Thursday, December 9, 2021

Shadow City Silver Wolf Book 2: Rising Darkness by Jen L. Grey

Rising Darkness (Shadow City: Silver Wolf #2)
Shadow City Silver Wolf Book 2

Fight or flight only works when you know who you're up against.

There's no running from an enemy who is constantly several steps ahead. The best you can do is stand and face them.

Finding my mate should have been a time to rejoice, not the catalyst for disaster. The closer we become, the more danger we find ourselves in.

Shocking revelations and buried secrets surface, only reinforcing the truth that Griffin and I are in big trouble.

One thing is clear, we can’t win if we don’t even know who we’re up against. I’m not quite sure if we’ll be able to make it out alive.


My Review: 4/5 Stars 

The fight only gets more intense for Sterlyn, her mate, Griffin, and their friends. Picking up where the last book left off, Sterlyn is able to escape her kidnapper but isn't able to gain any answers to exactly who is after her. The more she sees the more questions she has. And some answers may lie in her past. She'll go back home to where her parents and packed were slaughtered. But what she finds there is more than she could have imagined. And to get ahead of those who are after her they'll have to come up with a pretty risky plan. One thing you can count on in Jen's book is that our heroines are kick ass women who aren't afraid to stand up for themselves while teaching their mates they are strong and equal to any alpha. Plus the plot twists and cliffhangers that constantly leave with you more questions than answers. One more book left in this series and I'm looking forward to seeing how this story wraps up!

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