Monday, May 14, 2018

The Elder Races Book 9.8: Planet Dragos by Thea Harrison

The Elder Races Book 9.8
From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Thea Harrison comes the final novella featuring Pia and Dragos…

Pia’s latest pregnancy has become a daily challenge, her relationship with Dragos strained with argument. That hasn’t stopped them from achieving a compromise and traveling to Las Vegas to celebrate their friend Rune’s wedding to his mate Carling.

From the moment they arrive, the trip goes awry. Death walks in Vegas, and Pia is kidnapped as an ancient enemy makes a move to destroy the Great Beast once and for all.

But the Great Beast has other plans.

On Planet Dragos everything goes the way he arranges it—unless someone decides to cross him, and God help them then, because he doesn’t know how to back down, and he doesn’t ever, ever let up…. 


My Review: 5/5 Stars

The last Dragos and Pia book in their POV and it was truly one of their best. A fast paced read, the story has Pia and Dragos arriving for the wedding of Rune and Carling. Though when it comes to this group, nothing is simple and easy. One of the best parts of this novella was that sooo many characters made an appearance. And important facts from previous novels or novellas, came back here. I always love seeing familiar faces and catching up with other characters, and this novella let us do just that, despite some moments being brief. 

In this story, Pia and Carling are kidnapped by one crazy Elven and their mates and friends are scrambling to get them back. One of the best things (finally!) is whatever the last bit of tension that has existed between Rune and Dragos has finally come to what I believe an official end. So yay to that! This story also has quite the amount of surprises as well. And sorry no spoilers! Trust me, you don't want anything ruined!! But! I will say that the story isn't just a rescue mission. Pia and Dragos also have some decisions to make about their future and it one that is both surprising and very exciting for future books of the Elder Races series. 

I will miss having books in Pia and Dragos point of view, but hopefully they won't be gone forever! Which I don't think they will be. If you loved any of their stories before, this one will not disappoint. It's short, sweet, action, romance, drama, basically a lot goes on for such a small novella, but every moment is great and none of it rushed. Truly a great closing to their story. 

Can't wait for more to come from this world.  

I received an ARC for an honest review.

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