Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Shifters Unbound Book 11.5: Tiger Striped by Jennifer Ashley

Tiger Striped: Shifters Unbound
Shifters Unbound Book 11.5
Tiger … 

The call I must answer … 

I wake in the night, knowing something is wrong. Carly, mate of my heart, is next to me, and I hear my son’s breathing. They are safe. 

But someone, someone cries out with a despair I can’t ignore ... 

Carly won’t let me go alone, and neither will Connor, the cub who will become one of the greatest Shifters of us all—I know this. I see. 

I can’t ignore the call. We take Dylan’s truck and head into the night, on what proves to be the most important mission of my life … 

A novella in the Shifters Unbound series.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Tiger is probably my favorite character in the Shifters universe, so any story with him is a good one! And this one was exactly that. We finally get another Tiger and Carly focused story and though it is short, it was quite the story! Tiger wakes up in the middle of night with a bad feeling. Worse than he has ever had before. He knows someone out there needs his help...and they need it now. Following the instincts that make him who he is, he is out the door and on the road. But not with his mate Carly. Carly has watched Tiger leave on various missions and she refuses to let him step out the door without him this time. And, with someone of my favorite characters, is another favorite: Connor. Connor ends up a stowaway on their rescue mission. And what they find is something completely rocks all their worlds. Super excited to see more stories to come! If you love this series or you simply love Tiger, this is the story for you!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

The Song of Achilles

The legend begins...

Greece in the age of heroes. Patroclus, an awkward young prince, has been exiled to the kingdom of Phthia to be raised in the shadow of King Peleus and his golden son, Achilles. “The best of all the Greeks”—strong, beautiful, and the child of a goddess—Achilles is everything the shamed Patroclus is not. Yet despite their differences, the boys become steadfast companions. Their bond deepens as they grow into young men and become skilled in the arts of war and medicine—much to the displeasure and the fury of Achilles’ mother, Thetis, a cruel sea goddess with a hatred of mortals.

When word comes that Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped, the men of Greece, bound by blood and oath, must lay siege to Troy in her name. Seduced by the promise of a glorious destiny, Achilles joins their cause, and torn between love and fear for his friend, Patroclus follows. Little do they know that the Fates will test them both as never before and demand a terrible sacrifice.

Built on the groundwork of the Iliad, Madeline Miller’s page-turning, profoundly moving, and blisteringly paced retelling of the epic Trojan War marks the launch of a dazzling career.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

As someone who LOVES Greek mythology and majored in Classical Studies, I cannot believe how long it took me to find this book. But man, was it amazing. Though the title is Song of Achilles, it's not just hi story. It's not even in his point of view. Patroclus. This book is Patroclus's story. The story of his life. From the beginning to the end and even beyond it. And well okay, it is also a bit of Achilles story. But really, it's THEIR story. Though Miller remains true to the myths and legends, she also explores another path. An untold story. This book is their story, Patroclus and Achilles. How they met, their friendship, how they lived, how they fell in love, how a love so deep was stronger than anything they faced, and how hard they fought to fight their fates.

This story gives a new view to who Patroclus and Achilles are. It changes your view on these characters for the better. And not just them, for a lot of characters that you've read about in these myths. Going into this story, I wasn't sure what to expect. If you are familiar with their story, you know the ending, and the tragedy of it. But despite knowing their story couldn't end well, it was still a beautifully told story. Patroclus never wanted to fight, he was no warrior. But his love for Achilles had him remaining by his side where that took them. And unfortunately, that took them to the shores of Troy, where it was told Achilles would die. The character development for Patroclus was just amazing to read. If you never thought too much about him before, that will change. He had always seen himself as weak and forgettable, but he is anything but. He finds himself and the confidence to fate for who he loves and what he believes in. And Achilles is shown in a softer light as well. Always the warrior, the arrogant hero. But when he was around Patroclus? Achilles has a heart.

Really, really great book. If you are a fan of Greek mythology, the Trojan War, any of it, I seriously recommend this book. You will not be sorry. It's definitely become one of my favorites.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo

To Kill a Kingdom

Princess Lira is siren royalty and the most lethal of them all. With the hearts of seventeen princes in her collection, she is revered across the sea. Until a twist of fate forces her to kill one of her own. To punish her daughter, the Sea Queen transforms Lira into the one thing they loathe most—a human. Robbed of her song, Lira has until the winter solstice to deliver Prince Elian’s heart to the Sea Queen or remain a human forever.

