Monday, July 29, 2024

Windsor Wyoming Book 1: Home for a Cowboy by Amy Aislin


Windsor Wyoming Book 1

Las doesn’t date seasonal workers. Marco’s on a three-month contract.

Lassiter Windsor-March has been planning for his future for as long as he can remember and he knows exactly where that future lies: at his family’s ranch in Wyoming. What doesn’t lie in his future is a summer fling with one of the seasonal workers—they never stick around.

Even if one of those workers is the college crush he’s invited to work a summer job at the ranch.

Marco Terlizzese is as laissez-faire as Las isn’t. He might not know where he’ll be once his contract with Windsor Ranch is up, but he knows three months is plenty of time to get his long-time crush to agree to go out with him.

Amid a starry summer sky, their chemistry ignites as feelings deepen, forcing Las and Marco to decide where they truly belong.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Marco isn’t sure what he wants to do for his future. He has a good chance of playing professional hockey but truthfully, he really doesn’t want to. He graduated with a major he doesn’t intend to use but seeing as he was on a hockey scholarship, it wasn’t like he couldn’t pick nothing. But after graduating he finds himself with a summer job at a ranch after being offered the position by the guy he has been crushing on for years. Could something finally happen between him and Las? And could working at the ranch actually give him the future he has been searching for? Las has had his heart broken before. And he knows inviting Marco to work at his family ranch on a whim was probably a bad idea. And an even more bad idea is to start something with him. His heart belongs to this land. It’s where he wants to be. And he knows a future with someone can only happen if they love this place too and want to stay. And every day he spends with Marco, the more he can’t help falling for him. But what happens when Marco leaves at the end of the summer? These two will have to take a chance if they want to have any sort of future together. I really enjoyed Marco and Las’s story! I loved the setting and how these two just fit so well together and in Windsor. Their chemistry was undeniable and though it took some time, it was worth the wait for both of them when they finally admitted how they felt. Can’t wait to read book two!

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