Friday, October 4, 2024

Creepin U Book 4: Penn & Inkubus by Essie Sloane


Creepin U Book 4

You’re formally admitted to Creelin University—known locally as “Creepin U.” The only things wilder than the monster shifters prowling around campus are the spicy male-male love stories unfolding between classes. Penn & Inkubus is book four, starring an Inkubus and his journalist friend who feeds him. Each book is a stand-alone M/M spooky romance, but we hope you enroll in them all.


I'd been curious about monsters my entire life, so when the opportunity to attend Creelin University came my way, I knew I had to take it. And that's where I met him - the most perfect looking human I'd ever seen.

Except that he's not a human. He's an incubus, and we both write on the school paper together. I knew I wanted to get to know him the moment I saw him, and when I noticed he wasn't looking great, I took my opportunity.

I volunteered to be his feeder.

My initial curiosity may be getting sated, but I'm left with more questions every day.


I've always been a little different than everyone else in my family. We're all monsters. We're all the same kind of monster, but unlike them, I don't like having multiple feeders. Which worked for me, until the feeder I'd been using since the hunger awakened was no longer available to me.

When my new friend Penn offered to fill the spot, I almost said no, but I was kind of desperate.

But he's awakening a different kind of hunger in me the more I get to know him.

Penn & Inkubus is a low angst friends to lovers monster romance set at a university where monsters and humans mingle and fall in love.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Penn is another human excited to be part of CU. An aspiring journalist he is excited to be part of the colleges newspaper. If only the editor would give him a chance at an interesting topic. In the meantime, he will try and not be too distracted by his friend and crush, Cam, an incubus. But when Penn starts to notice that something is wrong with Cam, he can’t help but see what is going on. He learns that Cam is in need of a feeder after his left the school to study abroad. And Penn can’t help but volunteer. Cam isn’t like other incubuses. They are known to have more than one feeder, but that is something he has never been able to do. His one and only feeder was his best friend and though they were hooking up to feed Cam in that exchange of energy, they never fell for one another. But now his best friend is gone and he needs to find someone else that he is comfortable with or risk getting sick and in the hospital. And when Penn volunteers, Cam can’t help but feel a little thrilled about it. Especially after he makes sure Penn’s questions are answered and knows what he is signing up for. Penn even gets inspiration to start a series for the paper about incubus and relationships with humans. It’s the beginning of others getting informed about human and monster relationships. As the two begin this exchange, feelings start to develop. While there might be challenges as they figure out a new relationship between them, as long as they have each other it will all work out. I really loved Penn and Cam. It was interesting to see how a relationship between an incubus and a human could work considering an incubus’s abilities. But it worked out in the best way. These two were so sweet! Another great one from this series and I can’t wait for the next one!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

For Puck’s Sake Book 9: Just Winging It by Crea Reitan


For Puck’s Sake Book 9

One weekend can change everything.


I’ve lived a very quiet life, keeping my deepest secrets close to my chest. I let no one in; not even my closest friends. When I’m invited to participate in the All-Star Games, I’m suddenly forced to share a hotel room, and a single bed, with a stranger. My carefully guarded world starts to come undone when he kisses me, and I can’t get enough.

Now one person shares my secret. It’s a relief, really. But just as I’m starting to fall for Lo Duvall, my world implodes. A woman in Philly claims that we hooked up in a club and she’s carrying my baby. Are we over before we can even begin?


Anonymous hookups when I’m on the road are how I manage to keep my personal life private. All I want is to play hockey and keep everything else out of the media. That gets more complicated when I meet the gorgeous Caulder Haines.

Three nights of unfiltered fuckery—that’s what we promise each other. Then we’ll go our separate ways. But by the end of the weekend, I haven’t had enough of this amazing defenseman, and don’t want to say goodbye.

I’ve fallen in love with him.

When an aspiring content creator decides to throw a wrench in my very carefully crafted plans, I know I have to do something to save what I’ve only just realized I want.

I can’t lose Caulder. I just found him. But what can I do to keep him?!


My Review: 5/5 Stars

This latest For Puck’s Sake book has become definitely one of my favorites of the series! It’s Caulder’s book who we have recognized a few times throughout the series. Caulder has kept the secret that he is gay, his entire life. He isn’t ashamed or anything like that but he never wanted to be known as the gay athlete like so many of those around him. He just wants to be known for his skills on the ice. Now he has been invited to All Star’s Weekend, something he may have skipped because of his shy demeanor, but because a friend on his team was invited as well, he goes. But things take a complicated turn when the hotel proves to have messed up a majority of the rooms. He finds himself thrown in a room with Lo, a fellow hockey player and one he doesn’t know. And to make matters more awkward. One bed. (Yep, we get that one bed trope!) But what could prove to be a disaster proves to be the opposite. While he may be worried about being attracted to Lo, there is something about Lo that puts him at ease. And turns out, vice versa. And in a moment where they kiss, Caulder realizes that he can tell Lo his secret. And turns out, Lo has been doing the same thing as Caulder. Except while Lo goes out and does very careful anonymous hook ups, Caulder never lets him be put in any situation like that. He keeps to himself and doesn’t go out. These two have one long weekend together where they can just truly be themselves. And it changes everything. Lo can’t believe the feelings he is having for Caulder. One weekend. One weekend is all it took for him to fall and put an end to thinking he was okay with hook ups. And he is relieved to see Caulder feeling the same. As the two begin to try a secret and long distance relationship, they fall harder each day but of course nothing can run smoothly. But these two will fight and support for one another always. I absolutely loved these two. I loved their dynamic and the way they loved one another. This was definitely a favorite of mine in this series. I couldn’t put their story down! We got to see so many familiar faces and got to know some new characters as well. Getting to know Lo and Caulder was great! Another amazing addition to this series and as always can’t wait for the next one!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Accidental Love Book 4: Just Bromantically Invested by Saxon James


Accidental Love Book 4


My best friend is uptight, gorgeous, the greatest person I know … and I might be a smidge in love with him. Just a small amount. Barely worth the mention.

