Sunday, September 25, 2022

Shadow City: Dark Angel Book 3: Dark Prince by Jen L. Grey

Dark Angel Book 3

There's no escaping betrayal.

My life once centered around justice. As a trained warrior for the people of Shadow City, I never questioned what I was taught... until now.

My preordained mate and I are finally on the same side, with our list of enemies growing. All we have learned has changed our very foundation and put a target on both our backs.

A war that has been brewing for over a Millenium is on the horizon. One that could change the course of the Earth forever. It’s up to our friends to find a way to stop it... but Fate has a way of forcing her hand.


My Review: 5/5 Stars

Finally got my hands on this one! And with the last cliffhanger, I couldn't wait to see how things turned out. So this story picks up immediately where the last one ended. Rosemary is cornered by her fellow angels and caught in possession with demon artifacts. Artifacts she found in her family home and knows that must have been planted there. Her only hope was to get them out before her mother was blamed. But she was too late. Now she takes the blame, knowing that it will cost her but her mother's position on the council is too important. Especially when the Princes of Hell are on their way and Azbogah has been up to no good. She'll have to wait until her friends, and her mate, Levi, come for her. However, Levi is currently in Hell on a rescue mission. Though the first thing he does in connect with Rosemary when he returns. Now it will be up to him to convince her that her best shot is to escape and not wait for her name to be cleared. Not with everything going on. Loved this one! Filled with action and so many truths have finally come to light. The story was go, go, go from page one! And with another cliffhanger at the end of this book, I can't wait to get my hands on the final book of Rosemary and Levi's story! You will not want to miss this one! All our characters have come so far and have grown so much. And there is a war on the horizon. One, that will take everything they've got to win. 

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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