The ocean is the only place Prince Elian calls home, even though he is heir to the most powerful kingdom in the world. Hunting sirens is more than an unsavory hobby—it’s his calling. When he rescues a drowning woman in the ocean, she’s more than what she appears. She promises to help him find the key to destroying all of sirenkind for good—But can he trust her? And just how many deals will Elian have to barter to eliminate mankind’s greatest enemy?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Sirens, pirates, the ocean, adventures, do I have to say more? To Kill a Kingdom is the perfect book for those who want want to a story that takes place on the sea. It's the perfect pirate adventure filled with danger and twists. Lira is the princess of the sirens. Her mother, the Siren Queen, is one nasty monster. Lira beaten into the shape her mother demanded of her. Lira is known throughout the kingdoms as the Princes' Bane because every year she takes the heart of a prince. Prince Elian is a siren killer. His home is his ship as he travels the ocean to put an end to the sirens that terrorize them. Though they are supposed to be enemies, fate as another idea. After angering her mother, Lira is transformed into a human. Only when she has Elian's heart can she return home. Meanwhile, Elian learns about something that will finally rid the world of sirens. 

The story is intriguing from the beginning to end. It keeps you on your toes all the way through as it switches from Lira and Elian's points of view. Lira and Elian's chemistry and banter is both sparkling and hilarious. The more you learn about them, you are constantly worried when the truth will be revealed on who they are. You root for them to get together and hope that they can look past the lies and deceptions and accept who they have become and not who they once were. Christo's approach to the mythology of sirens is one that is as alluring as sirens themselves. I couldn't put the book down. 

I highly recommend the book for those who love to read about pirates and mysterious creatures of the sea. It has definitely become a favorite of mine!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 5: The Dragon Family by Jessie Donovan

Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 5


**This isn't a standalone story. Please read at least Healed by the Dragon(Stonefire Dragons #4) first. I would highly suggest reading the other books in the Lochguard series as well.**

For Finlay Stewart, being a dragon-shifter clan leader is easy compared to managing his family…

Finn is trying his best to work and protect his clan on little sleep; having triplets is his toughest challenge to date. But with his mate Arabella at his side, he finds a way to manage. However, as things start to spiral out of control with a pregnant cousin, another cousin constantly containing a mate-claim frenzy, and another driving his eight months’ pregnant mate crazy, Finn worries that the clan may think he’s incompetent. So his next mission is to find a way to ensure everyone behaves and toes the line. The only problem is that the MacKenzies are a stubborn lot and Finn may be in over his head. 

Can Finn find a way to get everyone to cooperate? Or, will he have to give up his clan leadership position to someone unrelated to the MacKenzies?

My Review: 5/5 Stars

Loved it!!!! If you love Ara and Finn, then you will love their second story! Especially that is features them and they wonderful triplets, Declan, Grayson, and Freya. And you get to catch up with the rest of the MacKenzie clan. It was the perfect story that covered all of them and their kids (born and unborn) and brought new conflicts, new characters, and teases for future books. There is so much more coming and I am so excited to see where it leads. Sadly, I can't say much without giving anything away, and this is one story where spoilers would be such a shame! But know it is an awesome novella that doesn't fail to bring lots of smiles.

I received an ARC for an honest review. 

Monday, May 14, 2018

The Elder Races Book 9.8: Planet Dragos by Thea Harrison

The Elder Races Book 9.8
From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Thea Harrison comes the final novella featuring Pia and Dragos…

Pia’s latest pregnancy has become a daily challenge, her relationship with Dragos strained with argument. That hasn’t stopped them from achieving a compromise and traveling to Las Vegas to celebrate their friend Rune’s wedding to his mate Carling.

From the moment they arrive, the trip goes awry. Death walks in Vegas, and Pia is kidnapped as an ancient enemy makes a move to destroy the Great Beast once and for all.

But the Great Beast has other plans.

On Planet Dragos everything goes the way he arranges it—unless someone decides to cross him, and God help them then, because he doesn’t know how to back down, and he doesn’t ever, ever let up…. 


My Review: 5/5 Stars

The last Dragos and Pia book in their POV and it was truly one of their best. A fast paced read, the story has Pia and Dragos arriving for the wedding of Rune and Carling. Though when it comes to this group, nothing is simple and easy. One of the best parts of this novella was that sooo many characters made an appearance. And important facts from previous novels or novellas, came back here. I always love seeing familiar faces and catching up with other characters, and this novella let us do just that, despite some moments being brief. 

In this story, Pia and Carling are kidnapped by one crazy Elven and their mates and friends are scrambling to get them back. One of the best things (finally!) is whatever the last bit of tension that has existed between Rune and Dragos has finally come to what I believe an official end. So yay to that! This story also has quite the amount of surprises as well. And sorry no spoilers! Trust me, you don't want anything ruined!! But! I will say that the story isn't just a rescue mission. Pia and Dragos also have some decisions to make about their future and it one that is both surprising and very exciting for future books of the Elder Races series. 

