Saturday, October 12, 2024

King Sports Book 1: The Backup Plan by Eden Finley


King Sports Book 1


Failing to make it in pro ball left me absolutely devastated. Baseball has been my life, my dream, but it’s time to move on.

Becoming a sports agent was always my backup plan, and now that I’m interning at the biggest queer-focused firm in the country, I’m doing my best not to let my bitterness toward baseball affect my future.

That’s really difficult when I’m assigned to babysit Kelley Afton, hotshot rookie pitcher for Philly. He has everything I ever wanted, and he doesn’t even appreciate it. I didn’t become an agent so I could soothe the ego of diva athletes.

His constant need for validation from others frustrates me to no end, but that’s probably a good thing. Because if he didn’t have that, I’d find him irresistibly my type.

Attraction could lead to crossing lines which would put my position at King Sports in jeopardy, and I can’t have that.

I don’t have a backup for my backup plan.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Thad has only ever had one goal. To play pro in baseball. But when he realizes that his dream isn’t going to come true, he knows it’s time for his backup plan. Becoming a sports agent. He knows this opportunity at King Sports is one he should be grateful for. But the bitterness of losing the dream is hard to deal with when he watches others succeed. Like Kelley. The hotshot rookie player seems to have it all. So when Thad and his fellow intern Brady are asked to babysit Kelley for two weeks to keep him off social media, he can’t help but feel like he is wasting his time with a spoiled kid. But he soon realizes just how much he has let his anger blind him. Kelley deals with a lot of anxiety and it’s hard to maintain it when it feels like he is getting attacked on social media after coming out. And though he doesn’t get Thad’s attitude toward him, they eventually come to an understanding. But things don’t end there because in burying the hatchet, they are left to acknowledge the attraction between them and just how much they have in common. Sparks fly. And they know that Thad’s future could be in jeopardy if they continue to see one another as more than friends. But can they do that when it is clear they are falling hard fast for one another? It’s finally the King Sports era! So glad to be back in this world with so many favorite characters like Damon and Brady. I remember Thad and Kelley from Brady’s book, so I’m glad to see we finally get their story. A fun story for sure and one I couldn’t put down! I loved their dynamic and how they changed and helped one another as they fell in love. Great story and I can’t wait for more!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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