Which is a stupid choice on my part when the guy is straight.

Starting a landscaping company with him was the perfect mix of doing what I love and an excuse to spend time with him, only it hasn’t completely taken off yet and now he’s telling me he’s lonely.


Apparently having one friend in your life isn’t enough.

So I’m determined to help him find love. With someone other than me. Maybe if I can pull that off, it’ll mean my heart will finally get the message and move on.

Or finish breaking into a hundred pieces.

Same thing, right?


Being besties with an overenthusiastic, gold-hearted, nudist of a man is a challenge sometimes. Madden makes everything sunshine when he’s around.

The problem is that he hasn’t been around as much lately. We work together, sure, but he’s got his roommates and I have … no one. Just him. So I feel the distance acutely.

My one reassurance is that we have work tying us together, but when an old client calls with a proposition for us, it feels like our once solid friendship is unraveling fast.

He wants Madden to help him open a nudist resort, and if Madden’s doing that, he won’t be working with me.

I’m trying not to panic over the thought of losing him, which is a typical, common best friend reaction. Nothing out of the ordinary.

And neither is the way my body has been reacting to him lately.

Everything is totally, completely normal between us.

While there’s still an us at all.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

It’s finally Madden and Penn’s story! Been excited for these two best friends to finally get together. We’ve always known that Madden has been crazy in love with his best friend for years, but has always believed that Penn was straight and would never look at him that way. So Madden has finally decided that he really needs to move on and maybe he can find Penn a girlfriend so it forces Madden to do just that. Especially when Penn reveals that he is lonely. But when Penn makes a friend (who is actually a friend but Madden can’t see that), he jumps in to help but quickly realizes how painful it is. Penn isn’t getting why Madden is so pushy on this subject lately of him finding someone. Truthfully, he just wants Madden. He wants more time with him and gets jealous when he is called to Bertha House more often than not. But then Penn’s eyes are opened. And maybe the feelings he have for Madden are so much more than what he took them for. And though it takes him some time to sort it and do something, he knows that all he wants is Madden. These two were a mess LOL. Poor guys just needed to talk and lay out all their feelings and insecurities. What I actually really loved about them is that even when they do, it isn’t so simple and perfect. They still have lots of work to do when it comes to themselves and what they want outside of one another. But I loved seeing them grow more and find who they are supposed to be all while realizing that they were always meant to be. Another great story in this series! Next is finally Xander’s story and I can just imagine how crazy that one will be!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Creepin U Book 3: Vexing the Viper by Ashley Rayne


Creepin U Book 3

Being a Gorgon in a world predominantly run by humans isn’t easy. Creelin U was supposed to be my sanctuary, the one place I could be myself without the stares and whispers.
Until it wasn’t.
They have officially opened their doors to humans, and now there’s one in particular who seems to get under my skin. A human who’s sunshiny aura has me wondering if I should change my ways. The closer we get, the more I realize my feelings may run more than skin deep. But that’s crazy. Monsters don’t fall for humans.

When I’m offered a scholarship to Creelin U to join the baseball team, I jump at the chance. It has always been an exclusive school for monsters, but this year they’ve let in humans. When I get there, I realize not everyone is okay with the new rules.
Especially if my roommate and his instant hate are anything to go by.
I’m not sure what I did to vex him, but I’ve made it my mission to win him over. As we start spending more time together, I see a different side to Niko, a side that isn’t monstrous at all. The hard part? Trying to make him see me as more than just a human.

*You’re formally admitted to Creelin University, known locally as “Creepin U”. The only things wilder than the monsters prowling around campus are the spicy male-male love stories unfolding between classes. “Vexing the Viper” is book three, starring a grumpy Gorgon, and a hopeful human. Each book is a standalone MM spicy, spooky romance with a HEA, but we hope you enroll in them all.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

I’ve been really enjoying this series so far and this one didn’t disappoint! It’s Niko’s turn. Niko is a gorgon descended from Medusa. His stare turns others to stone. Lucky for him as long as he has his glasses or contacts on, he won’t be turning anyone to stone. Unlike other monsters who have a human form, Niko does not. He is a gorgon at all times. Something he doesn’t love. Not when so many have whispered or given him looks. At CU he has always felt safe being around other monsters. But now CU has invited humans. And he is afraid of the looks he will get. And things are about to change. Especially when him and his best friend get a new human roommate, King. Bad enough that King is their new roommate, one he is attracted to even though he wants to fight it, but King plays baseball for CU and Niko’s dad is the coach. And when his dad asks Niko to tutor, King, well he can’t say no. King is excited to be at CU to not only play baseball but to be around monsters. He is super accepting of them and is glad the school opened up so humans can attend. But what he doesn’t get is why his roommate, Niko, is so against humans. He tries to make nice but doesn’t seem to be working. And it doesn’t help he is attracted to Niko as well. But when Niko needs help, King can’t leave him. And it gives them a chance to really get to know one another. I really loved their story! They were so sweet as they began to fall in love. We’ve had so many interesting characters to so far in this series, and these two were a great addition. I can’t wait for the next one!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.