Saturday, March 25, 2023

Night Huntress Series Bones's POV Book 2: Both Feet in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

If you thought you learned more about the dangerous and sexy alpha vampire, Bones, in The Other Half of the Grave, you haven't seen anything yet...

This is Bones, in his own words…

Two hundred years of bounty hunting made Bones the best at what he does, yet it's still taken him four long years to find Cat, the half vampire now known as the "Red Reaper." There's a price on Cat's head, and not even her job as a secret government agent can save her. Only Bones can. But has time hardened Bones too much to love again? Or will his passion for Cat burn through every obstacle—alive, undead, or otherwise—between them?


My Review: 5/5 Stars

It's book two of the Night Huntress series but this time, it's time for Bones to tell the story. And gotta say, being in Bones's pov, it is super entertaining! What I really liked about having this book in his point of view is that we got to see how he was feeling and what he was going through as he searched for Cat and finally made his way back to her after searching for years with no success. We see his heartbreak and his hope and love when they are reunited. We see his determination to never let her go again. It's been a long time since I've read the series so I didn't remember all the details at first. So in a way it felt like reading something almost new, but at the same time bits and pieces came back. And again, being in a new point of view means you get to see a whole other side of a story. There is always more to see and learn. We get the reunion and the trouble with Ian after he meets Cat and is fascinated. And of course the result of this fight. It was super fun to be back in this series. 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.


Monday, March 20, 2023

The Marked Dragon Prince Book 1: Ruthless Mate by Jen L. Grey

Marked Dragon Prince Book 1

Two dragon princes. Arranged to marry one. Kidnapped by the other.

I’d always hoped to marry for love.

Fate had other plans.

My mundane life gets spun off its axis when my family is threatened.

The price of protection for the people I love?

A forced marriage to a handsome, enigmatic man who holds… dark secrets.

He’s fighting a war I didn’t even know existed.

Thrust into the world of the supernatural, I’m kidnapped by his brother.

And now, I’ve become a pawn in their sinister game.

I shouldn’t be attracted to my captor.

But something about Thorn overpowers my soul and makes me want to forget all the unforgivable things he’s done.

Yet, none of it matters in the end.

I won’t let my family suffer, which means going back to the man I must marry to save them.

Even if it destroys me.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

All Everly wanted to do was go to med school and keep the promise to her mother that she would look after her half-siblings. Even if that meant dealing with her less than welcome stepfather. And when she hears her stepfather owes a lot of money to a powerful man named Drake and if he doesn't come up with the money, he'll take her younger sister as compensation. Unable to live with that, she goes to Drake and tells her to take her instead. If that means marrying a horrible man then so be it. She'll do it to protect her sister. But there is a lot more going on than she realizes. And when she and a woman who was supposed take her to Drake are kidnapped by Thorn, well Everly is about to learn there is a whole world she doesn't know about. Specifically: dragons. And her deal with Drake? Not so simple after all. And then there is Thorn. Her attraction to him is unreal and though she tries to fight it, it's not so easy. Not when she learns the truth about who he is, not when he saves her life and in doing so changes her forever. There is a war brewing in the dragon world and Everly is fight smack in the middle of it. I loved this first book of Jen's new series! I'm so excited to see this new story unfold with dragons and the new set of rules from Jen's other supernatural series. This first book promises romance, danger, and the supernatural in ways we haven't seen yet. Everly and Thorn are a great new pair of heroes and I can't wait to see how their story unfolds.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

Bainbridge Hockey Book 1: Scoring Chance by Andi Burns


Bainbridge Hockey Book 1


Freshman year is going to be my year.

I’m no longer the ugly duckling I used to be. Thanks to a late growth spurt and a nasty puck to the face that knocked my buck teeth right out of my head, I no longer resemble the awkward kid I once was.

As Bainbridge Hockey’s newest center, I’m gonna enjoy every bit of attention the ladies of Bainbridge want to give me.

But I soon find out that looking the part is only half the battle. And if I want to lose my virginity before I make it to the big leagues, I’m going to need to learn the fine art of dating. Or at least how to kiss without being compared to a dying jellyfish. So that means I need help.

But they don’t make tutors for dating. Do they?


Senior year is off to a rough start.

One of my best friends has moved on to grad school, and my other best friend spends all her free time with her boyfriend.

And my boyfriend? Oh, he’s a lying, cheating jerk. I learned that the hard way when I caught him in bed with his wife.