I will miss having books in Pia and Dragos point of view, but hopefully they won't be gone forever! Which I don't think they will be. If you loved any of their stories before, this one will not disappoint. It's short, sweet, action, romance, drama, basically a lot goes on for such a small novella, but every moment is great and none of it rushed. Truly a great closing to their story. 

Can't wait for more to come from this world.  

I received an ARC for an honest review.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Deadman's Cross Book 2: Death Doesn't Bargain by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Death Doesn't Bargain (Deadman's Cross, #2)
Deadman's Cross Book 2
Death Doesn’t Bargain is the second historical fantasy title in New York Times bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Deadman’s Cross series. Where Deadmen tell their tales, and every soul is damned or redeemed by the final choices they make.

The Deadmen are back...

But so are the demons who have broken free of their eternal prison and are bent on mankind's destruction. The worst of the lot is Vine, determined to claim their lives for taking hers. She will see the world burn...and has the perfect lure to destroy them all. One of their own.

Kalder Dupree has never known a day of mercy. Born to the cruelest of mer-races, he sacrificed himself for his crew and is in Vine's hands. He expects no mercy or rescue.

Yet Cameron Jack is determined to set Kalder free. As a Hellchaser, it's her calling, and she cannot allow even a not-so-innocent to be tortured for an act of kindness that spared her damnation.

To defeat evil, it sometimes takes an even worse evil, and Cameron is willing to do whatever she must to make this right. If Vine thought she had her hands full before, she hasn't seen anything nearly as powerful as Cameron's resolve. 


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Back to the seas filled with demons and monsters and of course our favorite pirate crew, the Deadmen. After losing Kalder in the last book, the crew is desperate to get him back. Especially Cameron Jack, who Kalder traded places with in hell to set her free. In this novel we learn more about Kalder and his Myrcian heritage. Which is just another awesome mythology that Kenyon has woven into her world of Dark Hunters. And speaking of Dark Hunters, we get a surprise visit from the leader himself. Acheron appears in the story along with Savitar. What I really loved about this story is that we gain more knowledge of this universe Kenyon created, especially when it comes to the Sephirii and the Malachai and the Source. More secrets are revealed when it comes to these creatures and ideas that constantly appear in her Dark Hunter series and with characters like Thorn, we can start piecing everything together a lot better. This part of the story was just as important as Kalder's and Cameron's. Their relationship is one that started in Deadmen Walking and we see really grow in this story. Another great installment to the series, with yet another cliffhanger that has us wishing the next one wasn't a year away! But when it comes to this pirate crew, I think we can all agree it is worth the wait. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Ghosts of the Shadow Market Book 2: Cast Long Shadows by Cassandra Clare & Sarah Rees Brennan

Cast Long Shadows (Ghosts of the Shadow Market, #2)
Ghosts of the Shadow Market Book 2

Matthew Fairchild is the Consul’s son and the golden-haired boy of the Nephilim. He has the love of his family and his parabatai James Herondale, and nothing to wish for, except excitement and artistry and beauty that do not seem to fit in with a warrior’s way of life. Matthew gets more than he bargained for at the Shadow Market, where he commits the greatest sin of his life—something he can never tell his parabatai, or any of the honorable Shadowhunters around him.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

My precious Matthew Fairchild. Why must all Shadowhunters suffer? You are not a Shadowhuter until something hurts your soul. The second story of Ghosts of the Shadow Market and all it did was make me wish that the Last Hours series was coming way sooner! We get a look at the kids from our heroes from the Infernal Devices and it is shortly after James and Matthew's adventure at the Shadowhunter Academy. In an exchange of horrible words with Alistair Carstairs, Matthew allows Alistair's words to haunt him. Leading to a mistake he will never forgive himself for. One he will keep to himself for he feels he can never tell anyone what he has done. A soul as bright as Matthew's should never be doused, but that is life. I look forward to seeing how Matthew will be in the Last Hours and hopefully get to see his journey of healing and his adventures with his parabatai. 

Moonlight Sins Sale!

Moonlight Sins by Jennifer L. Armentrout

✮  ✮  ✮ HOT SALE ALERT ✮  ✮  ✮

"Both sizzling and touching. If you love atmospheric drama, dangerous family secrets and sensual romance, this is the book for you!" --RT Book Reviews

Moonlight Sins from New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout is $1.99 for a limited time only! 
Don't miss out, grab your copy today! 

