Wednesday, December 6, 2023

For Puck’s Sake Book 3: Lucky Shot by Crea Reitan


For Puck’s Sake Book 3

The entire game can be determined by a lucky shot.


Even a gay athlete has an appearance to uphold. There are a handful out in every sport and while every trashy magazine wants to get the scoop on what the gays are up to, looking for a scandal and a way to ruin us, every one of us is constantly on our best behavior. Acting a certain way; dressing a certain way; speaking a certain way.

If the world knew the real me, it’d shudder. Lace. Pearls. Dresses. Collars. All I want is to be someone’s pretty little doll that they dress up and tell me how pretty I am. I want to be loved for the real me; not the image I’m forced to show to the world just so I can keep my spot on the ice.

The only place I find that escape is in an online role playing game where I can be the sexy femme mage and get my flirt on. Find the man of my dreams.

And I do. He’s a big, hot druid ready to sweep me off my feet. Now if only I could find the courage to tell him who I am and trust that he won’t share it with the rest of the world. I’m not ready to end my career yet.


I’m known for my defensive plays. Aggressive. Precise. Quick. Strong. On the ice, I’m an icon that the world loves to put on a pedestal and worship. I’ve carefully cultivated everything about my public appearance to capitalize on my short career. Considering I’m a noted ‘queer athlete’ - a title that never strays too far from any article - I’m truly living a charmed life.

What the world doesn’t know is that it’s not just my sexuality that makes having a relationship in the spotlight difficult. It’s also because I’m demisexual. Finding someone interested in me and not my jersey or bank balance has proven especially challenging.

So how does someone with a recognizable face the world over find love? If you figure it out, let me know.


My Review: 4/5 Stars

Lix and Noah have known one another for a few years now, but never have gone past pleasantries. Their paths rarely cross despite being both in the NHL. But the two of them are part of a group of players out in the professional sports that meet up every summer on a trip. Though they don’t spend much time together on the trip, they do get a peek at the other just a bit more than what they’ve ever done. However, unknown to them, they end up talking and getting to know one another way more in another way. Both are big fans of an online game and just by coincidence and chance, they meet on the game. This begins a real flirting and get to know another thing. They can be themselves and end up talking about anything and everything. Though they keep their names, faces, and personal details that could give away who they are to themselves. This actually really works for both of them when it comes to falling in love with one another. Lix is demisexual. He needs an emotional connection to really connect and be romantic with someone. Through online, he gets a chance to build that without the pressure. For Noah, he is known for his looks and he cannot stand the way around treats him and is constantly trying to touch or be with him for his physical looks alone. Meeting Lix online means that Lix is falling for Noah just how he is and not what he looks like. These two were just so sweet with one another. And I couldn’t wait until they figured out who the other was and just when they would finally meet face to face! Especially because they have run into one another after talking online too! It was only a matter of time. I really enjoyed their love story. And we were introduced to so many new characters, all of whom I would love a book about! We of course saw some familiar faces as well. I’m really enjoying this series and this is one you definitely don’t want to miss!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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