Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Vino & Veritas Book 10: Unguarded by Jay Hogan

Unguarded (Vino & Veritas, #10)
Vino & Veritas Book 10

Another rollicking Vermont romance is coming your way!

I fled Boston, and my cheating jerk of an ex, with three hundred dollars and a lip gloss in my pocket. Waking up the next day in Burlington, Vermont, with a crick in my back and a frozen ass hadn’t exactly been my plan. If there was one. Which there wasn’t. Story of my life.

Three hours later, I’ve somehow got myself hired as temporary help in the local veterinary and grooming clinic. I might know zip about animals—but I do know I’m crushing on the sexy, absent-minded vet I work for.

My life is a hot mess, and the last thing I need is another relationship. Emmett pushes all my buttons, but he isn’t out. He's overwhelmed with a business to run and a son to look after and the kind of domestic life I never thought I wanted.

I should walk away. But Emmett believes in me, and I'm beginning to believe in myself. As different as we are, is it possible we're exactly what the other needs?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Definitely another favorite of mine from this series! I can't believe I'm on book 10 already (and that's knowing I have the next three from this series waiting for me to read them). Our leads in this story are Tai and Emmett. After catching his boyfriend cheating on him (again), Tai has had enough. He doesn't stop to pack, he just gets in his car and drives and ends up in Burlington. With only a couple of hundred dollars in his pocket and no other money (thanks to the jerk of the now ex-boyfriend locking him out of his bank account), Tai needs a plan. Lucky for him, he landed in a pretty great place with some decent people. With the help from Briar from Vino and Veritas, Tai finds a temporary job with the local veterinary who is in desperate need of a receptionist. One look at Emmett though and Tai knows he is in trouble. Emmett is the complete opposite of his jerk of an ex and by the looks Emmett is giving Tai, he knows he isn't the only one feeling the connection. Meanwhile, Emmett hasn't been in a relationship since his wife died a few years back. His focus has been keeping his life together and raising his son. But when Tai enters his life, everything he changes. He feels ready to date again and by date he means only with Tai. But there are some complications. Like the fact that he never told anyone (besides his wife) that he was bisexual. He never meant to hide it, he just fell in love with his wife and that was it. Now, he feels a connection to Tai so similar to his wife. When Emmett falls for someone, he falls hard and fast. A relationship between Tai and Emmett won't be easy, no matter their connection. Tai is still hurting from being treated so poorly by his ex and he wants to make sure he can stand on his own two feet and not take any charity. And Emmett needs to find a way to tell his son about his feelings for Tai. Just a bit complicated. But I loved Emmett and Tai's story. The two of them were such great characters. And we got to see more connections to other characters that we've met in previous books. I couldn't put this book down! You can't help rooting for Emmett and Tai as you read and hoping that they figure out how to be together. Another great book for this series!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

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