Amazon Universal:

New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout delivers the unforgettable story of a woman whose new life has just begun—but may end in murder . . . 
Julia Hughes has always played it safe until she learned a very painful lesson. Now Julia’s starting over with a job in the Louisiana bayou—and a scorching encounter with a stranger, only to discover he’s Lucian de Vincent . . . her new employer. The de Vincent brothers share a massive fortune and a dark reputation. Julia cares for their troubled sister, but a menacing presence in the mansion—and the ever-present temptation of Lucian—prove dangerously distracting. 
Lucian’s grandmother claimed de Vincent men fall in love once—and hard. Apparently, it’s Lucian’s turn. Julia’s compassionate care of his twin makes Lucian want to lay himself bare. But some secrets are better for Julia not to know.
The recent “suicide” of Lucian’s father is the latest in a string of deaths on the estate. Someone is eliminating the de Vincents. And the best way to get to Lucian may be through Julia. . . .

Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Trials of Apollo Book 3: The Burning Maze by Rick Riordan

The Burning Maze (The Trials of Apollo, #3)
The Trials of Apollo Book 3
The formerly glorious god Apollo, cast down to earth in punishment by Zeus, is now an awkward mortal teenager named Lester Papadopoulos. In order to regain his place on Mount Olympus, Lester must restore five Oracles that have gone dark. But he has to achieve this impossible task without having any godly powers and while being duty-bound to a confounding young daughter of Demeter named Meg. Thanks a lot, Dad.

With the help of some demigod friends, Lester managed to survive his first two trials, one at Camp Half-Blood, and one in Indianapolis, where Meg received the Dark Prophecy. The words she uttered while seated on the Throne of Memory revealed that an evil triumvirate of Roman emperors plans to attack Camp Jupiter. While Leo flies ahead on Festus to warn the Roman camp, Lester and Meg must go through the Labyrinth to find the third emperor—and an Oracle who speaks in word puzzles—somewhere in the American Southwest. There is one glimmer of hope in the gloom-filled prophecy: The cloven guide alone the way does know. They will have a satyr companion, and Meg knows just who to call upon. . . .


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Wow. Just wow. Not going to lie, this book had more surprises than I anticipated and not a lot of them were good. Riordan wasn't lying when he made his dedication page say, "To Melpomene, the Muse of Tragedy I hope you are pleased with yourself." That was my first warning. The book as usual is great. Riordan is an incredible writer. But when you get attached to such amazing characters and something happens to them...yeah not so fun. No spoilers here! But prepare yourself for some pretty intense stuff!

Apollo and Meg are back and with the help of some familiar faces they are off to find another Oracle. They enter the Labyrinth with the help of our the wonderful satyr, Grover. And they have the figure out how to get through the Burning Maze to save the Oracle. A third emperor is revealed and he brings along a familiar villain. The riddles and puzzles get harder and there is even more to lose. 

A great story that will keep you on your toes. With more plot twists than I can count, but what else would i expect when we are in a maze of puzzles? Sad that instead of only waiting a year for the next one, it is a year and a half! SO mean after everything that goes down! Hoping for some good things in the next two books!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

A Court of Thorns and Roses Book 3.1: A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas

A Court of Frost and Starlight (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #3.1)
ACOTAR Series Book 3.1

The Winter Solstice. In a week. I was still new enough to being High Lady that I had no idea what my formal role was to be. If we'd have a High Priestess do some odious ceremony, as lanthe had done the year before. A year. Gods, nearly a year since Rhys had called in his bargain, desperate to get me away from the poison of the Spring Court to save me from my despair. Had he been only a minute later, the Mother knew what would have happened. Where I'd now be. Snow swirled and eddied in the garden, catching in the brown fibers of the burlap covering the shrubs My mate who had worked so hard and so selflessly, all without hope that I would ever be with him We had both fought for that love, bled for it. Rhys had died for it.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Brilliant. Absolutely amazing. The perfect bridge between the original trilogy and the books to come. I loved every moment of A Court of Frost and Starlight. I loved that we didn't just get Feyre's and Rhysand's points of views, but a few others as well. The story checks in with our Court of Dreams and what they have been up to sine the end of the war. Nothing has been perfect. There is still trouble on the horizon, but for the most part they have stayed together, because they are a family. Feyre is still learning her role as High Lady but she is also finding more of herself and what she hopes to achieve in her immortal life with her love of her life and mate Rhys. And though not everyone in their family is doing well, it is something that even they cannot fix. 

There were so many amazing parts of this story that will have fans squealing in laughter and joy. In moments hinted and promised and finally seen! I don't want to give anything away because no one deserves this story ruined. A perfect way to close Feyre and Rhysand's point of views, because of course they will still be around. 

Seriously such a great novella with promises of storylines to follow in future books. We may have gotten a hint with the excerpt for the next book to know who the story will follow, but that is not the only story to tell. There is so much still happening in the world of Prythian and I am so excited to see what else is coming!!