion work together to find the child. But when the heartbreak that nearly destroyed Cassie nine years before looms once more, she’ll have to decide whether getting involved in the supernatural war is worth losing everything, including her life.


My Review: 5/5 Stars 

Different from anything Katie McGarry has written before, she explores not only writing an adult book but one that has a lot of urban fantasy in it. And it was great! The story follows Cassie, a healer who has spent the last 9 years, grieving for the man she loved, working hard to become a nurse and midwife, and handling her empathic abilities after the accident that almost killed her and killed the man she loved. But everything changes when she begins getting visions of a baby not yet born who needs her protection. Not only that, Orion, the man she thought had died, has come back into her life. Not only is she shocked to see him but he has the same goal as her: find the baby. This world they are living is a magical one. Orion is a Fae and Cassie soon learns that she is a witch. And discovering this part of her comes at a cost. One where a lot of Fae and demons want to kill her and there is a curse on her and Orion, which was why he had to leave her all those years ago. So much goes down in this book. We have the complicated love and hate relationship between Cassie and Orion in the sense that Cassie is so angry that he left her behind and how she had been when she was young and thoughtless. But she still has this strong pull to Orion. Meanwhile, it broke Orion to have to leave her but at the time he knew he was being selfish and that he had to let her go to protect her. Their so called curse was one where their futures would lead to pain and suffering and then their deaths. How could they change it? And if their relationship status wasn't complicated enough this magical world they live in has angels, demons, fae, witches, and so many other magical entities. And it boils down to a chess match between God and Lucifer. They are in their final moves, a game that started so, so long ago. And the biggest pieces involve a queen yet to be born to the Fae. A queen that has chosen Cassie to protect her and it is also Orion's duty to protect the Fae queen. If, they can find her before she is born and the demons get them. A lot of info in this book, but overall such a different magical world than what I've read before. McGarry takes so many of those magical elements and crafts them into a world so unique and definitely her own. I loved this story and with an ending like that, I definitely need book two soon!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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