Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Ghosts of the Shadow Market Book 5: A Deeper Love by Cassandra Clare & Maureen Johnson

A Deeper Love (Ghosts of the Shadow Market, #5)
Ghosts of the Shadow Market Book 5
It is only three years since Tessa Gray lost her beloved husband William Herondale, and she is searching for a reason to live, trying to find the path of being a warlock with the guidance of her friend Catarina Loss. World War II rains down destruction on their world, and Tessa and Catarina become nurses who make bargains at the Shadow Market for enchantments to help suffering mundanes. But can Brother Zachariah bear to see the woman he loves risk her life, or might he consider breaking sacred vows to save her from loneliness?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Finally a Jem and Tessa story! And it was of course both beautiful and a tad heartbreaking but even better it was hopeful. As bombs are dropped in London Tessa and Catarina become nurses to help others during this war. Helping others is the only way Tessa can cope with losing Will. Her grief is still fresh even though it has been 3 years. But with a love like that, it is expected. Meanwhile, Jem is continuing his search for the Lost Herondale. When Jem is gravelly injured he immediately finds his way to Tessa. Tess and Catarina do whatever they can to save him. Battling for Jem's life, Tessa realizes that she could lose Jem just as she lost Will. Their meeting gives her hope for the future once more. A future where they find a cure for him and he doesn't have to be a Silent Brother no longer, a future where they could be together. They know the chances are slim, but holding onto hope and onto one another is what keeps Tessa from falling in her grief and from Jem losing his humanity. A short story but definitely a favorite. And more answers are revealed that get us closer to following the story of the Lost Herondale and the journey that will one day bring us to Kit. 

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