Looking back, it’s clear that my ex lied about everything and I wasted almost a year of my life with him. Dating a professor wasn’t my smartest move, but I’m wiser now, and I’ve made a promise to myself: no more relationships.

So when my friends surprise me at the charity bachelor auction and buy me a date with a hot young hockey player, I’m less than thrilled. I mean, he’s nice to look at, but I’m not in the market for anything more than a hookup.

When our date ends in disaster, the last thing I expect is for Will to ask me for a favor. And what I really don’t expect is to say yes.

Scoring Chance, the first STANDALONE in the Bainbridge University Hockey Series, is a dual POV, full-length novel featuring a feisty heroine and a virgin hero. Will’s got a lot to learn about love, and Mel’s got a thing or two to learn about trust.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Mel is done with dating. She learned her lesson when she dated the ten plus years older her than professor of Bainbridge who swore he was divorced from his wife was most definitely not divorced. She thought this guy was different, but she ignored the warnings and now she is miserable and doesn't trust herself to make any good decisions when it comes to love. What she isn't prepared for though is to be swept up by sweet Will. Will has finally escaped home with his helicopter parents and has a lot of socializing to make up for. A bit too sheltered, he plans to go out and enjoy college. While of course playing hockey and keeping up with his grades. But he soon realizes just how awkward he can be around girls and his confidence is blown to smithereens after one spectacularly failed hook up. He needs help. And lucky for him he meets Mel. Sure, their first date (set up by a friend who thought he was helping) is a disaster, but Will takes a chance and asks Mel to teach him how to date girls. And Mel, well she takes him up on it. Especially when her ex is reaching stalking levels. They'll fake a relationship and help one another out. But it's only a matter of time between the lines blur of what is fake and what is real. And I mean how can it not? Will and Mel have such chemistry! These two were so sweet and right for one another. This was such a fun story. And with so many of the other hockey players making an appearance, it seems Will and Mel aren't the only ones with stories to tell. I can't wait to find out what happens next with everyone! Looks like a great start to this series and I can't wait for the rest. 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Bainbridge University Book 4: Undeniable by Andi Burns

Bainbridge University Book 4

Some things are easy to hide, but some truths are undeniable.


I follow the rules. It’s what I do. In school, at church, on the ice, and definitely at home. Because if I follow all the rules, and do everything exactly the way I’m supposed to, no one will see everything I’m trying so damn hard to hide.

But he sees. No matter how good I think I am at playing it cool, at staying under the radar (gaydar?!), Ian sees me. It’s like he understands my head and my heart better than I do. And I can’t risk that. I can’t risk letting him see who I really am and what I really want.

Because no matter how much I want it, I can’t have it.

But I can’t escape him, either. All of our friends are coupled up, and he’s the TA in my Human Sexuality class. So, the first thing on my to-do list is to drop that class. And the second is stop crushing on Ian McBride.

Undeniable is a full-length M/M romance with a lovable jock, a sexy know-it-all, and lots of steam. It is the fourth inter-connected STANDALONE in the Bainbridge University Series and it follows Uncovered, Unknown, and Uninhibited. They are all standalones, but for the best reader experience, they should be read in order.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

So I have to start off with saying that I'm breaking my rule of reading things in order and reading this one first. And before you think I'm crazy, I have a good reason! Cause I do truly hate reading things out of order LOL. So I received an ARC of Andi Burns's newest book Scoring Chance. I saw hockey and romance and having read her Moo U Hockey book, I jumped for a chance to read it. But after opening I learned that it was part of the Bainbridge University books. And with the book only days away from coming out, I didn't think I would have time to read all of Bainbridge University books before reading Scoring Chance on time before it released. I also chose to at least read book 4 of BU because when I saw the character list in Scoring Chance it mentioned Booker. So I figured I could at least read his story. And reading his story, I could definitely tell I missed things from the previous books, but with the focus on Booker and Ian, I still enjoyed the story and you don't feel lost. You just know that you aren't getting everyone's stories but you don't get too spoiled either. And it also just means I'll have to go back and read the rest later.

So! Now to my review about Booker and Ian's story! Even without their background and cameos I know are definitely in the rest of the series, I still loved their story and felt like I wasn't truly missing anything about them. Booker has been following the rules all his life. Despite the fact that in doing so, he is giving up some of his dreams and who he is along the way. He just doesn't see a way out at the moment or even something worth fighting for to finally be brave and stand up to his awful dad so he can live his life the way he wants. That is, until he finally acknowledges Ian. Ian who has become his friend in the past months and who he is realizing he is very attractive to. Something that hasn't really happened for him. But Ian wakes him up. And once he is awake and ready to finally stop burying who he is, Booker can finally be happy. Ian on the other hand has had a crush on Booker for a while. But never imagined the chance of something happening between them. But when Booker is in the class Ian is TAing in and they start to see one another more and more, Ian's feelings only grow. There are plenty of obstacles along the way. Whether it's outside stuff or just their own inner issues. But these two were just so cute, you can't help but cheer for them. They both grow as people as they fall more and more in love. I loved their story and I definitely want to go back and read previous books. 


Thursday, March 2, 2023

On the Board Book 2: Scoreless Game by Anna Zabo & L.A. Witt

On the Board Book 2

At nearly thirty-one years old, Pittsburgh Griffins captain Elias Karlsson’s hockey years are numbered. Everything is changing around him, including his eleven-year friendship with Nikolai Sidorov. Elias would give anything for Nisha to be a permanent part of his life, but their once bedrock-strong bond has broken into a million pieces, and Elias doesn’t know why. More than anything, Elias wants his friend back, but if that isn’t an option, maybe it’s time for him to look outside of hockey for someone to be there with him when hockey isn’t an option anymore.

Nisha’s world is splintering apart. He’s been in love with his two best friends for years, but now one of them has someone. The other, Elias, is searching for everything Nisha wishes he could give him… but he’s looking for it in anyone but Nisha. The farther his friends slip away, the deeper the loneliness sinks in and the bleaker his empty future looks. What can he do but numb the pain in the only ways he knows how?

On the eve of the season opener, Nisha’s unexplained absence threatens the cohesion of the team and puts him and Elias on a collision course of strong wills, broken hearts, and shattered trust. In the end, they may lose the very thing that matters most to them both: each other.

Scoreless Game is approximately 180,000 words, including a bonus short story. This asexual-pansexual romance is book 2 in the On the Board series.

CW: on-page struggles with alcoholism and binge-drinking, suicidal ideation, toxic family dynamics, acephobia


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Elias and Nisha's story has finally arrived and boy was it a tough one. Not gonna lie, the beginning of this book is rough. Nisha is falling down a rabbit hole and he can't really climb out. He was in love with his two best friends and things are changing to the point where he is having trouble handling it. His one friend, Julien is happy and in a relationship and Nisha is definitely happy for him. How can he not be after everything Julien has been through? And Isaac is the best thing for Julien. But with that can come changes. Then there is Elias. Elias who he has loved for years and though he had feelings for Julien too, Nisha knows and feels that there is something more about Elias that he wants more of. But then Elias says he wants to try to date and Nisha's heart just breaks because he knows Elias doesn't have feelings for him and never will. In addition to this heartache, add is verbal abusive parents, a hockey season about to start with a shaky future, and just so many other things and you understand why Nisha's drinking to feel numb has taken on a whole new level. He pushes away from those he loves because he feels he doesn't deserve them. He is nothing to his own parents, so why would he believe he is something to others? For Elias, he has always loved Nisha but hasn't seen evidence of Nisha feeling the same. Then with a past relationship that went sour when Elias revealed he was ace, it's been hard for him to be who he is without worrying about others reactions. Then when Nisha keeps pushing him away, he can't help but feel like he's done something wrong in their friendship and it's his fault their relationship has been so rocky. The lack of communication between the two of these best friends is insane. If only they were honest from the beginning maybe things would be different. Instead, there is constant pressure and pressure that has been on them and eventually they just finally break. Nisha in more obvious ways but Elias gets a hit of that pain as well. Because it is only a matter of time before that happened. Rock bottom arrives and the good news for them is, you can only go forward from there.
Elias and Nisha's journey back to one another is a long slow burn as they both get the help they need to overcome the destruction and chaos that very nearly broke them for good. But you can't help rooting for them every step of the way. It is so clear how much they love one another, but you have to love yourself and help yourself first in order to be ready for any sort of relationship. These two out in the work and it is a beautiful story. You'll laugh and cry and cheer for these two as they find a way back to one another. I adored these characters and both books of this series so far. And I learned there is another on the way! I can't wait to see where this series goes.